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I sat on the seats of Jeju airport, trying to distract myself from anything that had just gone on.

A few hours had passed, and Niki was probably awake, panicking and wondering where the fuck I went. I was at Jeju airport, my flight was supposed to be boarding in just under ten minutes.

Despite all the distractions I tried to force myself to engage in, I had this stuck feeling of grief and pure unmotivation. I didn't want to drag my feet past those gates, nor board that stupid plane.

I wanted to head back to Jeju, maybe enjoy the salty water of the beach a little more, or even order more plates of squid from the restaurants.

All these little things, now that I was about to leave, made me want to just enjoy them a little more thoroughly.


I sighed, reluctantly standing up and pulling out the one-way ticket. I hated every moment of this now. I passed by the gate, heading towards the plane itself now.

Here came the worst dread. I slowed my pace down, a few people from behind me pacing in front. I stared before me, wondering if this was really the choice I wanted to make.

And upon seeing the plane stood there, I just made the ultimate decision to just get in there and sit before I regret my decision even more.

I refused to sit by the window this time, normally I'd eagerly insist to sit by the window, staring at the moving of the plane, and soaring through the sky.

But now, it was just. It was just eh.

I sat staring into space, as the flight attendants explained the basic procedures. And throughout the plane, I just lay my head back, staring at the roof, occasionally on the individual ridges in the plane, and even thinking about what I'd do if the plane crashed.

But no, the plane landed safely, and quicker than I even thought. Before I knew it, I was back at the same bustling and busy Incheon airport.

I stood in the midst of the airport for a second, just wondering what the hell was going on and why I was here anyways. I looked to the floor, swallowing hard and wondering if a ticket to Jeju right now was possible.

"CHA YEOJIN!" A male voice cut me out of my daze, and I gave a light smile, looking up to the figure quickly heading towards me with a bright smile.

He dashed towards me with urgency, a huge smile on his face at the sight of me here. He gave a a small, friendly hug, before holding my luggage for me, the two of us exiting the airport.

"How was the flight? Does it feel good to be back in Seoul?" He asked, his beam so bright and wide, contrary to mine, rather uneasy and guilty.

"I don't know Jinyoung, I really.. don't think this place is for me." I sighed, slowing down a bit and looking behind me just incase, by a miracle Niki would appear.

But no, nobody but random people.

I sighed, looking back towards the front. I feel like Jinyoung understood why I felt weird here, and I knew exactly why too.

"Oh what are you talking about? Come on Yeojin! Look, we'll go across the Han River and you'll see that Seoul is definitely your place. You were born and raised here!" Jinyoung tried to cheer me up, and at his attempts I plastered a fake smile on.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right." My smile was frail, frail but strongly upright at the same time. I felt like if a simple memory of Niki crossed my mind, I'd just start tearing up immediately.

Nonetheless, Jinyoung placed my bags in the back, opening the door to his car for me and hopping in himself.

I guess Cha Yeojin is back in Seoul.

I leant my head on the window, staring at the dozens and dozens of cars on the road, then the huge apartment complexes and glass skyscrapers that reached further than the stars.

The architecture here was rather rough and bold here, compared to the softness and the easygoing structure of Jeju. I fucking hated every second of being here.

There was no salty scent of the sea, nor was there the smell of freshly smoked fish. Nothing, it was just cigarette smoke and the occasional waft of petrol.

I miss you Niki.


guys dont worry it will have a happy ending

anyways i updated YAY

maybe ill update later im not going to school tmrw cuz i cba LOL but i still need to study ugh (jk i love studying this is why im the top student in every subject)

thank u for the support !!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3

i think im also going back to japan mid february (help if you guys didnt know im half japanese) so i feel like during feb, there will be more updates and prob a new fic if i manage to finish this before mid feb

idk why its so hard for me to update nowadays, i know what direction of plot to make but i just cant write - normally it would take me like an hour for like five chapters (for reference i legit wrote like 30 chapters of jasmine all at once in about two and a half hours) but ive literally written two in like an hour and they arent even that interesting..



thank u for reading and the continuous support ugh i love the messages u guys leave me on my board !!! LOVE U ALL FR

see you next update !!!!!!!!!

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now