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Finally, Saeron had woken up. And we were getting ready to leave.

Saeron and Niki were at the front, talking to each other as I quickly scurried out. I reached for the door handle, swinging the door open and about to leave. Just as I was about to take a step down the porch, Niki's grandma called my name.

"Yeojin!" She spoke, directing the attention of both Niki, and Saeron.

I looked at her, wondering what was up.

"Yes?" I made my way back up on the porch, looking at her as she stared at me from the door frame.

"Niki is a really loving boy. When he was young, he was always the one who helped others even when he struggled himself." She looked at me with adoration, I wasn't quite sure why she was telling me this, "Please take care of him."

I looked at her blankly, my heart for some reason, beating a little fast.

"Uh, yes, of course." I nodded, with a light but uncertain smile. She gave a smile, nodding her head gently as I turned around, heading back to the two near the fence.

I swallowed hard as the two talked to each other. 

What was she even talking about? And why only to me?

The perplex seemed to be written evidently on my face, since Niki had to comment on it.

"What's making you think so hard Yeojin?" He asked, looking down at me.

"Huh? Oh, not much, just a little tired." I snapped out of my thoughts, looking up at him as Saeron just stared into my soul.

God, that girl has a problem.

I don't think Niki was convinced by my lie, to be honest, I wouldn't either. But he went with it regardless.

"What did my grandma tell you?" He asked another question, and I was actually not sure what to tell him.

"Oh, she just told me to make sure to not run out in the rain again." I finally made up a convincing lie, well I thought I did, but I still didn't think Niki was convinced by my words.

He just hummed to himself, continuing to talk with Saeron afterwards.

My head was in shambles, and I couldn't organise anything. I wasn't sure whether this was because I was drowsy, or genuinely in a dilemma that seemed impossible to get out of.

As the three of us walked together, I looked at Niki, watching him laugh with Saeron, talk, act so passionate about the things he likes. I looked away.

Did I really like this guy?

He placed his arm around me again, spontaneously. I gave a light jump at his unexpected affection, quickly looking down to the ground as I walked.

"Hey, um, I need to go, real quick." I pointed behind me, the two of them stared at me, clueless and confused. I was still in Niki's clothes, and although it would be odd to just walk around in his clothes, I've done weirder things in this town, this was probably the least of my problems.

Niki furrowed his brows slightly, but wasn't able to say anything before I shot off, walking quickly in the direction we just walked from.

Wow, there is no way I actually like Niki.

I simply didn't want to believe a single word, not at all. I shook my head constantly, in disbelief and refusal to even acknowledge my feelings at this time.

There was honestly no way, his grandma telling me this, and then the way he acts towards me? It could not be.

He's friendly with everyone, he's known all over the neighbourhood, all the grandmas and aunties try and set their granddaughters, children and whatever else up with him. He's just so desired in this place.

I doubt he even shares feelings for me, he's simply nice to everybody.

Somehow, that thought made me feel even worse, the fact that he's not only acting like this to me, but to everybody. Man, this guy is going to make me rip my head off and I still have a while left in this town.

Speaking of which, I was so glad for the sunrise as an excuse last time. I had to think of something to tell him if he'd ask me again, how long was I planning on staying.

God, even this thought of lying to him hurt me, like ouch, I suddenly just felt some big guilt even thinking of lying to Niki. But it was the only option to me.

I didn't want to lose him, but either way, if I told the truth or not, I'd lose him anyways. And if I lied, I guess it'd hurt less in the long term, he wouldn't know I'm not staying forever and enjoy every moment with me.

This felt worse than working that office job in Seoul.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now