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Saeron stared at me, I could feel her hard gaze from behind me, and I wasn't even facing her. The three of us were just under this umbrella, Niki had me almost resting my head on his chest, that's how close we were right now.

"How come you guys are even this wet?" Saeron asked, and I feel like she probably shouldn't of asked that. It may or may not just crush her heart.

"You know, just giving Yeojin the true Jeju Island experience." Niki placed his arm on my shoulder.

I didn't say a word, my heart instead, spoke for me. It was very loud, banging against the jail cell of my chest.

"Hm." Saeron simply hummed, "You should probably stay the night Niki, it doesn't seem like the rain will stop."

We entered the house, and I went straight for the towels, drying my hair first and foremost, then proceeding to change and make way into the livingroom.

Niki was already changed, sat and on his phone, next to Saeron who was just slightly leaning on him, peering at his phone.

I sat on a seperate chair, just on my phone. But as I just scrolled, I couldn't help but notice Saeron and her bizarre, obnoxious actions.

She started to basically crawl over Niki, leaning on his shoulder and gently smacking him while giving a really exaggerated laugh. I tried my best to ignore it, but it just kept getting worse.

"Oh god stop it! Niki you're actually just so--!" She giggled as Niki gave a small smile.



Rigid, loud knocking was heard on my bedroom door, disrupting my sleep. I groaned, turning over and placing the pillow over my head.

The knocks weren't even knocks anymore, they were just full on bangs. I wondered what the hell was going on, it was probably early in the morning, and some motherfucker was playing the drums on my door.

I held the pillow tightly over my head, trying to silence the sound. And eventually, it stopped, the door swung open loudly.

"Get up idiot." Niki's voice came from the front of my room, I gave the loudest groan known to man at his voice.

After realising that I was refusing to get up, he grabbed the pillow away from my head, but not only that, he took the cover off my body. It was cold.

I was very cold.

I got up without any resistance, sitting up with my hair a mess, tired and completely confused. I checked my phone, it was literally 6am, what did this guy want from me?

"What is your problem? Damn, it's six in the morning." I whined, staring at him as he gave a small smile, his eyes meeting mine.

"We're going to Seoul, forgot already?" Niki reminded me, and at this reminder, I faceplanted my bed, giving out fake sobs.

I really didn't want to go. 

I sat up, staring at Niki, with a small, displeased pout on my face. He crossed his arms, raising a brow slightly in fascination. His hair was messy, and to be honest, I have never seen a guy suit blonde more than he did.

Once more, those pink lips of his, and that sharp jawline of his - matched with the spotless, clear skin that shone even in the dark, was just a killer combo with his beautiful blonde hair.

I could honestly see why Saeron was head over heels over this man. Because truthfully, I would be too.

"Already?" I whined, reluctantly standing up and opening my closet door, picking out an outfit.

Niki watched as I sluggishly threw clothes onto the bed, standing there with such an unenthusiastic posture and expression on my face.

"Wow, you seem so excited to go. Be quick, we're leaving soon." Niki chuckled, shutting the door and leaving as I was left with myself and the clothes on my bed.

No way I was coming back to Seoul already, I wanted to leave that place in the past until I had to force myself to come back.

I still had eleven weeks to go, but I guess I had no other option. Unwillingly, I got changed, packing just a few things, since we were only there for like two-ish days, there was no need for such a grand suitcase.

As long as I avoid anywhere near my old life, I will be okay. I kept repeating that in my head, ensuring that I would enjoy myself and not bump into someone who I hate the most.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now