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Yn woke up on the floor not bothered by her stiff back but she was confused as to why she was on the floor and then she remembered the man last night as he just sat with her in comfortable silence as she eventually fell asleep again.
She was convinced that if that man from her dream did show up the stranger would protect her.
She didn't know why she did think that but she did.

She stood up dusting off the pillow and setting it back onto the bed just then realizing the food on the small table as she smiled half and took it to eat on the bed.

And so the days went on she would wake up screaming and crying the man would come comfort her, sometimes he'd tell her stories about his life and sometimes he'd just sit with her in silence.
She even sat next to him one time as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

But whenever she woke up he was not there and she had something to eat left on the table.

He had brought her a pen and notebook too one time.
The rest of the team didn't want to go into her cell really but Steve brought her food at night and thats the most she saw of the Avengers.

She was currently sat on the bed her back against the wall as she drew something.
The door clicked open and she quickly put away the notebook.
Captain America entered.

"So have you remembered anything yet ?" He asked and she thought as her nose scrunched up.
"My name is Yn I think I had a two sisters but I dont remember much sorry" she said quietly looking to the ground.
After she was away from Hydra slowly her thoughts, dreams and emotions had became more her own and not just blank.

"Come with me" he said as she looked up at him confused as he walked out the door waiting for her.
She quickly grabbed her notebook and pen following him quietly down various hallways.

They stopped infront of a door.
"Your going to meet the team okay ?" He said and she nodded.
He oppened the door and in the meeting room sat all the Avengers staring at her.

"Everyone this is Yn" he said as she just stood and waved shyly at them.
Nobody noticed but as soon as Steve said that name Natasha said up a little straighter she knew that name to well but didn't know if it was who she thought it was.
"That is Tony, Bruce, Clint, Sam, Peter, Vision, Wanda, Bucky, Natasha and Im Steve" he said as he pointed to everyone but as soon as she heard the name Natasha her head whipped up as she looked the redhead in the eyes as a memory started to play.

Yn, Yelena and Natasha upside down as they laughed at each other.
Natasha was the oldest as she was 8 Yn was 7 and Yelena was 5.

After Hydra found Yn they sent her to the red room and there she found Natasha and Yelena.
When they all finally had the graduation ceremony she was sent back to Hydra.

"Your gonna fall first sissy" Yelena said to Yn as she laughed.
"No you and Nat will" Yn said as Yelena fell.
"Nuh uh your gonna fall first Ava" Natasha said to Yn.
Ava meant Little bird in a language that Natasha didn't understand yet but she heard it from her mom so she called Yn and Yelena that.

Yn's eyes glossed over as she stood there having this flashback her eyes still on Nat.
Natasha's own eyes had tears in.
"Whats happening ?" Peter asks turning to Bucky and Sam.
"I think she is remembering something" Bucky told Peter as Sam just nodded in agreement.

Yn's flashback was over as she looked at Natasha only one word escaping her lips.
"Tasha?" It was so quiet but Nat heard as she stood up walking to Yn.
Yn dropped her notebook and ran to Natasha as she jumped up and hugged her clinging on for dear life.
"Im here Ava" she whisper quietly.
She cried silently into her sister's shoulder as Nat carried Yn to her room.

Everyone was shocked Clint seemed to realize something, he knew about Yn, Natasha had told him so many stories about her.
The two had not seen each other for over 6 years.

Yn silently still cried as more and more memories started flooding her mind of her Yelena and Natasha.
"Where is Lena ?" Yn asked quietly after about 20 minutes of crying.
All three had names for the other.

"I haven't seen her after I escaped and took down the red room." Nat said quietly.
"So we have been seperated for so long and neither of us knows where she is ?" She asked as more tears streamed down her face.
Nat was sat on her own bed and Yn sat against her as her head was pressed into Nat's shoulder.
She looked up at her and saw Nat was crying too.
Yn hugged Nat tightly not letting go.
Nat hugged her back just as tight neither of them wanting to seperate from the other again.

Back in the meeting room everyone have left to give the two sisters some space as they all went to do their own thing.
Bucky went to the corner of the table as he picked up the notebook she dropped.
It was open on a page with a drawing.
Right before Steve had gone to get Yn she was drawing.

In the page sat a beautifully drawn eye with tears running down it.
Bucky picked it up and closed it as he made his way to Natasha's room.
Yn's cries had calmed down as she fell asleep in Nat's arms.

There was a small knock on the door and Nat silently whispered.
"Come in" Bucky made his way inside quickly realizing that he had to be quiet because she was sleeping.

"I just wanted to give her the notebook back." He said quietly as he looked at Yn a smile spreading over his lips.
She looked so calm as she layed there asleep, he was so busy staring he didn't realise he was holding out the book as he looked at Yn's peaceful face.

"Take a picture it lasts longer" Natasha said as she smiled at Bucky with a knowing look.
He quickly looked away as she motioned to the table with her head.
"Right" he said as he placed the book down and quietly left closing the door behind him.

"Why are you so red" Sam asked laughing as he hit him on the back.
"Shhhhhhh" Bucky said as he looked annoyed at Sam.
"She's sleeping and she doesn't get much sleep so be quiet" Bucky said as Sam just laughed more but keeping it down.
Bucky shooed Sam away as they made their way to the common area.

Natasha eventually fell asleep and she was woken up by another knock on the door.
Yn was still peacefully asleep in her arms.
"Come in" Nat said quietly.
Wanda opened the door immediately looking guilty as she saw Yn asleep.
She quietly walked to Nat.
"Dinner is ready" she said with a soft smile.
"We'll be there in a few minutes thank you Wanda" Nat said and smiled at Wanda as she left.

Nat softly shaked Yn.
"Hey Ava time to wake up." But all Nat got in return was a "mhhh" as Yn slowly opened her eyes to look at Natasha.

"It's real" Yn whispered a soft smile playing at her lips.
"What do you mean ?" Natasha asks curiously.
"I thought me getting you back was just a cruel dream." The muffled reply comes from Yn.

Natasha just smiles fondly at Yn.
"Im here Ava Im here".
After some convincing Natasha got Yn to the kitchen.

Everyone was already seated and there was two open chairs.
Yn and Natasha sat down and evidently so Yn sat down next to Peter

"Hey Yn can I call you that, wait I just realized that you probably have missed out on so much movies and games and music." Peter rambled on and on.
"Hey I could help you catch up, I mean if you'd want to."
Yn smiled at the kid he was really sweet.
From across the table she met Bucky's eyes as she stared at them getting lost in the oceans of blue.
She quickly looked away embarrassed.
"Yeah I'd love to catch up Peter"

"I have a feeling their gonna be great friends." Nat silently whispered to Steve next to her as Steve just laughed at it.

Everybody finished eating and Nat took Yn to her room so she could shower since she didn't have her own room yet.

"Hey you can wear some of my clothes, my Pj's are to the left in the closet you can wear any you'd like." Nat told Yn as she oppened the closet.

Yn looked through it and suddenly screamed in excitement.

"Whats wrong?" Nat asks confused.
"You have My little pony Pj's!" Yn exclaims like a little kid.
Nat just bursts out laughing.
"I remember how much you loved that show as a kid, you can keep them" Nat said smiling as she left the room.

She went to the common area and sat down on the couch next to Steve and Clint.
"Where's Yn ?" Steve asks.
"Freaking out in my room" Nat says unbothered as Clint, Steve and Bucky looks at her in concern.
"Oh relax she just saw that I had My little pony Pj's it was her favorite show as a kid." Nat says and Clint and Steve bursts out laughing as Bucky just smiles to himself he found it very adorable.

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