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"You know you look really beautiful in that dress" Bucky says smiling at her and she averts her focus back to try and get the words out.

"Thank you, you dont look bad yourself." She tells him and like that the two of the kept dancing just completely happy to be with the other one.
"Guys sorry to rain or your parade it's go time" Sam says out of breath as he comes running up.

"Sorry people party has to stop Avengers is needed." Tony says over the speakers and before Yn could even comprehend what is happening Natasha is dragging her away from Bucky.

"What's the mission am I allowed to come ?" Yn bombards Nat with questions.

"Possible bombs in an apartment complex and yes" Nat says still dragging Yn along.
Nat grabs her suit out the closet and an extra one she keeps incase.
"Strip and put that on" Nat instructed and Yn did as told.
"Okay so what are we supposed to do I can't defuse a bomb" Yn says putting on the suit.
"No we are supposed to get the people out of there." Nat says tossing a pair of boots to Yn.

In under 5 minutes they were in the suits and were walking to the roof top.
"Dont we need like weapons or something?" Yn asks as she boards the Quinjet seeing the rest of the team there.
"We have on the jet" Nat says.
"Is everyone here ?" Steve asks and Nat nodded to him.

"Right people we have a serious problem this apartment is rigged with bombs and when we get there it is our job to get all the people out of there untill Tony can figure out a way to stop it." Steve says as Nat hands Yn two pistols and a handful of throwing knifes just incase.

Yn finds all the little pockets the knifes and guns can go and strap into.
The jet ride was very quick and when they landed Steve yanked Yn's arm.
"Here take this and dont take it out okay" Steve says handing Yn an earpiece she nods and goes into the building with the rest.

"Shit" Yn cusses as she realizes where she is.
"Language" Cap says over the coms.
"That old lady lives here" Yn says to Nat and she nods.
"Okay lets start on the top floor" Yn says to Nat as they run their way up the stairs.

They start knocking on every door to wake everyone up.
People was confused and some grumpy for being woken up but as soon as they were told there was bombs they moved quickly.
Yn stops at a familiar door hesitant for only a second but knocks anyway.
She hears some shuffling and the door opens as Miss Cally stands there looking confused.
"Yn dear what are you doing here so late ?" The poor lady asks.
"Im so sorry ma'am there's no time to explain but this apartment complex is rigged with bombs we need everyone up and moving out of the building please.

"Oh my love! My legs cant work that fast."
"Shit" Yn thinks for a moment.
"Bucky you on coms ?" Yn asks thinking quickly of a plan.
"Yeah whats wrong ?" He asks concerned.
"How quickly can you get up to the top floor ?" She asks and there's no response from him as she looks to the woman.

"No problem ma'am just wait here please." Yn says as she quickly makes her way to the next door.
After explaining to them they moved and just as she was about to go to the next door a hand grabs her.

"Whats wrong" Bucky asks scanning her over quickly to make sure she is okay.
"That old lady there can you please pick her up and take her outside she will never make it out in time" Yn asks as she looked to the lady in worry.

Bucky smiles at Yn and nods going over to the lady.
He quickly picked her up and started running with her.
Bucky found it incredibly sweet that Yn cared about everyone.

Everyone had a floor to take care of and soon enough in 4 minutes they had the building almost cleared.
"Tony did you find it yet ?" Steve asks over the coms.
"Yeah but shit Cap I'll never defuse them all in time." Tony said.
Yn was running around doing a check through all of the apartments.

"Is everyone out this thing is about to blow" Tony said his breathing ragged.
"Yes everyone is out." Steve said as more of the team agreed.
But Yn was quiet she heard a kid yell somewhere.

She burst into an apartment building and the cries became louder.
"Is someone there ?" She asks as she quickly took out her earpiece.
"Yes please help mommy and daddy locked me in here." The little girl said.

"Okay stand as far away from the door as you can" Yn said and the kid did so.
Yn busted open the door with her metal arm as she tore it in two seeing the girl in a corner on the bed.

"Come here" she says as the girl did and Yn picker her small form up and cradled her in her arms.
She quickly put her earpiece in as she heard Tony counting.
"4 3 2 1" it all went in slow motion as Yn looked at the kid and looked at the window.

It was a very high apartment building probably like 10 stories.
Yn hit the window with her arm as she jumped.
The force of the explosion shooting them further than she anticipated.
Yn held on to the girl very tightly as she crashed with her back into the next building and they fell from 10 stories high as Yn's back hit a car down below.

She layed there in pain the team was all talking hurriedly as she just uttered one word.
"Help" Yn said.
Only two people heard Bucky and Natasha.
Yn was on the side of the building so Nat sprinted one way and Bucky the other.
Bucky found her first.

"Tony we need an assistance here immediately" Bucky said his voice wavering.
"Yn she fell from the top floor" He said his hands shaking badly.
Yn oppened her eyes smiling weakly at Bucky.
"Dont.. let her parents get ...her they locked her in .. the building." Yn said to Bucky as she coughed blood.
Bucky's eyes never left Yn as he took the girl but he nodded.

Tony was there as he gently picked Yn up and flew her to the jet.
Bucky had the girl in his arms as he ran to the jet too.
Yn was quickly put on a table as Bruce started scanning her over.
He could atleast tell she wasn't going to be paralyzed but she had a few broken ribs by his guess and definitely a broken arm.

Bucky borded the jet with the girl in his arms she was crying.
Nat looked at him with confusion as she came over.
"Where is her parents?" Nat asked.
Bucky shrugged as he looked at her just as confused.
"Yn said not to let the girl's parents get her because they locked her in a room and left her there Im guessing if Yn didn't hear the girl or saved her she would've been" he stopped himself as the girl was still in his arms.

Nat nodded taking the girl from his arms.
"Get me the med kit." She instructed as he did so and oppened it as Nat sat the girl on one of the seats.
"Where does it hurt love ?" Nat asked as the girl showed her, her right arm where a tiny piece of glass was stuck.

Nat quickly took some antiseptic and with one quick motion pulled the little shard out as she cleaned the wound and wrapped it with a bandage.
"What's your name ?" Nat asks smiling sweetly at the girl.
"Mama and Papa calls me mistake" the girl says and Nat's face turned stone cold.
"Are you sleepy ?" Nat asks and the girl shakes her head.
She quickly jumps of the seat as she walks to Bucky who is standing at Yn's side.
She softly taps his leg as he turns around and crouches infront of her.

"Yes love ?" He asks smiling softly at her.
"Can I play with your hair it looks so cool!" She exclaims a smile starting to form on her face.
He just laugh at her and nods as he picks her up and puts her down on a seat as he sits infront of her on the floor.
She tugs and turns his hair and at some point he has no idea what she is doing anymore but it helped take his mind off of Yn.

They quickly came back to the compound as they took Yn to the medical room Bucky picked the girl up as she looked to be getting tired as she started dozing of in his arms.
He went and laid her gently on Yn's bed he didn't think his room was the best place.
But he was so worried about Yn and if she was gonna be okay...

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