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Yn had slowly made her way over to one of the chairs and Bucky helped her sit down.
"Pancakes ?" Bucky asks sliding a plate closer.
Yn smiled gratefully at him she was starving.

Little Tia was sat on Yn's lap as her half eaten plate got pushed closer by Bucky too.

She giggled as Yn made a smiley face with syrup on her pancakes.
"How old are you Tia ?" Yn asks as she starts digging into her plate.
"11 I think mama and papa had told me once that I was born on the 28 September." Tia says thinking hard as her little nose scrunched up.

Yn nodded as she offered Tia a bite of pancakes and Tia giggled as she ate it.

These two sat and giggled as they ate in each other's company.
Bucky just watched with a smile.
She nodded him over and he was confused but complied.

She made him bend down to her level as she whispered something to him.
"Can you please go prepare the bathtub in my room with luke warm water I want her to have a bath sothat I can clean her wounds after okay" Bucky nodded and went on his way.

"Hey sis why are you out of bed ?" Nat asks as she hugs Yn from behind.
Yn can't help but smile.
"Because someone had to take care of Tia" Yn said and smiled at Nat who sat down next to her.

"Tia is that her name ?" Nat asks not sure how to feel.
"Yeah she gave me the name" Tia says excitedly as she had wayyy to much energy.

Yn and Nat only smiled at each other.
"Nat can I ask you a favor ?" Yn said seriously as she looked back to her sister.
"Ofcourse you can Yn" Nat reassured with a smile.
"Could you maybe please go to the shops real quick and get her some clothes I want to give her a bath" Yn said and smiled thankfully as Nat nodded.

"Sure thing, what's your favorite colour princess ?" Nat asks turning her focus to Tia.
"Orange!" Tia exclaims with a smile and Nat sticks her tongue out at Tia.
The little girl burst out into giggles.

Nat stands up walking to the door in the kitchen.
"Sam!!!" She yells and not even a minute later they hear footsteps.
"Yes, yes what'd I do, it wasn't me!" Sam yelled.
He was secretly scared Natasha would beat him up.
"Nothing idiot Im going shopping you coming with ?" She asks and he nods.

After they leave Yn takes a wet cloth cleaning little Tia's mouth.
With every wipe on her little mouth she giggles and Yn just smiles lovingly at the little girl.
Wanda comes into the kitchen watching the sweet scene unfolding infront of her.

"Hey Im glad to see your doing beter " Wanda says sitting down on previously Nat's chair.
"Yeah, Im a super soldier too so I heal fast" Yn says and Wanda looks at Yn in sympathy.
"Need any help with the little one ?" Wanda asks with a smile.

"Yes please I wanna give her a bath but as you see I can't happen." Yn says showing Wanda her metal arm and her broken arm in a cast.
"Say no more" Wanda says as she picks up Tia with her magic as the little girl giggles the whole way.

They make their way to Yn's room just as Bucky exits smiling when he saw them.
"The bath is all set up." He says and leaves.

Wanda and Yn go into the bathroom with Tia as they help the little girl take a bath well mostly Wanda.

"So Yn since your a super soldier how long would your arm take to heal if your back healed so quickly"
Wanda asks curiously as she is busy still washing Tia's hair.

"Well my back is not completely healed yet it's just healed to the point where it is bare able to walk around. My arm would probably take about a week maybe two." Yn says trying to think when was the last time she broke something.

A knock on the door broke Yn from her train of thoughts.
She went to her bedroom door and oppened it to find Sam and Natasha.
"Thanks Sam but girls only for now" she said with a smile as he pouted.
"I wanna gossip too" he complained as he walked away.

Nat put the bags down on Yn's bed as Yn looked through them.
Nat had bought little Tia alot of clothes.
Even a pretty little orange dress with butterflies on.

Yn peaked through the bathroom door to see Wanda drying Tia's hair.
"Hey Tia what do you think about this ?" Yn asked as she showed the girl the dress.

The little girl squeaked in excitement so Yn set the dress and a pair of black boots down on the counter.

Nat and Yn went through the clothes and Yn put them all into her closet as Tia was most probably gonna sleep in Yn's room.

When Yn turned around Nat held a phone out to Yn.
"And the phone ?" She asks suspicious.
"It's yours Tony said you needed one ao we got you one" Nat said with a smile and Yn hugged her.
"Thank you so much for everything sis"
"Your welcome."
Wanda exited from the bathroom and Tia looked so excited in her new little orange dress and black boots.

"Mom !" Tia yelled running to Yn.
Yn was taken aback and froze when Tia said that.
"Hunny Im not your mother" Yn said as her eyes started to water.
"You saved me and gave me a name and you got me a pretty dress so you are my mom, my real mommy never did that" Tia said as she burried her face into Yn's shoulder.

Yn felt a tear roll down her cheek as she thanked the girls and walked out with Tia in her arms.
"Want to go show Bucky ?" Yn asked as Tia nodded.
"Yeah I wanna see dad" Tia said and Yn looked at Tia shocked once again.
"Why do you call him dad baby ?" Yn asked as Tia smiled at her.
"Because my real daddy never cooked food with me and never slept next to me he only ever hit me and metal man didn't so now I call him dad." Tia said excitedly.
"I have a new mommy and daddy this is the best thing ever." Tia exclaimed as Yn walked into the kitchen where Bucky was cleaning the mess from earlier.

"Daddy!" Tia said as yn put her down and ran straight into Bucky's arms.
Bucky picked her up with a smile on his face.
"Wanna go outside princess? Bucky asked her and she nodded as all of them made their way outside Tia played happily on the grass with a toy that Nat had also bought for her.

"So why is she calling me dad ?" Bucky asks confused.
"I dont know she called me mom but she said that we did things her real parents never did and that she got a new mommy and daddy now." Yn said her eyes never leaving Tia.

"Well as long as that little girl is safe and happy I dont mind being her new dad" Bucky said with a smile and Yn agreed.

In that moment they felt a strong sense of protectiveness over little Tia who looked like she didn't have a care in the world.

Yn was still overwhelmed by all this because she wasn't ready to raise a child yet and what if Hydra got her and turned her into the Iron soldier again.
Secretly Bucky was stressed about the exact same thing he didn't want Hydra to make him a killing machine like they did before.

This child was not theirs but she could not go back to her real parents they were monsters.

The only real thing that was bothering them still is why her parents never wanted her she seemed like such a sweet normal little girl.

Tia's real parents were something else though.
"Good the building exploded we are rid of her now" Tia's mother said to her father.
"Yes but one problem if those Hydra men come we wont have her we needed that money Sarah!" He said raking his hands through his hair out of frustration.
"She was a nuisance Mike!" The woman exclaimed getting frustrated herself now.
"Those Hydra men were willing to pay 5 million for her! 5 million for that little bitch because she can move things with her mind!!" The man was fuming now.

"Well then we'll get her back!" Sarah said grasping at straws as panic started setting in.
"How she is dead !?" He screamed at her.
What were they going to do they really needed that 5 million.

But what Bucky and Yn didn't know was that the people Tia claimed to have been her parents were maybe not even her parents after all but nobody knew that not a single soul...

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