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Yn stood still, rooted in place uncertain of what to do.
She was injured, just how much she didn't know but there could be people in a worse state or even dead.
Loki had told her to stay but she just couldn't.

She quickly followed the last screams and the burning flames that seemed to get higher the closer she got.

She crouched down and saw Loki stood nearby.
Thor was in the hands of a purple alien and another ugly alien was talking.

"Rejoice that your meaningless lives will now contribute to something phenomenal, for you will die at the hands of the great almighty Thanos." He says.

Yn wasn't really listening but she asumed that the purple one was Thanos.
She was crouched behind debris and flames.
Luckily the flames would do her no harm, perk of her having fire powers thanks to Hydra.

The ugly alien kept talking and Loki came into view.
It looked like Thor had been tortured as he looked to have more wounds than before and his head was bleeding very bad.
Hulk also seemed to be passed out and Yn spotted Heimdall on the ground half conscious half unconscious.

"I Loki rightful king of the Jotunheim, prince of Asgard." He he paused as he looked to Thor who was trapped in metal bars.
There was a certain sad look to his face, a certain quiet understanding and a silent forgiveness, almost an apology he was giving Thor.
"Son of Odin." He continued and Yn's heart contracted painfully, she understood why Loki had said that, he wanted to tell Thor he finally accepted him as his brother.

"Hereby pledge to you my undying fidelity." Loki says going to kneel before Thanos.
Yn was so confused how could he change sides so fast but apologize to Thor ?
Then she saw it, the small green flare of the blade forming in Loki's left hand.

Suddenly Loki tried to go for Thanos's throat but was stopped by a blue sort of mist.
Yn guessed it was the doing of the Teseract, Hydra had swooned of getting their hands on that for years.

Thanos grabbed Loki's neck and the blade clattered to the floor as Loki tried to free himself from the mad titan.
"Undying?" Thanos asked with amusement.

Loki was slowly starting to turn blue and Yn had enough.
For a moment her vision blurred and she saw her sweet little girl in his hand.
Her sweet little Tia, she had the same crease in her forehead sometimes and the same mysterious glint in her forest green eyes.

Yn had seen enough and her blood was boiling and her adrenaline at an all time high, dangerous levels so to speak.
The flames rose higher around them and Thanos looked around confused as he tried to find the source.
He wasn't the one using power so why did he feel the steady thrum of power ?

Before he could figure it out the she was, his awnser.
She stood in the midst of the fires her figure unreadable, and her features to dark to see but her eyes were glowing orange, practically red.

The flames illuminated her features somewhat.
Thanos only blinked for a second to see if he was imaging things, that was a big mistake and he would now too learn like the rest had.
He blinked and when he opened his eyes again she was right infront of him, strangling him now.
She had her metal first go around his throat.

The flames were dancing around, almost asif they sensed their master were there and they etched closer ready to do her bidding.
The ugly alien from earlier tried to help Thanos but it was to no avail, Thanos struggled against Yn and finally got her hand loose.

"Who...are...you ?" He asks as he tried to breath again.
"The Iron Soldier." Yn's awnser was short and clear, but a warning at the most.
"A human this strong ?" He asks and he stands up amused.
"You're even stronger than a god ? How intriguing."

Iron Soldier (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now