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The three girls made their way back to the compound all just making small talk and enjoying the other's company.
When they did arrive the place was a mess Sam came running and Peter was nowhere to be seen.
"Pssst Sam up here" Clint said hanging from one of the air vents.
Sam quickly found a way to get up to Clint.
"You guys never saw us" Clint said as they both dissappeared.
The girls broke out into laughter yet again.
Bucky came storming to them.
"Have you guys seen Peter, Clint or Sam ?" He asks as all three shakes their head.

"Hey Bucky come with me" Yn said as he looks at her confused but follows anyway.
She takes him to her new room as she sets her bags down.
"Sit" she instructed and he did.
She went to the bathroom and took a cloth wetting it slightly.

She then began gently wetting the stickers and pulling them off.
She tried to keep in her laughter but failed miserably.
He couldn't be mad at her or the way she sticked out her tongue in concentration.

He just smiled at her as he kept staring.
He quickly looked away as she looked up at him confused as his face was red out of embarrassment.

"All done" she says as she picks up the pile of stickers.
"How did they even get it on ?" Yn says laughing as they make their way to the kitchen.
"I fell asleep" Bucky says scratching the back of his head.
Yn dumps the stickers into the bin and hands him the box with leftover donuts.
"Maybe some sugar will calm you down." He smiles at her fondly taking the box.
"Thank you Yn." He goes to sit down at the island and she joins him.
They just enjoy the rest of the donuts and each other's company.

Their so much in conversation they didn't realize Steve and Natasha was standing there in the doorway watching them.
"As much as I love seeing them like this we have a party to prepare for." Natasha says.
"Mhm" Steve agrees.
"Hey Buck we have to go get ready" Steve announces to his best friend.
Bucky looks half disappointed and so does Yn but they both get up and follow their friends.

Wanda was already in Nat's room getting ready.
"Danm girl you looking good" Yn said walking up to her as Wanda just laughed.

"Come on girl give me a twirl" Wanda spins around and Yn and Nat both whistles when she does all three breaks out into laughter.

"Now go get ready" Nat says shoving Yn into the bathroom.
Yn takes a quick shower and comes out to get her dress.
After she changed she stood and looked at herself in the mirror.
Yn was feeling insecure.
"What's wrong ?" Wanda asks coming up to Yn, Nat was in the shower.
"My metal arm I feel like it makes me ugly" Yn says looking sadly at herself in the mirror.
"Now your talking nonsense" Wanda says hugging Yn from behind resting her head on Yn's shoulder.
"Maybe I should cover it" Yn says and Wanda shakes her head.
"No dont it's apart of you and it makes you beautiful anyone who dont thinks so can shove it" Wanda says and Yn bursts out laughing.

"You girls are awesome." Yn says smiling as she leans her head against Wanda's.
"How so ?"
"Because you girls always makes me laugh and make me happy thank you for that" Yn says as Wanda turns her around and pulls her into a tight hug.

"Aww having a moment without me" Natsha exclaims fake pouting as she comes out of the bathroom with wet hair.
"Come here" Yn says giggling as she pulls Natasha into the group hug.

Nat changed into her dress while Wanda did Yn's hair.
Nat said she'd do Yn's makeup if Wanda did her hair.
Wanda curled Yn's hair tying half of it up.

Just as she finish Natasha was done.
Natasha then did Yn's makeup not doing to much and keeping it somewhat natural.

After another half an hour the girls were all done.
They walked into the kitchen as Sam, Steve and Bucky were stood having a conversation which to the girls sounded more like bickering.

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