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Yn was conscious as she watched her blood leak onto the rainbow bridge.
For a moment, it felt as if her body was numb. She felt completely numb.

That is until the effect wore off, and she felt the excruciating pain.
Loki was there as he picked her up.
His pale hands were covered in her blood.
He sat her upright and made a dumb decision but did it anyway.
He quickly pulled the sword out and started healing her.

The only problem was that the more he seemed to heal her, the more she seemed to bleed.
He was using a lot of magic to heal her, and while that was happening, Valkarie and some of the Asgardian warriors were keeping the dead army at bay the best they could.

"Yn," her name sounded dull, as if the voice were underwater.
"Yn !" The next moment, it was so loud as if it was being played through a speaker.

"Stay with me, Yn." When she got the energy to look back up at Loki's face, she saw how worried he looked.
She felt drowsy, like she could close her eyes and go to sleep, and maybe staying asleep wasn't such a bad idea.

She closed her eyes, and everything started fading away, her hearing, her thoughts, and she felt her heartbeat slow down as it drummed in her ears.
For a moment, it felt calm, and then she was floating in the air.
She was watching the place from above, but she wasn't on Asgard.
No, she was back in Wakanda inside the palace.

Bucky was there, and Tia, too, Shuri and T'challa, was with them.
Bucky was on his knees as he looked to be shaking.
Tears were rolling down both him and Tia's face.
And then he screamed, she swore she could feel how her heart broke at the sound of his scream.
Tia was seemingly having a panic attack, and her magic started going out of control.

"Yn !!!" Bucky yelled only one word as she felt his heart break and his soul tear apart.
Tia was whispering to herself.
"Mom..." she broke down into a silent cry, and that's what it took for Yn's own heart to break.
The two people she loved most in the world broke down before her.

"Bucky !"
"Tia !"
"Im right here ! Why can't you see me ?"
Yn was desperate for them to see and hear her, but there was no response.
Yn pulsed back to her body.
Thor was standing over her, Loki or Valkarie nowhere to be seen.

Thor had just electrocuted her heart for it to start beating again.
"You're alive," Thor said as he sniffed.

"Help me up," she said, and he did so pulling her up.
"What's going on ?" She asked as she turned around.
She saw that the dead warriors scattered the floor, and there was so much blood at her feet.
She guessed it was her own as she looked ahead and saw Valkarie and Loki preparing to fight Hela.

"Let's go," she says to Thor, and he wants to protest, argue, anything to keep her alive, but she simply holds up a hand to silence him.

They walked towards the duo, and Loki looked overly relieved even if he would deny it later.
"So how are we gonna beat her ?" Valkarie asked, and Loki looked up.
"Im not doing get help." He says, and Thor thinks.

"We need to stop her here, and now, the longer she is on Asgard, the more power she draws." Loki looks to him.
"Asgard is a people it's not a place, Loki ! This was never about stopping Ragnarok it was about causing Ragnarok." Loki suddenly seemed to realize what Thor's plan was.
"Surtur's crown, in the vault go !" He says, and Loki only gives a ghost of a smile.

"Bold move, brother, even for me."
Then Loki raced towards the ship.
"Let's go out in style, ladies." Valkarie says, and Yn smirks at her.
"Wel ofcourse your majesty." Yn plays along.

Hela stops a few feet away from them.
"You, you're a tough one. I like that. Why dont you come work with me? we could be unstoppable." Hela says, pointing to Yn.
Yn smirks. " You're right. I am strong, but I will never fight on your side of the war." Yn says, and Hela raises an eyebrow.

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