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Yn hated that Tony was back. When she first met him, she quickly realized he was self-centered but thought he actually cared.
Now she knew that was far from the truth he only cares about himself.

She stormed away. She didn't need to see his face.
Tony watched with a smirk as she walked away. He had done what he wanted, and that was making her angry.
But his smirk soon fell when he saw the flames all along her arms.

He forgot she had been experimented on.
They helped Tony inside and tried to care for him.
Natasha, on the other hand, went to look for Yn.
It wasn't hard for Nat to find her.
She was sitting by a small hill nearby in moonlight with something in her hand.

When Nat neared Yn, she saw the necklace in Yn's hand.
The one Bucky gave her on their first date.
Yn had a small flame lit and shone it towards the necklace.
It made beautiful streaks of blue light shine across the night sky.

"Ava," Nat said and sat down next to her sister.
"Shouldn't you all be taking care of the 'Hero,' " Yn says, making air quotation marks.

"They are. I am not going to baby him." Nat said, and Yn threw her sister a half harted smile.
"I miss him, Nat," Yn said, and Natasha knew who Yn was talking about.


"I am scared to raise Tia all alone. He was the anchor keeping us together, and now Tia has no father and a not so sane mother." Yn say, and Nat shifts closer.
"That's not entirely true. Maybe you should allow her to start getting to know her real father." Nat says, and Yn sighs.

"It's not that I dont trust Loki. He has earned my trust, but Im scared he'll take her away. Knowing also that he won't do that but what if she starts loving him more than me and realizes she never needed me in the first place."
Yn rants on, and a tear falls down her face.

"Yn, time will tell, but I know for a fact she loves you." Nat says and rubs Yn's shoulder in comfort.

Just a bit away, Loki stood in the dark, listening to them.
He didn't mean to eavesdrop, but he couldn't help it.
Now, it just felt like he shouldn't have in the first place.
Yn trusted him, but she felt like Tia would love him more than her.

He felt awful because he didn't want to cause Yn more pain.
But he also didn't want to miss his daughter's whole life.

Tia deserves only the best, and he didn't know how to give her that.

"Come in when you're ready, Ava," Nat says, standing up and walking back.
"Thank you, Tasha," Yn says, and Nat smiles.
Loki was still standing a bit away and contemplating if he should go up to her or not.

It was a battle between his mind and his heart, and for once, his heart won.
He slowly walked up to her.
"Peaceful, isn't it ?" Loki asks as he sits down.
"Quite," Yn says, not bothering to look at him.

Loki opened his mouth only to close it again, and silence was the only noise for quite a while.
"What is bothering you ?" Yn asked, still observing the scenery before her.

"Wh.. how did you know... that something is wrong ?" Loki asks, completely confused about how she could tell.
"Your breathing is off. Your posture is stiff, and your heartbeat is faster." Yn says for the first time, looking at him.
"How..." he didn't have words.

Yn just shrugged. She didn't know how she knew all that either.
"So ?" Yn said, and Loki shook his head.
"Im, just...bothered by the past, with what happened with Tia all those years ago." Loki says, and Yn looks at him again.

"But I have found a small portion of peace knowing you'll always be there for her, that she found someone who could properly care for her."
Loki says, and Yn gives a small smile.

"You're welcome to be a part of her life, Loki. I'm no longer going to stop you." Yn says, and Loki smiles back at her.
"How about we wait for Tia to be ready for that." Loki suggests, and Yn nods satisfied with his awnser.

Weeks pass by, and nothing in the world seems to be going on like it used to.
But that is expected since half the population has been dusted.
People soon started calling it the blip, and Yn was getting worse by the day.

She decided to go out one night for a drink.
But to her disappointment, she forgot she couldn't get drunk.
So instead, she roamed the dark streets alone, completely covered looking for trouble.
She stumbled upon a group of guys harassing a young girl.

"Come on, pretty thing, how about you come with us and we'll make it painless." One said to the girl on the ground, covering her face.
"Hey," Yn said, and they all turned to her.
"What do you want asshole ?" The guy asked, thinking Yn was a man.

Yn just got into a fighting stance, and the guy laughed.
He took out a gun while others each grabbed a baseball bat or a knife or some kind of weapon.

Yn only smiled as her eyes flashed orange for a second before she ran towards them.
She took them out one by one until she came to the last one.
He was backing away a few feet and shot straight at her face.
Yn stopped the bullet with her metal arm.

"Wh..who are you ?" He asked, and she stepped forward, taking off her mask and hood.
"The Iron Soldier ever heard of her ?" Yn asks, and he could now fully see her face.
He nodded hesitantly.
"Because it's the last face you'll ever see again." She said and burned him to a crisp.
Yn walked up to the girl on the ground.

"Hey, you alright?" Yn asks, and the girl looks up.
Yn guessed she was no older than 19.
"I think... so," the girl said hesitantly.
Yn only now realized how torn her shirt was.

"Here," Yn says, taking off her jacket and handing it to the girl.
"Thank you, miss." The girl says, and Yn gets a chance to look the girl in the eyes.
Her eyes were a gorgeous steel blue.
Yn only knew one pair of steel blue eyes, and it physically hurt her to think about them.

Yn's breathing became ragged, and her vision blurry.
She didn't know what was happening.

"Miss," the brunette yelled.
"Miss!" And there it began.
It felt like Yn's lungs were scraping against each other, and her eyes felt buried in a sand pit.

Her throat felt like it had nails running down it, and her limbs...weak...numb.
Yn saw memories play before her eyes as she saw Bucky appear.

His gorgeous smile, his confused face the day she jumped out the building looking back at him, the moment he reached her with Tia still in her arms, their first date, Tia's birthday...
It went on and on until she was standing there in a field filled with roses and the sun baking down.

"Doll." She heard the voice, and she turned around so fast that she lost her balance.
Bucky caught her and smiled down sadly at her.
"James..." her voice cracked, and she took a sharp breath.
"I missed you so much. Please come back." Yn begged him now with tears in her eyes.

"Oh, my sweet Doll, Im so sorry, love, but I can't, but you must go now before it's too late. Remember Yn, I love you." Bucky said to her.
"No wait Bucky please..." he was already turning into dust again.
"I love you too..." yn whispered as she sank to her knees.

Her body convulsed, and she woke up to a machine beeping.
"She's alive !" Some yelled, and Yn's head was too sore to look.

"Miss, miss, can you hear me ?" Somebody asked, and her eyes were forced open and shone with a flashlight.
"Somebody get the equipment ready. We need to do a sonogram to see if the baby is alive." Another voice said, and Yn's eyes fluttered open.
"Baby ?" She croaked out.

"Ma'am, please stay calm. Your body is still in shock, but we will take care of your baby." The woman said, and Yn's eyes closed again.
"That's... impossible. Im sterilized." Yn says, forcing her eyes open to stare at the woman again.
"Ma'am you apear to be 3 months pregnant." The woman says and Yn's brain goes blank.

"How..." was all she could get out before she blacked out again.

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