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Frigga had a maid take Yn back to her room.
When Yn entered Bucky was already awake.
Yn smiled as she saw Tia ontop of Bucky's shoulders as they stood on the balcony.

Bucky heard the door close and he turned around with a smile as he saw Yn.
"Hey doll" Bucky said and Yn smiled back at him walking up to them and joining them on the balcony.
"Hey Stormy." Yn said and Bucky laughed as he put Tia down.
"Stormy ?" He asks and Yn nods with a smile.
She picks up Tia.

"Your steel blue eyes remind me of the sea one minute calm the next there is a storm." Yn says and Bucky's smile grew.
He liked it.

"I like it" he says and Yn laughs as she motions to the room with her head.
"Come on we need to get ready." Just as Yn said that there was a knock on the door.
Yn opened it to reveal Aster.
"Hey come on in" Yn said smiling at Aster.
"The Queen sent me to help you get ready" She says and Yn is grateful.

After about what Yn asumed was an hour they were all ready.
Yn was dressed in a beautiful royal blue ball gown and Tia had a smaller light blue gown on.

The shoes paired with, Tia got black flats and Yn had a pair of black heels on.
Bucky was given a black and blue Asgardian suit to match Yn's dress.

Yn let Aster do her thing with her hair and makeup.
Aster tied up the top part of Yn's hair and leaving the rest down.
Her makeup was very light and she had a nude pink lipstick on.

Aster offered to help Yn with jewelry but Yn refused to take off her butterfly necklace that Bucky gave her.
Tia's hair was done in a french braid and she had her locket on too.

Together they followed Aster to the ballroom.
"Thank you Aster" Yn said and the maid only smiled at her as she made a small bow.
"Your welcome, forgive me but I must depart now." Aster said and left them standing there.
Yn was nervous because her arm was exposed and this wasn't earth it was a complete different realm.

Bucky offered her his arm and she was struck with a pang of homesickness.
She remembered that night of the party, the night she got Tia too.
She looked up at Bucky.
"Shall we ?" He asked with a knowing smile.
"We shall" Yn said as she linked their arms.
"Let's steal the show" Yn said remembering how everyone looked at them in awe that night.
She pushed open the double doors and they entered as everyone turned to look at the three.

There was a long table in the centre the King and Queen's empty seats at the head of the table.
Thor smiled widely at them as he motioned his head to the three open spots next to him.
They made their way over and they sat down.

"Im glad you could make it" Thor said happily to Yn and she smiles at him.
Atleast some sort of familiarity in this strange place.
"Im glad we were invited" Yn says and before Thor could awnser someone else spoke.
"All rise for the King and Queen." They all rose and when Frigga and Odin sat down so did the rest.

The food was brought out and everything looked so different from earth but it was delicious.
A delicious Asgardian mead was provided to everyone and ofcourse Aster who had helped serve had given Tia some grape juice with a smile.

Tia was sat inbetween Bucky and a female Asgardian warrior.
Later on Yn and Bucky had met all of Thor's friends The warriors three and lady Sif.

Everyone stood and the tables was cleared away for dancing.
Yn and Bucky was stood with Thor.
Aster had offered to look after Tia for a while and Yn agreed after some hesitation.

Yn had quickly asked a maid to show her to her room sothat she could use a bathroom and when she returned to the ballroom she couldn't find Bucky anywhere.
"Hey Thor" Yn said as she walked up to him.
He was busy in conversation with Sif but stopped when he saw Yn's worried face.
"Is something wrong ?" Thor asked as he saw her concern grew.
"I cant find Bucky anywhere have you seen him ?" She asks him and he smiles at her their love for each other was so clear.

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