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It has been about two weeks since Tia had lived with the Avengers.
Yn's back and arm was all healed and things was going great or so everyone through.

Natasha,Wanda, Peter, Sam,Yn and Bucky was all sat in a pillow fort in the common area with little Tia in the middle.
Yn was sitting next to Bucky his arm around her shoulder and little Tia was laying next to Peter on their stomachs.

They were all watching a kid's show but Yn was watching too being very interested in it.
Tia and Peter chose My little pony to watch and Yn had missed alot of episodes.

It was currently around 5 to 6 pm.
Peter was staying the night he had told his aunt May he was staying over at Ned's house.

Yn was happy in that very moment and she relaxed into Bucky's hold on her.
She felt safe with him.
Suddenly they hear rushed footsteps and Steve crouches down infront of the Tv.
"Sorry to interrupt guys but there is a mission." Steve says looking apologetic as he saw both Yn and Bucky's disappointed faces.

Nat and Wanda sighed but got up and when they turned around waiting for Sam he was fast asleep snoring away on the pile of pillows.
Nat gives him a light kick with her foot.
"Sam we have to go there is a mission."
Nat tells him and he complains throughout his whole effort to get out of the pillow fort half asleep.

"But who is gonna look after Tia ?" Yn asks and Bucky was about to say Peter can but Steve beat him to it.
"You are Yn this is a serious mission so we think it's best if you stay." Steve said struggling to find the words.

"There's something else going on spit it out Steve." Yn said her eyes narrowing.
"Tony doesn't want you to come Yn Im sorry we all tried to convince him but he's not budging." Steve said and Yn's face fell.

"Fine but dont die please." She said and he nodded with a smile.
Bucky got up and Yn motioned for Peter to stay.
Yn followed Bucky as they went to his room.
"Please be safe " Yn said staring at the door wanting to give him some privacy as he changed.
She knew she shouldn't have been in there while he changed but she had to talk to him.

"Bucky this mission sounds serious so if things do go wrong please dont let Hydra get you again." Yn said as a tear rolled down her cheek.
She was suddenly turned around and Bucky pulled her into a hug by her waist.
"I wont okay doll" Bucky said pulling back as he wiped the tear off of her cheek so gently.
They made their way to the Quinjet and Natasha and Wanda immediately made their way to Yn.
She grabbed them both in a tight hug.
"You stay safe and that counts for you too" she said pointing to both as they nodded with a sad smile.

When she turned around to Bucky he looked at her with a sad smile too.
He didn't want to leave her.
"It's time doll I have to go, keep Tia safe and Peter out of trouble but most of all keep yourself safe okay ?" Bucky said and she nodded not knowing what to tell him.

"You too, stay safe please..." she half begged the last word.
He kissed her on the cheek and he went to the jet as it closed and took off.
She was still stood there holding her cheek where he kissed it.
They were as red as tomatoes and felt asif they were on fire.

"Mission ?" Peter suddenly asks behind her and when she turned around she saw Tia on his shoulders.
She smiled at them and nodded sadly.
"Hey since they wont be back for a while how about we go out for something to eat ?" Yn asks and they both get excited like little kids.

"Ohhh yeah!" Peter exclaimed as he did a fist pump in the air.
"What would you two like ?" Yn asked with a loving smile.
Peter already felt like a little brother and Tia oh sweet little Tia felt like her own daughter...

Yn still had nightmares in the night but every time she does Bucky comes and console her and sometimes Tia even wakes up and they all sit and talk about the most random things Tia's little brain can think of most of the time it is My little pony.
Yn was so grateful for them.

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