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Yn was busy bleeding out infront of Bucky and he had to do something his body was begging him to pick her up but his mind was frozen in fear.

Suddenly he felt a slap across his face.
"Snap out of it get her to the jet we'll handle it." Sam said and Bucky didn't reply.
He only stood up and picked her up gently as he swiftly made his way out of the building.
He was running with her careful not to worsen her wounds.
The whole path to the jet looker like a bloodbath.
The snow was painted red with Yn's blood and so was he.
The adrenaline he was feeling coursing through his veins helped him not to colapse.
He was exhausted.

Bruce was still busy checking Nat over and cleaning her reopened wounds when Bucky arrived with Yn in his arms.
He was so worried he could not lose her not like this not before he officially asked her to be his.
Bruce's face paled at the sight of Yn.
He gently lifted Nat onto a few seats and Bucky put Yn on the table Nat was on.

"What happened?" Bruce asked hurriedly as he started to look for the source of her blood.
Bucky couldn't speak no matter how hard he tried.
He opened his mouth only for no sound to leave his mouth.
Tears started to well in his eyes and Bruce underatood.

Bruce had helped Tony design her suit so he pressed the button on her chest as it turned white.
Well it was supposed to be white but it wasn't...
Her whole lower abdomen was red covered in blood there was a knife stuck in her leg and she looked so pale.
Bucky stared at the stab wound in her side it felt like an iron fist around his heart.
Bruce took a piece of fabric as he quickly took the knife out and tied the wound on her leg tightly with the fabric to put pressure on and stop the bleeding.

"Go help the rest I got it covered." Bruce said to Bucky, he knew he would only stress over Yn if he kept standing there so he went back to the building he didn't know if he should have been sad and worried or angry.
No he was both angry and worried.
He wanted to murder whoever stabbed Yn.

Bruce did the best that he could on the stab wound in Yn's side but he didn't have everything he needed with him so there wasn't too much he could do.

Bucky found Sam again as he helped them search for the blue prints.
Steve and Tony had the experimented kids covered he was just so worried about Yn.

Back at the jet Yn was coming and going with consciousness.
Her eyes fluttered open as she looked at a very blurry looking Bruce, she made the mistake to look down at her side where she saw the blood.

Her white suit was stained red but her state didn't stop her from hearing Bucky yell into the earpiece that was still in her ear.
"This place is gonna blow !" She heard it and everything seemed to slow down.
She threw her self of the table and she fell to the floor more blood rushing out of her side she scattered to her feet and ran very disoriented outside.
She was halfway to the building when the explosion hit.

The force knocked her back and into a tree.
She was still awake but couldn't really move anymore as she looked up only too see someone running towards her.
"Bucky..." was the only word she could whisper before she blacked out.

Bucky and Sam was still inside the building.
They had already checked inside the underground bunker and they were on one of the higher up floors.

They had found the data and had transferred it to a chip as Bucky started hearing a beeping he frantically looked around for it.

He finally found it inside the desk that the were computers on.
The place had a self destruct mode and it was about to blow.
"This place is about to blow!"
He yelled to the rest over the coms.

He grabbed Sam and jumped out of a window as Sam kept them steady in the air just in time for the building to blow.
But that wasn't what Bucky was mostly worried about.
When he looked down to the ground he saw a very disoriented looked Yn scrambling out of the jet and half walking half crawling towards the building.
But the blow of the explosion that had thrown them forward had also pushed her backwards as she hit a tree.
The snow around her was littered red with blood.

Bucky dropped down from Sam's grasp diving straight towards the ground as he landed rolling a few feet.
He quickly got up and ran straight towards her.
She lifted her head only an inch of a way and said one word.
"Bucky..." and just like that she was unconscious.

Bucky's heart was racing as he reached her he gently picked her up again and started carrying her to the jet.
Just as he entered Sam arrived to the jet and so did Tony, Steve and Wanda.
Natasha was still out cold on a few seats.
Bucky put Yn down on the table again as Bruce started working on her wounds.

She had even now more wounds because of her stupidity.
But unknown to Bucky she was actually trying to reach him.
He was so worried about her that he didn't even realize that he had wounds too.
Steve came over as he handed Bucky two pills.

Bucky looked at it confused.
"It's for the nerves she is gonna be okay." Steve said and Bucky nodded as he took it and oppened the bottle of water that Steve held out gulping the pills down with the water.

He hadn't even asked her yet to be his and now there was a possibility that she could die...

Bucky was deep in thought as they started slowing down.
He layed down onto some of the seats as he closed his eyes and started dozing off.
What pills had Steve given him ?

Steve didn't give Bucky pills to calm him down he had given him sleeping pills.
He knew his best friend would only sit and drown in his thoughts the whole way back.
When he saw Bucky laying down and closing his eyes he felt relieved.

He didn't see Yn for the whole mission yet he didn't realize she was hurt so badly.
But when he looked at Bucky again he saw how much of Yn's blood was on his best friend.
Ao much that it made him wonder if it wasn't Bucky's blood.
He went and sat down where Nat was laying as he gently lifted her head onto his lap playing subconsciously with her hair.

The Avengers all looked pretty bad but the fact that Yn could possibly die made them all trust her completely this time.
Well not all of them mostly just Tony.
The rest already trusted her but in the last few months that yn had lived with them he she started to feel like family to him even if he wouldn't admit it.

Yn was floating in a big black void when suddenly she was stood infront of her home.
Not the Avengers tower, not the Redroom and not Hydra but the house she was supposed to grow up in.
She walked towards the door as she was about to open it but before she could it opened on it's own.

Her mother and father stood there holding their arms open.
She wanted to run into their arms but she was pulled back with a force.
One after the other as the shockwaves kept pulling her back.

The last shock hurt as she opened her eyes.
She gasped for air as her body hurt like hell.
She was laying in a medical bed as Bruce and and Tony stood next to her bed with a defibrillator.
Bucky was being held back by Steve and Sam.
He was screaming and crying.

"Let me go to her!" Bucky yelled.
Yn was too out of it to even speak.
"Your back kid your okay." Tony said he also had tears in his eyes.

It had took Yn atleast 10 minutes to be able to speak.
"What happened ?" She asked to Tony who sat by her side.
He suddenly looked up at her glad that she was speking.

"Back at the Hydra base you got hurt pretty badly and when we came back you were out for about a week Bruce monitored you daily then suddenly you flat lined and we had to shock you alive again." Tony said so that explained why Bucky was freaking out.

"Is Tia and Bucky okay ?" She asked and Tony smiled.
He and the rest of the team knew how much those two cared for each other and Tia.
"Tia is alright but Bucky might still be freaking out." Tony says and she looks to Tony with pleading eyes.
"Can I see him please." She asked him she didn't want him to be freaking out.

Tony only nodded as he went to go find Bucky.
Yn's mind was running a 100 miles per hour.
How was she out for a week ?
Poor Bucky he had to struggle for a week without someone for the nightmares he still got.

And before more questions could run through her mind the door opened.
There he stood tears still running down his eyes.
His non metal fist was bloody and he looked asif he hadn't been sleeping or eating for a week and dark circles was visible under his eyes.
His voice sounded so broken when he spoke even if it was only one word he could muster.
"Doll ?..."

Iron Soldier (Bucky x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin