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Everyone was sitting in the meetings room.
Thor stood near the front as he waited for everyone to get to their seats.
"Thank you guys for coming here but there is a deep matter I need to discuss."

Yn tried to hold in her smile as she whispered to Nat.
"He sounds so formal" Nat only smiled and Bucky who was sat on Yn's other side had heard to and couldn't help but smile aswell.

"Tia as you all know has magic and Im afraid that magic is dangerous if not contained or controlled, it will become unstable if she does not learn how to controll it."

"Well I have magic so why dont I teach her ?" Wanda said and everyone agreed but Thor only sighed.
"That would be great Lady Wanda but the problem is you would only be able to teach her small basic things because your magic came from enhancement her magic is of Asgard Im afraid there for only an Asgardian could teach her to her extents." Everyone looks at Thor shocked.
"How do you know her magic is from Asgard ?" Steve asks and Thor turns to look at him.
"Because Heimdall has the ability to see through all eyes and he keeps a watchful eye over earth when I am not here, so when she used her magic he felt it and alerted me that someone had used Asgardian magic on earth."

Yn stares ahead of her to a grain in the table as the gears in her head turns violently.
She feels a gentle hand wrap around hers.
She looks up at Bucky and smile sadly at him.
"Well what does that mean how do you propose she learns how to controll her magic ?" Nat asks and Thor notices Yn's worried face.

"You might not like it" Thor says and Yn pins him with her stare.
If it is what she thinks it is he is about to say she wont allow it.
"Loki my brother has the exact same magic he could teach her or perhaps my mother" Thor says and if Yn's eyes were blades Thor would've been dead by now in a puddle of blood.

Everyone stood up and protested against it as soon as those words left Thor's mouth.
"Loki is not coming here to earth again !" Tony said and Steve agreed.
"He does not have too we can take Tia to Asgard " Thor argued.

Yn had been seated the whole time and nobody but Bucky noticed untill she stood up.
Her chair connected with the floor and everyone shut up and stared at her in anticipation.
She walked murderously slow towards Thor as she was inches from his face.

"She can go and he can teach her but me and Bucky are coming with and if he hurts her I will strangle him to death with my good arm" Yn's voice was low and that made even Thor afraid of her.
Bucky didn't know if he should have felt afraid of Yn or felt bad for Thor.
No he should've been definitely scared, very scared...

Thor gulped and nodded, everyone left the room not wanting to argue with Yn.
Bucky had followed Yn to her room and as soon as she entered and slammed the door shut he slammed her against the door with both his arms on either side of her head.

"Fuck your hot when your angry" Bucky says as he closes his eyes for a moment only to open them and be met with a stare that did something to him.
The look in her eyes only fueled him more.

He crashed his lips onto hers and she complied as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
He lifted her up by her butt and she wrapped her legs around his torso.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door.
Yn jumps down with a sigh as she opens it to reveal Steve and Nat.
They both look to the pair's messy hair and red faces.
"Are we... interrupting something?" Steve asks hesitant.

Yn and Bucky's guilty faces gave it away.
"Nope come in" Yn said her throat dry.
She finds a glass of water on the nightstand and gulps it down.

"Are you guys sure about this going to Asgard thing ?" Nat asks as she and Steve both stands near the foot of the bed.
Yn pulls out a backpack and walks to her closet.
"Not really but I am NOT sending Tia alone so I would rather go with her." Yn says and Bucky agrees with a nod.

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