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Yn shaked her head, trying to leave the memories and tears behind.
She walked with Loki back into the crowd as she spots Thor, Bruce, and Valkarie.

She and Loki make their way over to the trio.
"Loki, and who's this ?" Val asks, and Yn is confused for a moment until she remembers that Loki had changed her appearance.
"It's me, Val." Yn says, and Val looks at her confused.

"Who ?" She asks, and Loki makes the illusion falter for a second, enough for Val to see.
"Oh, girl, Im glad you're okay. The ship is ready. We just need to get into his hangar unnoticed." She says, and Yn tries to think of something.

"I have the code for the ship, because they have weird but insane fucking security." Yn says and Val thinks for a moment.
"You and me could always start a rally ?" Val says and Yn thinks along the same lines.

Yes lets do that while the men gets the ship." Yn says and so everyone split ways.
Yn and Val made their way towards the cells and Korg and Miek was more than happy to help along with the other prisoners.
Yn met them when she was just thrown into the cell with Thor.

"Okay so now that, that is over all the gaurds will come here, well most." Valkarie says and Yn nods taking her arm and pulling her away.
Yn and Valkarie had given weapons to the prisoners so the gaurds had to go clear it up.

Yn and Valkarie made their way back to the palace type building and tried to find Loki.
Valkarie actually knew the place alot better and soon they were in the hangar.
They found alot of unconscious or dead sakarian gaurds on the floor.

Only Thor and Bruce was there.
"Where is Loki ?" Yn asks and Thor shrugs.
"He said he'd find another ship to come with us."
Yn was confused on this because why wouldn't Loki just use the one they came here for ?
Thor waited for Yn to tell him which ship she had gotten.
"There that one," she says, pointing to one, and they all go there.
Thor punches in the code, and the ship starts.
"Let's go everybody on !" Thor yelled, and they all got on except Valkarie.
She had gone to go get her ship Warsong.

Yn got ready for Thor to take off and sat down next to him in the co-pilot seat strapping in.
Thor took the wheel and took off as Val had opened a door for them to fly out of the place.

Once out, they took off towards the devils anus in the sky since that was the wormholes name.
"Sakarians take to the sky!" The Grand Master blared over the speakers, and Yn cussed loudly.
"Fuck off old man !" Yn exclaimed as she looked anxiously around as more and more gaurd ships rose to the sky.

Suddenly a small ship bursts to the surface and Yn knew it was Valkarie.
She shoots gaurd ships like it is nothing.
"Yn can you fly this thing ?" Thor asks and Yn looks to him bewildered.
"No I cant Thor !" She was really starting to panic.
"Look just take the wheel, and when the ship is crashing which it probably wont you press this." He says and then he stood up and left, he jumped out the door.

"Okay, okay, okay, shit" Yn cussed and she took the steering wheel and tried her best to keep it straight as the gaurds shot at them.
"Yn their shooting at us do something!" Bruce yelled at her and she shot him a firey glare which told him where he could shove what he just said.

Valkarie and Thor was destroying ships left and right.
Thor jumped right back into the ship and took back controll.

Valkarie was still out there as she crashed her ship into the last gaurd ship and Yn froze.
"No...no Valkarie ! No!" Yn yelled as she could only watch through the window.

But in the explosion came a small ball of something flying backwards.
Yn felt relief as Valkarie landed on the ship.
Yn went up to her and slapped her scross the face.
"Owww what was that for ?" Valkarie whines.
"You almost died because you were being stupid and reckless." Yn said and then she hugged Valkarie.
"Okay I respect that."

They were approaching the wormwhole and Yn prepared for the worst.
The feeling was awful, her eyes were closed and soon enough she felt normal again as she opened her eyes.
"Woah" she said as she saw the destruction of Asgard before her.

Valkarie was not very happy to see Hela's hound again so Thor went and got a big gun for her to mount onto the ship.
Thor went after Hela and Bruce and Valkarie stayed in the ship.

The people of Asgard were on the rainbow bridge with the dog at the end and Hela's army on the other end.
Yn took one deep breath as she looked at Val.
"Do you have a sword for me ?" Yn asks and Val hands her a dragon fang similar to her own.

"It was my sister's" she says and Yn nods.
Next moment Yn drops out of the ship as she salutes Val.
Valkarie screamed after Yn but there's nothing she could do.
Yn turned around and just before she was about to fall she landed in a crouching position like Natasha had taught her.

"Nat you poser..." Yn whispered with a small smile.
She landed just infront of the crowd.
"Yn" she heard a voice and she turned around to find Heimdall.
"Heimdall!" She was happy to see a familiar face.

"We need to get to the bifrost." Heimdall said and she saw the bifrost sword in his hands.
"You keep that safe and let me worry about that." Yn says looking towards the hound.

"Yn! Go!" She heard someone yell from above.
She saw Valkarie motion for her to get to the other side.
She quickly started running and people soon enough formed an opening for her to run through.
She found the few Asgardians who where trying to be strong but they were scared and Yn could see it.

"Go I've got this." Yn says and the look they gave her told alot.
They saw her as brave for facing this alone.
"We want to help, you cant take this alone." One said and Yn raised flames in her hand the blade in her metal one.
"Please go I've got this."

They nodded and went with the crowd.
Yn looked at the dead army infront of her.
How all of this was possible she did not know.
She started slaying dead warriors left and right.

She was trained by the most deadly assasin base known, The Red Room.
After that she was sent to Hydra to get injected with the super soldier syrum.
She was their perfect little project.
Yet she never had a real life, she always fought on the wrong side of the war and always killed the innocent people.
Yes some were not innocent but most were.

Yn felt rage boil so hot in her stomach that the flames alighted her whole body as her hair slightly started glowing a very very fait orange hue.
Yet she did not notice this because she was too focused on slaying the dead army infront of her.

"Do not fear your savior has arrived !" She heard from behind her and she made the mistake of turning around as she saw Loki.
She smiled gratefully at him.
But something was off, she didn't know what.
When she looked at Loki's face again he was as pale as a ghost even more so to speak.

He was screaming her name but she didn't hear him,he ran towards her but when she looked down again she saw what was wrong.
She now realized why she shouldn't have turned around for only just a small moment.

She could now see her instructor from the Red Room infront of her.
"Rule one, Never Take Your Eyes Of The Target, Never !" Yn had made that mistake so many times.

And each time that she would the lady with the mean looking face would take her to an empty room.
She would make Yn sit down and lay her hands across the table.
She would beat Yn's hands untill the poor scared girl recited every rule from beginning till end with no mistake.

Yn's vision returned and now there were some Asgardian warriors rushing past and Valkarie too.
Yn's hearing returned as she hit the ground with the sword ledged nicely right through her body.
When she hit the floor it pushed right back the way it came from cutting her insides even more.

She didn't feel it, she didn't scream, all she could do was lay and watch the beautiful rainbow bridge get painted with her blood...

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