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Yn had fallen asleep with Tia in her arms and she was in Bucky's arms.
When she woke up they were still sleeping.
She carefully got out of bed as to not wake them as she made her way to the kitchen.

Bruce and Steve were having a conversation and when Yn entered Bruce and Steve had a look of sympathy on their faces at Yn's state.
Her one fist was very swollen and her eyes were puffy from crying and had dark circles under them.

"Morning" Yn said to them as she made her way to the coffee machine.
But before she could even take a cup Steve handed her a full cup of coffee.

"Thank you ?" She said as she looked at him confused.
"It's mine but it looks like you need it more" Steve said with a sad smile.
Yn only smiled back in return as her smile had a bitter tone to it.

"Nat is awake if you wanna go see her" Bruce said and that got Yn's attention.
She thanked him and left in a rush to get to the medical room.
As she entered Nat layed there still deathly pale but not as much as last night.
She was no longer covered in blood and her chest to her stomach was wrapped in bandages.

Yn's chest contracted painfully at the sight of Nat.
"So are you gonna stand there and stare all day or are you gonna come sit down." Nat said her eyes still closed.

Yn smiled as her eyes glossed over again but she didn't allow herself to cry not now she had to stay strong for the people she loved especially Nat.
Yn sat down the cup of coffee still in her hand as she took a sip.

"Can you please help me drink some water I'm dying of dehydration." Nat said with a sigh and that made Yn laugh.
Even in her death bed Nat would still make jokes.
Yn took the glass of water on the table and put the straw in as she held it up to Nat's mouth.
After she put it down again.

"What happened ?" Yn finally asked and Nat just looked at her with sympathy on her face.
Even if she was in pain and almost died she saw how hard it hit Yn and she never wanted to see her sister like that she looked so broken.
"We went and infiltrated a Hydra base and when I saw those kids that Hydra experimented on, they looked so lifeless they were breathing but they didn't have a choice or a free will. It made me think about how we grew up and I was caught off guard and got shot." Nat said and Yn knew the feeling very well.

"When I saw them lift you out of the jet a memory came back to me." Yn said pausing a moment as she tried to find the right words.
"You remember when we were about 3 years in the red room and there were new girls that came in." Yn said and Nat nodded to confirm she was following along with the story.
"They made us shoot someone and one of the new girls, she was blonde she couldn't do it so the gaurd shot her in the stomach." Yn said and Nat closed her eyes.

"I remember pulling you away from her, you were covered in blood and wouldn't eat that night or the next morning." Nat said as Yn wouldn't look her in the eyes.
"Look at me Ava" Nat said and her head shot up as Nat saw the tears forming in Yn's eyes.
"It wasn't your fault and there was nothing you could do, that any of Us could do or else it would've been me on that floor being dragged away from your body and I didn't want that." Nat said as Yn smiled bitterly at her sister.

"I know Tasha I just feel so helpless." She said and Nat smiled at her.
"Everything is gonna be okay."
Yn remember how much Nat would tell her that.
"From the beginning since birth,
I will protect you till the ends of the earth." Nat said and Yn looked at her a sad smile on her lips.
"Till the ends of the universe, the sun, moon and every star
I will love you no matter how far apart." Yn finished.

It was their little thing that they had made up as kids to give each other hope.
And Nat was happy Yn still remembered it.
"Hey I never went to check up on Peter." Yn said suddenly feeling bad that she just left him like that last night.
"Go check up on the poor kid." Nat said with a smile, Yn kissed her sister goodbye on the forehead and before Yn left Natasha spoke again.
"Hey if you can send Steve my way please." Nat said and Yn nodded.
"Will do." With that Yn made her way to the kitchen.

Steve was busy making himself something to eat.
Yn knocked on the doorframe and Steve turned around with a smile.
"Hey your in trouble" she told him and his smile dropped.
"Why what did I do ?" He asked and she laughed at his priceless face.
"No Steve I was kidding, but a certain redhead wants to see you." She said and winked at him.

His face suddenly turned red and she left him standing there.
She suspected something was going on between the two but she didn't want to say anything yet.
As she got to her room she wanted to knock but the door was left slightly open.
When she went in she found Peter still fast asleep his arm stretched out in the empty place where Tia was supposed to be last night.

She smiled as she took a paper and quickly scribbled something on it taking a energy bar out of her bag and leaving it with the note.
She suspected that he'd be hungry after he'd wake up.

On the note she scribbled.

Sorry I never checked up on you last night.
Dont worry Tia is with Bucky thank you for looking after her.
Here's something small to make up for it.
Love Yn ♡

With that she made her way towards Bucky's room.
She walked in to find Tia still asleep and Bucky no where to be seen.
She saw the bathroom door was closed and knocked.
When the door opened she froze.

Bucky stood shirtless with only a towel wrapped around his waist and his body was glistening with little water droplets.
His hair was wet and hung in strands over his eyes.

When she met his eyes he had a smirk on his face as he had noticed her staring.
"Uhm Im sorry, I didn't mean I..I...I di..dn't mean to.." she trailed off as her eyes also did her eyes scanning over his abs.

She quickly averted her eyes back to his as they had a playfull glint to them.
"I just wanted to see if you are okay." She finally finished praying he wouldn't notice the obvious change of colour on her cheeks.
He did but didn't say a word about it.

"Im alright thank you, but are you ?" He said asking her with concern written all over his face as he went in to hug her.
His wet body pressing against her open stomach.
She had fallen asleep in the first crop top and shorts she had found the previous night.
His wet skin dampened her clothes and she could feel his abs against her body.
His strong firm arms pressing against her back as he held her in a tight hug.
She blushed again.

"Yes Im fine thank you." She said as she finally relaxed into the hug.
"Im just glad Nat is going to be okay." Yn said and Bucky pulled back.
"Is she awake ?" He asked and she nodded.
"I went to see her a few minutes ago." Yn said as her eyes trailed down his body again and she quickly covered her face with her hands.

"Put some clothes on there is a child here!" She whispered yelled as she pointed to him trying to sound mad but she couldn't help but smile as she saw his smirk.
She threw her hands up as he shrugged walking to his closet.

"But I like this better." He said smirking at her as he licked his lips and smiled at her flustered state.
He secretly liked it very much that she got so flustered over his body.
He found it cute.
She turned around and walked out of the door.
"I'll be in the kitchen AFTER you have put some clothes on." Yn told him before she left and he rummaged through his closet for some clothes.
He had a loving smile on his face and only Yn could put that smile there...

Iron Soldier (Bucky x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ