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"What ?" Yn's grip loosing as she looked to him.
She was so confused.
"She's my daughter" Loki said again as a smirk took up his lips.

"Your lying!"
Her grip tightened again, but Thor tried to pull her away.
She pushed him away as he looked defeated to Bucky for help.

Bucky went to Yn as he wrapped his arms around her from behind.
"Doll... let him go" he said.
As much as he wanted to strangle Loki himself he knew he couldn't they weren't on earth, they were on Loki's home planet and here he was a prince.
Yn let go of Loki defeated as she melted into Bucky's touch.

"Where do you think her powers came from, her green eyes ?" Loki asks and she looks to Tia.
"Your lying!" Yn seethed through clenched teeth and her eyes getting glossy.

She hated Loki, how could he be her father ?
He was a cruel being and if he really was Tia's father that meant he could snap Tia away from them in a blink of an eye.

Yn was afraid, so so so afraid that she would lose Tia.
Oh my gosh Tia !

She wripped away from Bucky's hold as she ran to Tia laying unconscious on the bed.
"What did you do to her !" Yn screamed as more tears ran down her face.
"I only put a small spell on her to let her sleep, she'll be fine." Loki said as he watched the little girl.

"Your a terrible man and a terrible father" Yn said as she picked Tia up and walked to stand next to Bucky.
Thor just watched it unfold as he saw Yn's tear stained face, he felt it wasn't his place to say anything.

He motioned one gaurd inside the room.
"Take them to their room please, west wing corridor 4 the second guest room."

Thor said and the gaurd nodded as he took them there.
Yn layed in bed Tia cradled in her arms as Bucky layed behind her.

Thor looked to Loki.
"This is madness what is the matter with you!" Thor exclaimed as he etched closer to Loki pointing a finger to him.
"I had the right to know!" Loki screamed as he paced the room.
"Mother wont be happy nor will father be !" Thor said angrily as he stormed out the room slamming the door behind him.

Loki sat down frustrated on his bed.
How could things have turned out like this.
He could take his daughter back at any moment but Odin wouldn't let him and Frigga will be very disappointed if she hears what he have done.

He paced the room again as he suddenly hit the wall leaving a crack behind.
What should he do ?

Thor had told Frigga and they decided not to tell Odin.
She was as expected very disappointed with Loki.
But shocked that Tia was her granddaughter.
She never understood why Odin would send the baby away but she also never agreed with his decision.

This was one big mess and in the centre of it was a little girl who didn't deserve it.

The next morning there was a knock on the door and Bucky got up to check who it is.
"Apologies for disturbing but the queen wishes to speak with you three" Aster said as Bucky opened the door.
"Alright give us a moment then we'll be there." Bucky says as she nods and leaves.

Bucky closes the door and walks back to Yn and Tia who is still soundly asleep.
"Hey Doll" Bucky says as he gently shakes Yn.
"Mhh" he got back in response.
"The Queen wants to speak to us." He said and she sighs as she gets up.

Tia waked up with Yn removing her arms.
"Mom ?" Tia asks and Yn stills.
"Im here baby" Yn says as she looks at Tia.
Tia didn't say anything else and just hugged Yn.

Yn went to get dressed into a pair of black jeans and a croptop and a leather jacket with her classic black boots.
She helped Tia get dressed as Bucky quickly dressed too.

They exit the room as Aster waits in the hallway for them.
She leads them to the Queen's room and leaves them there.
Yn sighs and knocks.
"Come in" she says and they enter as Frigga is busy addressing a maid.

She says a few more things to the maid and the maid nods as she gives a bow and leaves.
"Morning please come sit down." Frigga says smiling to them.
They did so and she sat opposite them.
"So I have heard of the incident of last night and I apologize but it still is very necessary for her to learn how to control her powers so I suggest that I start teaching her, after the week your free to leave and bring her back whenever you would like so we could continue her training." She says and Yn nods.

"Now considering another matter, based on what Loki had said last night Im afraid it is true but I refuse that he take her away from you if she is happy on earth she can stay there." Frigga said with a smile on her face as she saw them relax.
"Thank you" Yn said and Frigga saw the relief on their faces.
"Your welcome but I only ask of you to consider letting her get to know him." Frigga says and Yn's lips form a thin line.
"Maybe when she is a bit older" Yn says and Frigga nods.

"Ofcourse now as far as I have heard you two are apart of the group of heroes on earth so your welcome to use our training fields if you wish while I train Tia." Frigga says.
"Thank you let me just get her into her suit and we'll be at the training fields." Yn says and Frigga nods.

"Very well then"
So Yn, Tia and Bucky had changed.
Bucky had his black suit on, Tia her suit and Yn her's.

They had asked a maid to take them to the training fields as the Queen stood there waiting with warriors around all training.
"We'll be over there in that opening feel free to come over at anytime." Frigga said as she took Tia there.

Yn scanned over the weapons as she decided she didn't want to train with one.
"A good old sparring match?" Yn asks and Bucky smirks at her.

They found a good spot a bit away from the warriors.
Bucky and Yn took on their stances and some warriors glanced at them.
Yn charged and she tried a punch as Bucky blocked.
He then threw a punch and she grabbed his fist swinging herself up onto his shoulders with her legs wrapped around his neck.

Bucky threw himself backwards and Yn let go.
He got up and Yn pushed her weight onto her hands as she threw herself up.

They now had the attention of all the warriors because this was a fighting style they have never seen before.
Yn jumped in the air as she threw a roundhouse kick landing it successfully onto Bucky's jaw.
He acted quickly as he pulled out a knife flipping it in the air.

Yn smiled she blocked every punch as she disarmed him and threw the knife lodging it deep into a tree nearby.
Bucky charged at her as he successfully landed a punch on her stomach and the wind was knocked out of Yn and she took a moment to catch it back.

She backed up a good few feet as she ran towards him using his shoulders to launch herself over him as she skillfully landed behind him grabbing his arm in a lock and locking his head between her legs.
He smiles as he taps the ground three times.

She smirk as she lets him go and helps him up.
Just then they noticed the amount of warriors standing there mouths open.
Thor stood there too his arms crossed infront of his chest he was smiling.
He had never seen Yn fight like that but he had seen Natasha fight like that.

Yn and Bucky walked over to Thor.
"What have they never seen anyone fight like that ?" She asks with a laugh.
Thor starts laughing too.
"No our fighting style is quite different." Thor says.

Yn only shakes her head as she looks over to where Tia was as she decided to go watch her little girl for a while.
Bucky followed with a smile.
Yn wiped the sweat from her forehead as she stood and watched as magic flowed from Tia's hands.

It was a deep forest green colour and her eyes were glowing too.
Frigga had an orb of yellow magic in her hand.
Suddenly Tia's gasped as her body started glowing.

Frigga smiled but frowned when she saw a strip of Tia's strawberry blonde hair gain a stripe as white as snow.
"Stop for a moment dear" Frigga says and Tia does so the glow disappearing.

"Lets try something" Frigga says as she makes a small yellow flame apear in her hand.
Yn and Bucky watched with awe and Thor joined them as they watched from the side.
"I hope she learns quickly" Yn says as she leans into Bucky's side and he hums in agreement as he wraps an arm around her waist.

He really hoped so too because Loki was really getting out of hand.

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