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Yn went to the kitchen her face beet red as she accidentally slammed into someone who she definitely did not see.

"Morning to you too kid" Tony said as he smiled at Yn.
"Morning Tony" Yn said as she smiled gratefully at him for a change of scenery sothat she did not have to think about Bucky naked.

Not that she really minded but she didn't want to think about that now.
"Hey I need to show you something." Tony said pulling out his phone.

Yn watched as he unlocked it and a vidio apeared on the screen.
"It's about that apartment complex that blew up." Tony said as he pressed play.

"Just about two weeks ago an apartment complex was rigged with bombs.
The Avengers stepped in and got everyone out safe, here is some of the people who lived there."
The reporter woman said as Mrs Cally apeared and Yn smiled.

"The Avengers saved my life and I will be forever grateful to them even if I may be already old I still have some time left to live and thanks to them that time didn't get cut short." The clip ended and some vidio footage was shown of Steve at the entrance as he directed everyone out in a hurry.

A clip was shown of Tony hurriedly flying around.
The next clip though showed the side of the building as some people stood and recorded away from the crowd.
The camera was a good distance away but it did catch the explosion.

However thats not what caught Yn's attention.
The camera was directed towards the highest floor as suddenly a metal arm broke a window and out jumped Yn with little Tia in her arms.
The explosion hit them towards the next building as Yn crashed into it with her back and fell down towards the ground landing on a car.

Not even 30 seconds later Bucky apears as he runs to Yn's side and takes Tia in his arms.

"People is going crazy about this clip about a woman who sacrifices her own life for a sweet little girl. No one knows if this woman is still alive but people are asking who is she and is she a New Avenger ? Is she currently fighting for her life in a hospital room or is she safe at home ?" The vidio ended with a blurry photo of Yn and Tia jumping mid air out of the building.

"Wow" Yn said as Tony nodded.
"Wow indeed people are really loving you, you are the talk of the town." Tony said patting Yn on the back.
"That is not a good thing though because Hydra agents are everywhere if they see that Im bound to have a target on my back." Yn said worried.
"Dont worry you're in the safest place you can be." Tony said and Yn nodded.

"Hey Tia's birthday is coming up this weekend, and I wanted to ask you if it's okay if I go buy some stuff to decorate the place for her." Yn said looking hopefully at Tony.
"Ofcourse I dont mind Im rich spend as much as you'd like." Tony said as he walked out of the room and Clint entered with Sam.

"Did we hear it's gonna be a certain someone's birthday?" Sam said.
And Yn turned around with a smile as she nodded.
"Tia's birthday is coming up on Saturday" Yn said with a smile.
"Well we could always all go to my farm we recently build a pool for the kids."
"You have a wife and kids ?" Yn asked staring at Clint with her mouth hung open.

Clint nods and she just keeps staring at him in shock.
Sam burst out laughing.
"Dont worry Yn we all found it hard to believe the first time we were there."
Sam said and Yn just shakes her head in disbelief as she walks out of the kitchen.

She made her way back to Bucky's room only to find that he was already on his way to her.
He had Tia on his shoulders and she giggled all the way.

"Mommy!" Tia exclaimed excitedly.
"Hi baby" Yn said as she took a very excited Tia from Bucky.

"Hey baby girl do you want to go get some donuts ?" Yn asked as Tia nodded.
"Yeah donuts!" She exclaimed.
"Then go wake Peter up" Yn said with a smile as Tia ran to Yn's room where Peter was still snoozing away.

"Morning" bucky said his voice still deep as he pulled Yn in for a hug.
She practically melted in his arms.
She feared that if he wasn't holding her in place she would've flown away with the amount of butterflies.
"Morning Buck" she finally got out as she just held onto him.
Her soft velvety voice calming him down.

She pulled away looking up at him slowly through her eyelashes.
His stomach was in a knot when she did that.
"Bucky ?" She said and he almost passed out.
"Yeah doll" his voice was low and deep.
"Tia's birthday is coming up and Clint offered for us all to go to his farm for the weekend." She said with a soft smile but it soon turned excited.
"They have a pool there!" Yn said suddenly realizing how fun this was gonna be.

Suddenly the heard Tia's sweet little laugh.
When they turned around she was ontop of Peter's shoulders.
She seemed to love sitting on people's shoulders.
She quickly leaned in to whisper to Bucky.
"Ask Peter to take her out for donuts and a milkshake while I take her to change so that when they are busy we can go to the shops okay." Bucky nodded and Yn headed towards Peter with a smile.
"Morning Yn" Peter said and he smiled at her while Tia was bursting with energy.

"Morning Parker care if I take Tia for a few minutes ?" She asked and he shaked his head.
Yn took Tia and went to her room.
"Morning Mr. Bucky" Peter said coming over to Bucky.
The poor kid looked still asleep and his hair was a mess.
"Morning Peter" Bucky said as he smiled at the kid but he quickly recomposed himself.
"Hey Peter me and Yn have a favor to ask you." Bucky said and the kid looked excited maybe to be acknowledged.

"Yeah sure" He said waiting for Bucky to continue.
"We need you to take Tia out for a milkshake and maybe some donuts or something because me and Yn are gonna go buy the things to set up her birthday party thats coming up on Saturday." Bucky explained to Peter an he nodded along.
"Okay no problem" Peter said and Bucky smiled handing him a card.
"It has no limit on." Bucky told him and he nodded again.

Just then Yn came out of her room with little Tia.
Tia had her hair in a braid, black boots, a lightblue dress with some ocean waves on and her leather jacket in hand.
She looked gorgeous and that made Bucky's heart melt.
She wasn't his real daughter but she sure felt like it.

Yn tugged on Bucky's hand as she dragged him to her room.
"We'll be right back wait for us." Yn said as she went in her room pulling Bucky along and closing the door.

"Okay so we need cake but maybe we can bake that I dont know we also need to get her some presents ah shit I dont know what presents we're gonna get her." Yn said as she rambled on looking for something to wear in her closet.

She pulled out a beautiful violet dress with some pretty sunflowers on.
She took short tights and her classic black boots out too.

She stopped and looked at Bucky as she motioned for him to turn around and he did so with a slight laugh.
She quickly changed into her clothes.

"You know everything will be okay doll." Bucky said and she sighed in defeat.
"I dont know I just want it to be perfect she deserves to have an awesome party." Yn said and Bucky turned around when he heard her collapse onto her bed.
His breath was knocked away for a moment when he saw her in that dress.

He went to lay down next to her as she looks to him only to see a sweet gently smile playing at his lips and she couldn't help but smile herself.
She took his hand both of their metal hands connected but it gave them comfort.

What made her feel safe and normal was the fact that he was like her broken and he was used just like her.
Heck he even had a metal arm like her it was like she was looking in a mirror.

"Lets go" she said finally looking away when she realised they have stared too long at each other.
He stood up allowing her to drag him with her again.
He didn't know what this woman was doing to him but hell he didn't mind it one bit...

Iron Soldier (Bucky x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя