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AN : I advise you to listen to the song
CHAMPION by NEONI for this chapter unless you can't listen to music and read.


Hulk roared, and then his eyes landed on Yn.
He stared at her, confused for a moment, almost as if he recognized her.

"Oh, this will be good." Yn says as she rolls her neck to pop it.
She looks to the sword in her hands and then to the weapons on the arena wall.

She jabs the sword into the ground and walks up to the weapons on the wall.
Deciding on a wooden shield, she takes it and walks back to her sword.
She grabs it out of the ground and lifts it into the air.
The whole time, he just watched her.
She banged her sword against the shield as a battle cried, and the crowd started banging with her.

She then stopped, and she took one look at Hulk as she jumped in the air and threw the shield like a frisbee towards him.
He suddenly let out a roar, and before he could punch the shield, her swords drove right through it and wedged into the wall just beside his head.
He turned to look at the sword, and that is all she needed.

She watched as he turned around, and she crouched on the ground as she spread fire to the ground.
It made straight lines, and when it reached him, it encircled him.

The crowd went wild, and the flames got higher as she tried her best to completely engulf Hulk in it.
When she did, he screamed and roared.

The Grand Master slammed his fists against the table and spilled some of his drink.
"Give me the remote now!!!" He yelled, and a gaurd scrambled to get the remote controller for him.

He pushed the button, and Yn collapsed to her knees.
She felt the electricity go through her, and she yelled out in pain.
The flames dissipated, and Yn yelled more.

The Grand Master pressed the button more times and upped the voltage.
Yn yelled louder, but she didn't pass out.

She struggled to bring her hand to her neck, but she didn't quit as she grabbed the metal piece with her hand and wripped it out of her neck and a piece of her flesh as well.

She looked at the piece of metal that had lodged a spike into her neck to stay.
The same spike now had a piece of her flesh stuck on it.

She looked to the VIP box and crushed the piece as she raised flames again.
This time, she raised them so high it was a danger to the crowd, and some stood up and backed away.

Yn was no longer playing she was being dangerous, and she liked it.
She was being exactly what Hydra wanted her to be.
She was showing everyone how much of a monster she could be.

The flames rose higher and higher, and there was no stopping her.
"Yn stop this !" Loki called out, and she saw him on the sidelines now.
He wasn't calm he was scared, and she could see it as clear as day.
She looked around the arena.

"Not until he declares me the new champion." She says, and Loki bites his lip the same way she usually does.
Seconds tick by, and Yn watches the flames around her, feeling a sense of peace.
If she wouldn't be able to make it back to Bucky or Tia, she would burn everyone else who had their families with them.

It sounded wrong so wrong, and it was, but she was feeling bitter.
Why did they deserve to be happy, and she didn't.

"Okay, people, the clear winner is The Iron Soldier, our New Champion!" The Grand Master announced, and Yn smiled as she started making the flames die down.
"I am the Champion..."

Yn walked with a smirk back to the door she came from, and the gaurds stared at her in shock.
They were scared to touch her, and it only fueled her adrenaline more.
"Come on, are you not gonna take me to him? I have an appointment."

The gaurds didn't say anything as they took her back to the Grand Master.
The door opened, and Loki turned around so fast he almost lost balance.
Both the Grand Master and Loki stared at her.
There was blood dripping in a steady flow from her neck.
She was pale, but she didn't feel much because of her super soldier syrum kicking in.

"We had a deal, and now I want you to fulfill your end." Yn says, and the Grand Master backed away.
"Fine...what do you want from me ?"
He asks, and Yn smiles.

"A ship strong enough to travel space." She says, and he just stares at her.
"No," he says, and she looks at him incredulously.
"What did you just say to me ?" She asks her voice dangerously low, and he holds up his hand, pointing at her.
"I said no."
That was the wrong choice of words, and Yn stepped forward flames at hand.
"Do you wanna be next ?" She asks, and he fumbles for his remote controller as he presses a button.
Nothing happens, and the Grand Master just stares at her.

"Oh, are you looking for this ?" She asks as she takes the crumpled piece of metal out of her pocket.
It was covered in a lot of blood and some skin.
"How did you do that ?" He asks bewildered, but she only shook her head.

"It doesn't matter. I won now. Give me what I want."
She says, and he sighs.
"Fine, go on and give her the ship." The Grand Master says to one of his gaurds.

The gaurd hesitates and looks between the Grand Master and Yn.
Thr Grand Master only glares at the gaurd, and he finally moves.
Yn follows behind the gaurd, but she starts feeling light-headed.

On their way to the garage or well vault where the Grand Master keeps his ships, Yn almost passes out.
She has lost too much blood.

She finds a big war ship and decides that she'll take that one.
The gaurd gives her the code to the ship, and she puts it in.
The ship roars to life, and Yn smiles.

But before she could get back off, she passed out.
The gaurd leaves her there and dissappears.
Valkarie, who has seen everything happen, had followed them and is now speed walking over to Yn.

"Hey, come one, you can't pass out again." Val said as she lightly slapped Yn on the cheek.
She picked Yn up and threw her over her shoulder.

Back at Val's apartment, she looked at the wound on Yn's neck and started cleaning it.
"You're gonna be okay. we'll get you out of here." Suddenly, there was a knock on her door.
She cursed under her breath and went to open the door.
She was still covered in a lot of blood.

Before her stood Loki as she opened the door.
"What do you want ?" She asks, and before he could even say a word, he eyed the blood on her suspiciously.

"How about we strike a deal ?" He says, and she sighs.
"Well, are you gonna come in or not because I haven't got all day." Val says, and he steps inside.
She slams the door shut, and he follows behind her to where she was busy.

When he stepped into her living room, the first thing he saw was Yn laying unconscious there on a table.
"Yn !" Loki exclaimed as he quickly went to her side.

"What is she doing here ?" He asks through clenched teeth.
"She passed out, and I brought her here to clean her wounds." Val says as she continues to clean the wound on Yn's neck.

"Here I can heal her." Loki says, and Val steps back with a raised eyebrow.
Loki puts his hand on Yn's neck as blood starts running down his hand.
He closes his eyes, and slowly, a green hue emits from his hand as her wound starts closing.

Val watches as it happens, and slowly, the cut along Yn's face starts healing, too.
Yn gasps, and then she opens her eyes only to close them again.

She then groans as she holds her neck.
"Oww what the fuck happened ?" Yn complains as she rolls onto her side.
She then opens her eyes again and looks straight into Loki's eyes.

"You gotta stop waking me like this..."  Yn says and Loki only threw her a worried smile.

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