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"Ma'am I know this might feel like a shock to you but please remain calm." The doctor spoke to her and Yn's brain went frantic.

"I need to call my sister, please..." Yn choked as tears started welling in her eyes.
"Ma'am after I do the sonogram to confirm your baby is okay we will contact your sister."
The doctor said and Yn closed her eyes.

After the sonogram that took quite a long time the doctor wiped Yn's stomach clean from the cold gel.
"Miss your baby is still alright." The doctor said and Yn released a breath she didn't know she was holding.

She still couldn't quite comprehend what was happening.
The doctor looked to Yn.
"Could you please give me your sister's number so I can contact her, do you have any other relatives I dhould contact ?" The doctor asks and Yn shakes her head no.

"My parents are both dead, but here." Yn quickly takes the ben on the table side and scribbles Nat's number on a piece of magazine laying nearby.

The doctor nodded and left.
Yn didn't know what the heck she was supposed to do.
She was barely sane enough to look after her and Tia and now she'd have to look after another baby too ?
And not just that how was she pregnant, the Red Room had made sure she could never have kids again they sterilized her.

Atleast thats what she had been told, she had been put to sleep and woke up in pain remembering nothing of what happened.

Yn's mind was a mess and she felt asif she was having another panic attack.
Her breaths came out ragged and shaky.
That is untill she felt the warm hand on her's, that she allowed herself to calm down.
She oppened her eyes slowly and was met with a pair staring back at her.
One she knew her whole life.

"Tasha" Yn croaked out, but it sounded more like a strangled sob.
"Shh Im here Ava Im here." Nat said and Yn started crying more.
"Im...I...They said that..." Yn couldn't get the words out no matter how much she tried.

"I know, Ava the doctor told me, It's okay we'll figure it out, but no matter what Im not gonna leave your side okay ?" Nat said and Yn couldn't bring herself to speak no matter how hard she tried so she only nodded.

Yn was released and went back to the tower with Nat.
When she got there most of the Avengers wanted to know where she was the day before but neither Yn nor Nat told them anything.

Yn went to her room and to her surprise when she opened it she found Loki asleep on her bed.
At first that would bother her but she just smiled when she saw his face full of makeup and the guilty culprit laying in his arms which was Tia.
She quickly snapped a photo and closed the door quietly again.
She walked to Bucky's old room and a wave of sadness hit her.

She just went to lay on the bed and fell asleep eventually and for the first time in a very long while she dreamt of nothing.
No nightmare of The Red Room, of Hydra or of Bucky's dusting.

When she woke up she was still a little groggy but soon noticed the figure stood in the doorway.
Natasha alway there when she needs her.
"Morning sleepy head." Nat says and Yn smiles at Natasha.

"Hey" Yn got out her throat feeling like sandpaper but her smile didn't quite reach her eyes.
"Spill it" Nat says and Yn sighs.
"I think I want to go away for a bit...from the here I mean. All this feels so suffocating and I cant stand the others knowing." Yn says and Nat nods.

"I figured you might say that, so here." Nat pulls a key necklace from her neck Yn didn't notice before.
"It's the key to the cottage I stayed at while most of us were fugitives." She says and I smile at her eith tears beginning to form.

"Nat I can't..." Yn starts but Natasha only pulls Yn into a tight hug and for the first time in a long time Yn feels Natasha brush her lips against her forehead.
The last time Nat had kissed Yn on her forehead was when they were little and Yn got hurt, which she did all the time.

"Get your things packed and I'll get Tia and start the car okay." Nat says and Yn nods.
With the key on the necklace Yn pockets it and starts packing a bag.

About 15 minutes later Yn has a bag packed for her and Tia.
The only ones she greeted were Sam, Steve and Loki.
Clint wasn't at the tower he hadn't been since the dusting.

He went his own way and Yn didn't even want to know where he was doing what in the world.
She already had enough blood on her own hands to worry about the blood on his.

Nat put Yn's bags into the car with all the things she chose to take.
While Yn hugged the three figures.
Sam then Steve and lastly Loki.
He was never one for hugs but this time he hugged her.

"You guys can come visit me if you'd like." Yn says directing it more to Loki because she knows how much he's going to miss Tia.

The three gets into the car and Yn is in the passenger seat while Tia listens to music in the back.
Yn is so torn between her thoughts that she doesn't notice how she's been clenching her fingers around the door handle untill Nat starts playing music.

"Miss American Pie" Yn states and Nat smiles.
"It was Lena's favorite song, you remember how she used to shout it at the top of her loungs when we were little ?" Nat asks and Yn nods with a tighs smile.
"I used to hate that song but now it only makes me miss her more."

The drive took about 7 hours when they arrived in the middle of a green plain.
Nat helps with the bags and Yn has Tia in her arms who is now soundly asleep.
Yn takes the key out of her pocket and opens the door.

Walking through Nat comes from behind her and leads the way.
It's small but it'll do for Yn.

There is a big double bed a small kitchen and a bathroom with a shower and a toilet and sink.

"It's small but I think it'll do for you two." Nat says and Yn smiles at Nat again.
Yn places Tia on the bed and helps Nat with thr bags.

The go back to thr car for a second round trip and bring in the groceries they bought on the way.

"Here is a generator and enough feul to last about a month maybe a little less." Nat says and Yn goes to hug Nat.
"Here" Natasha says handing Yn the car keys.
"What but how are you gonna go back." Just as Yn asked the question a car arrives on cue and a man awaits inside.

"I called in a favor. Dont get yourself killed and call me for any help, I will see you in a month's time, I love you Ava." Nat says and Yn's eyes grows teary.

"I love you too Tasha, thanks so much." Yn says and with that Yn watches as they drive away.
She is left with her own thoughts and she sinks against the now closed door.
For the first time in weeks or maybe even months she allows her self to fully break down.
She was scared, scared as hell because for the maybe thousandth time she is breaking and this time she has no Bucky to put her back together.

She was broken and he always knew but he always allowed her to process things.
To break...

Because he knew he was always there to pick her up and put her back together but what about now?
Now she is forced to break alone as Tia silently sleeps in the room next to her and she has a baby in her stomach that belongs to solemnly Bucky...

She remembers the night...
But she doesn't allow herself time to think about it.
All she can do is silently scream as she crumbles to the floor...
She is officially back to before Bucky.
Completely and utterly lost and she was losing all grip on sanity.
How would she be able to care for her two babies all by herself with no one to ground her...

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