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Somewhere in Budapest in an apartment was Bucky under the controll of Zemo.
He sat mindlessly staring at a wall while Zemo typed on his computer.

With each passing minute his empty brain felt more panicked he didn't know why though.
Its been like this for hours.
Zemo stood up as he heard a knock on the door, he walked towards it and looked through the peephole.

Outside stood a regular looking woman but he knew better than to be deceived by looks.
He opened the door only a small fraction.
"Can I help you ?" He asks and the woman looks to him her face giving nothing away of emotions.

"Can we please talk there's been an attack at Hydra" The woman says and Zemo tilts his head as he looks to the woman.
He sighs but closes the door and unlock the chain opening it again.
He allows her to step through and she does so.

Her eyes gaze over at Bucky who sits there mindlessly not fazed by her presence.
"Sit" Zemo instructs to her as he motions to the chair.
She does so and he sits across from her.
"Were you followed ?" He asks and she shakes her head 'no' but that does not convince Zemo as he sees the nervous look in her eyes.

"Winter soldier" Zemo says and Bucky's head snaps to Zemo awaiting his comand.
"Keep watch at the door" Zemo says and Bucky stands up and walks effortlessly across the room standing at the door.

She glances at him in slight panic but looks back to Zemo.
"Commander Pierce wanted me to come to you to ask for the Winter Soldier to track down the lost Widow and the Iron Soldier, they escaped Hydra." She says and Zemo raises and amused eyebrow.

"I see does Hydra have insight on where they are ?" He asks and she sighs as she looks down.
"Unfortunately not, they were held at our base here in Budapest and Pierce had said you were here too she he asked me to come and ask if you'd be willing to help, he said that the contract still stands." She finishes and Zemo considers it.

"Very well, they might still be here in Budapest so I will find them."
Zemo says and she sighs a breath of relief.
"Thank you sir." She says as she shakes his hand and stands up.
He walks her towards the door and Bucky just stands there.
When she is halway throughout the door Bucky sinks to his knees his body feeling like it is on fire.

"What is wrong soldier ?" Zemo asks with a raised eyebrow.
"My b...ody is....burn...ing" Bucky says through clenched teeth.
He quickly pushes the woman out and close the door.

Zemo lifts the front of Bucky's shirt to see his whole chest is bright red.
"Go take an ice bath." Zemo says and Bucky gets up slowly.

While sitting in an ice cold bath, his body slightly better now, his back feels like it just got hit by a truck.
He groans in pain.
What the actual Fuck was going on with him.

Yn and Yelena had found their way to an apartment in Budapest apparently it was Nat's apartment.
Yn missed her so much.
But more importantly she missed Bucky and Tia.
Immediately her hand goes to the cool metal chain hanging around her neck and she toys with it while she waits for her sister to pick the lock.

"Ah hah" Yelena says looking happy with herself as she opens the door and the walk in.
Yn looks around the apartment and finds a small bathroom with a bath in.
She quickly strips and start running the taps with luke warm water.

She gets in and sits and relax for a bit.
Yelena come to find her putting a pair of clean clothes on the ground.
"Thanks Lena" she says and Yelena mumbles something with food in her mouth.
"Come eat when your done, I made macaroni." Yn only rolled her eyes as she smiled.
Yelena always loved macaroni as a kid and clearly she still does.

She finishes and put on the pair of dark blue skinny jeans and black tank top with some much more comfortable boots.

She walks into the kitchen where Yelena is sitting with a pot in hand eating macaroni.
"Hey sis you dont maybe have got a sel here somewhere do you." Yn asks and catches the thing flying at her face with precision.

"Dont get us killed or tracked please." Yn hears Yelena yell from where she stood on the balcony.
"No promises !" She yells back as she switches on the phone.

The phone is practically empty.
No additional apps or numbers or anything.
Yn dials Nat's number and wait while she hears it ring.

"Who is this" Yn hears Nat's voice speaking in Russian.
"Nobody important Tasha." Yn says back in Russian and she can practically hear the relief in her sisters breath.
"Ava where are you, where have you been.
We have been looking all over." Her voice broke at the last part.
"Hydra, then their spell wore off, got tortured, saw Lena, she was mind controlled, got that to break too, we escaped, I jumped a 5 story building naked, with her oh and did I mention that I were experimented on too." Yn says with a smile to her voice and Nat knew Yn was okay.

"Well Tia is really upset lately and rightfully so, she needs her mother back Yn." Nat says and Yn sighs.
"Atleast she ahd Bucky with her, can i maybe talk to hkm quickly" Yn asks feeling desperate to know he is okay.
Nat sighs "Yn about that he was taken too." Nat says and Yn can practically feel her heart breaking.

"I'll find him" Yn says her voice cracking.
"Well, were wor... did you say Lena is with you ?" Nat asks.
"Yeah she's safe and okay this time, not trying to kill me and stab my to death like last time." Yn says with a smile when she heard the reponse came from the kitchen.
"I heard that one more word and I'm eating your macaroni !"
Nat had heard it too and she smiled.
"I love you Ava." Nat says and Yn definitely was close to crying.

"I love you too Tasha, but I seriously need to still look for Bucky."
Yn says as she thinks about this, she misses him so much, she hadn't seen him or Tia in weeks now.

"We'll work on it just come back please ?" Nat says and Yn freezes as she looks down a few balconies.
There in the flesh stood the person she loved so much and thos blue eyes.
Those steel blue eyes she'd recognize anytime.

"Hey I have to get him" Yn says her heart beating super fast.
He just stares at her.
"Yn please li..." Nat didn't finish as Yn interrupted her.
"No nat I'm looking right at him..." she whispers and end the call.

She pretends she didn't see him and goes inside.
She looks at Yelena.
"I know where he is." Says Yn.
She explained to her earlier a bit about her life the past few months."

Back with Bucky he stood there and stared at the girl.
She looked shocked but he didn't know was it about something she had heard over the phone or because she saw him.

"I have eyes on target" Bucky tells Zemo and he smiles.
"Good job soldier go to them, bring them back."

Zemo says and Bucky goes out on the balcony and then jumps the few feet over.
It's a big jump but he makes it look like it's nothing.

Yn heard the silent thud and turned around too see Bucky.
Both were looking to take the other one down but Yn had no intent on hurting him but she didn't know so well if he felt the same.

He stood there waiting for her to make a move.
She ran up to him and did the move she had done back on Asgard.
She threw herself over him using his shoulders as she landed and had him in a chokehold.

That didn't faze him and he tried to get her off.
He pulled a knife and Yelena stepped forward ready to help.
"Dont" yn said struggling to keep him from stabbing her.

She kicked his knee from behind and locked her legs around his neck while holding his arms down.
He bit her leg and she let go of one of his hands as he grabbed another knife and tried to stab her again.

"Bucky you have to snap out of it !" She yelled desperately.
Yelena wanted to help but she didn't want to overstep she knew nothing of the situation.
"Buck !" Yn yelled again as he graced her side with the knife.
She got thrown off him and he stood up now as he grabbed her by the throat.

She felt the knife enter her abdomen and exit on the other side her vision started blurring.
"I love you" she said through clenched teeth.
Those words stopped Bucky in his tracks.
He dropped her as he stumbled back.
Yelena was there now picking her sister up.

Memories flashed through Bucky's mind.
As he saw Yn before him, all the time they have spent together, Tia, Asgard, It all.

He now he noticed his bloody hands as he looked to Yn who was sitting on the floor breathing heavy.
"Yn stay with me !" Yelena yelled as she pushed something to the wound.
But all he could do was stare.
"What did i do ?" Bucky asked as he closed his eyes and suddenly he felt a bullet go through him as he passes out...

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