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Back on earth it felt like it has been months to Yn or even maybe days she didn't know how much time had passed and she had given up on guessing.

She just kept laying in a corner not wanting to eat and not wanting to do anything.
In reality it had been a year.
She never ate, when she passed out from lack of nutrients Bruce would come in and put an IV in her, only for her to wrip it out later and so this would continue on.

Natahsa had tried to help Steve and Bucky locate where Yn could be but Tony didn't let anything slip.
Sam was dragged in this along with Wanda and Clint.

All of them tirelessly trying to save Yn.
Bucky was the worst out of them all he barely ate and didn't sleep one bit.
When he did fall asleep from exhaustion he would have nightmares only to wake up and find no Yn.

Yn was sure she was losing her mind.
She kept seeing Bucky only to find out it's hallucinations.
She was currently laying on the ground in the same spot she always does.

The doors opened up and Yn looked blurily to the figure.
"Bucky ?" She squinted her eyes trying to get them to focus but she couldn't see much.
"Come on get up." The person said as she struggled to find her balance to get up.
Her limbs were weak.

The figure hoisted her up in one swift motion and took her tired frame to a different room.
It was completely metal and she was strapped to a table.
"Bucky ?" She asked again but this time more tired and exhausted.

"It's not Bucky." The man said and finally her eyes focused as she saw the man before her.
He was tall and muscular but not too much, he had long light brown hair tied back in a bun.
His eyes were a brilliant green and almost shone like emeralds.

She was immediately struck with a pang of homesickness for her daughter as memories flooded her mind.
She could see the little girl infront of her eyes the river of strawberry blonde hair with the white streak, the brilliant green eyes, the innocent smile and the sweet little giggles.

Fresh tesrs flooded her eyes, tears she hadn't cried in over a year.
She had completely given up after she realized the team would never find her.
SHE didn't even know where she was.
"Who...who are you ?" She asked the man.
"Lets just go with Leo." He told her.
There was a certain chill to his voice and even his whole demeanor.

"Where did you take me ?" She asked him and for a second there was a hint of sympathy in his eyes but whatever she saw was gone as soon as it came.

He saw her confused look as she stared empty into his eyes.
He felt bad for her and he almost let it slip.
"Why am I here Leo ?" She asks him and he sighs.
"For experiments they want to know what you're cable of with the powers hydra gave you." He says and she just kept staring at him.
Her eyes looked empty still, there was also a look of hopelessness in them.
A look of a person who had already given up.

He bent down so he can whisper to her.
"Dont give up, hold onto the last bit of hope you can find even if it is just for them." He told her and she looked to him confused again.
Why did it feel like she knew him from somewhere, she recognized those green eyes.

He touched her hand and didn't let go for a few moments, it made her uncomfortable and his touch was unnervingly cold.
When he let go she looked at her hand out of instinct but if she did not she would have definitely missed it.

In her hand layed a small piece of folded paper.
She carefully unfolded it with shaky hands.

I'm coming to get you out doll please just trust me, Tia is safe and remember that I love you... Stormy

She felt new tears well up in her eyes.
She now remembers that memory so well.

They were on the balcony on Asgard when she called him Stormy.
She had told him it reminded her of his eyes.

Oh how she had missed seeing those eyes.
When she looked back to her hand she saw something else that made even more tears stream down her face.
There softly she felt the light weight of the golden chain.
Her necklace Bucky had given her on their first date back on Clint's farm.

She softly kissed it and held it close to her chest.
"Hide it." He told her softly but his voice was commanding.
She quickly stuffed it into her bra.

The table rolled out of the room and she closed her eyes.
"No matter what dont open your eyes pretend your unconscious." She heard his voice near her ear and a trail of goosebumps spread over her neck.

"Leo is the subject under ?" She heard another voice say.
"Yes sir subject 105761 is under and ready for testing." Leo said and she feared what would come next.
"Verry well I'll leave you too it." The other man said and she heard a door open and close.

"Stay still." He told her snd she felt her body trembling ever so slightly, she tried not to make it obvious.
Suddenly alarms went off in the distance.
"Right on time." He says and he rolls the table out of the room using a key card to go through multiple doors.

Suddenly she felt the restraints being loosened and the next moment she was being carried by a pair of cold arms.

The person gracefully ran the distance and the alarms got louder and louder.
Suddenly the person stopped and she felt the most weirdest sensation ever.

The only thing she could explain it with was the bifrost but just not as tingly as this made her feel.
She was handed to another pair of arms and only when she felt a kiss on her forehead did she dare open her eyes.

There he was running with her in his arms.
"James..." she whispered and he looked to her.
"Im right here doll, Im right here." She could see he was trying to hold back tears and she now too were crying again.

She clutched his shirt with all the little strength she had left and silently cried into his chest.

Thor had suggested a few months ago they get Loki to help since he can do illusions.
He could pretend he was someone else and infiltrate the base they held Yn at.

When Loki saw how miserable Tia was getting without her mom and dad he agreed.

It had taken a month for him to get in and another two for them to finally start the 'experiments' by then it was practically already a year she was gone.
When they finally came up with a jail break plan to get Yn out it was like light at the end of the tunnel for Bucky.

He finally had a chance to bring her back.
When Loki apeared outside with Yn's weak form in his arms something inside Bucky broke.
She was so thin and had dark circles under her eyes.
He knew she was dehydrated too.

He ran with her alongside Steve, Sam and Thor.
Loki and Natasha where already at the jet making sure everything was ready.

"Let's go !" Natasha yelled to them and they piled in the jet as the door snapped shut and it took off with Clint in the pilots seat.

They flew back to Wakanda to get Yn's weak form to Shuri.
Bucky sat down at the back with Yn in his arms as he softly stroked her hair.
"Shh doll Im here my love." Bucky cooed as she silently sobbed.
"This isn't some sort of cruel dream or hallucination again is it ?" She asked with teary eyes as she looked at Bucky.
"No my lov... no doll... it isn't." Bucky choked out struggling with his words as he too were now crying.

He gently took off the moon bracelet and put it on her arm.
"Just like before doll." He said and she cried even more.
He had read what she had wrote in the back of her notebook.
"Tia, where is Tia ?" She suddenly asks and looks around in panic.

"She is safe on Asgard." Loki said stepping closer and she finally looked at him properly.
"It's was you the whole time ?" She asks in disbelief.
"Yes" he said and she choked on more sobs.
"Thank you..." she whispered.

He heard her and even if it was two simple words, he felt the power they carried.

"Your welcome Yn."

Iron Soldier (Bucky x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя