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They we're all supposed to leave Monday morning so Sunday afternoon they were all enjoying time in the pool.
Clint smiled as he walked into the kitchen and stopped as he saw fury.
"Agent Barton." Furry said nodding as a greeting.
"Boss what are you doing here ?" He asked as he stood and stared at Furry confused on why he was there.

"Bring everyone in will you then we'll talk." Furry said and Clint nodded confused but did so and everyone came in confused as to why Clint wanted them inside.
They were all still wet and Laura didn't appreciate that on her wooden floors but didn't say a word.

"Sorry to interrupt your little party going on but we have serious issues people." Fury said pulling up a holographic screen.
"Hydra has been looking all over for Yn since she was known as the Iron Soldier. About 4 to 5 months ago Yn was sent to your tower Stark to ki..." Before Furry could finish Yn stopped him.

She looked to Peter hoping he'd understand and he did as he stood up taking Tia outside with Cooper and Lila.
Furry looked annoyed but continued.
"As I was saying she was sent to your tower Stark to kill you all and take Bucky Barnes back to Hydra now I'm very aware that she was brainwashed but since this vidio feed." Furry said pulling up the vidio clip and some photo's of the scene of Yn jumping out a window with Tia.
"It has been getting alot of talk, Hydra is planning on getting you back Yn." Furry says looking at her with his one good eye.

She just sits there looking calm but on the inside there is a storm raging and she doesn't know wheter to be scared or mad.
"But here is where it gets better, we have some agents on the inside of Hydra and they revealed that the Red Room is indeed still up and running and well active even though Romanoff and Barton took it down in Budapest." Furry says and Nat's face pales.

"Here is the best part they are after that little girl you have been carrying around like your own child and trust me I dont blame you I have heard that her parents were abusive but Hydra is after her because she has powers." Furry says and Yn can't believe what she is hearing Tia has powers what ?
Bucky's head is also turning violently because he is just as confused as Yn is.

"Okay so whats supposed to hapen now ?" Yn asks Furry as she looks to Bucky.
She looked awfully calm to every but Bucky could see the panic behind her eyes.
"We need to take take her with us."
Furry says and Yn stands up.

"Your not taking her." Yn said her voice steady and not wavering once.
"Im afraid I wasn't asking miss Ln." Furry says and Yn just stares at him.
"Then you'll do it over my dead body." Yn says and walks out of the room with Bucky following her but not after he gave Furry a death stare.

"Your not taking her Furry." Nat says and everyone agrees with her.
"She stays with us and Im afraid that isn't up for discussion." Steve says as he too stands up.
"Look you know what FINE. The girl can stay with you but we still dont know what Hydra is planning exactly because they have agents everywhere and so does Dreykov have his widows everywhere. So we need to be prepared untill then act normal and go on with your lives like you dont know about this." Furry says and since then everyone has been on edge.

It's been two months since their visit to the farm and life have seemed to return to normal except for the occasional mission here or there.
Yn still wasn't allowed on missions but she didn't really care she knew that she woukd get her chance to one day go.

She was laying on the bed cuddling with Bucky as the Tv played.
They were both asleep and Tia was at Peter's.
He had told his aunt that he was babysitting for a friend and technically he wasn't lying.

It was about 2 pm in the afternoon and Yn and Bucky both were taking an afternoon nap which they both desperately needed.
Suddenly the door bursts open to reveal a very out of breath looking Steve and they stir awake looking at Steve confused.
"Mission lets go, Yn you too." Steve says and Yn is excited that she gets to go on a mission.
Steve threw her a bag and dissappeared again.

When she oppened it there was a gorgeous black suit in.
It looked almost similar to Tia's but it had a hood and instead of orange or red like Nat and Tia's suit it had Purple and Yn was loving it but she had other things to deal with.
Bucky quickly got his suit as he started to strip.
Yn quickly turned around and started to strip aswell as she put her new suit on.
It was a little loose but Yn remembered what Tony did with Tia's suit and she found a small button on her chest as she pressed it and the suit retracted perfectly to her body size.

She smiled and she turned around to find Bucky ready as they made their way to the weaponry Nat and Clint was there getting their weapons ready.
"What do I need to take ?" Yn asks as she turns to Nat.
"Can you shoot a sniper ?" Nat ask and Yn raises her eyebrow asif to ask
'Do you think I cant' but Yn didn't say anything.

"You should take one we have a Hydra base we need to get at their experimenting on kids there." Nat says and Yn nods as she looks around for a sniper but finds none.
"Uhh" Yn was about to comment on it when Nat pressed a few buttons on a pad lock on the wall and it oppened revealing 2 snipers.

Yn nodded as she took one also taking two pistols and some knifes.
Bucky took his clasic choice of weapons, which would be his automatic gun and an extra with a set of knifes just like Yn's.

Yn quickly pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Peter.

We have got a mission please keep Tia with you till we get back love your annoying best friend...

She and Peter became like best friends because with him she felt like a little kid and he helped her live out life like the childhood she never got.

Yn, Bucky, Nat and Clint made their way to the jet and the rest got on soon too.
The only ones there was obviously Peter and Thor.
Yn sighed nervously as she bounced her leg up and down.
She was very nervous as this was her first real mission.
Bucky gently put his hand on her knee to stop it from moving and he took her hand in his kissing it.

She smiled gratefully at him as she leaned on his shoulder.
It was a 4 hour flight but the whole time Tony was discussing the plan Yn was zoned out.

"You guys got that ?" Tony asks as they were almost there.
Everyone agreed except Yn.
"Hey kid did you listen to a word I said ?" Tony asks as he motions to her with his finger.

"Mhhh ?" Was the only response he got from Yn which only proved his point that she indeed had not listend.
"I'll fill her in." Bucky said waving of Tony's annoyed mood.
Tony only sighed in respone as he went and sat down next to Clint in the front.

When they arrived it was cold and snowing outside.
Yn didn't know where they were but she knew what she had to do.

Steve handed her a earpiece when they got of the jet and she grabbed her sniper as Tony prepared to fly her to her spot
"Better clench up Smokey" Tony said as he picked her up and flew her to a high spot in the mountains far enough for her not to be spotted but not so far that she could not take a shot if needed.

Tony puts her on the ground as he lands next to her.
"This button can make your suit camouflage." He says pressing a hidden button on her side.
"And this one can activate a parachute if needed." He said motioning to another button.
"And this one activates armor mode it gives you some extra protection." He says and she nods as he flies off.
She presses the button on her side again as her suit immediately changes to white.

"Cool" she whispers under her breath as she lays down on the ground positioning her sniper as she watches everything through the scope.
She was looking at the side of the buidling suddenly remembering she should probably put her earpiece in.
As she did she heard the random mumbles of people on the team.

She looked through the scope again to the side as she saw a man she never whised to see again with another man she also never wished to never see again and a face she thought she was never gonna see again.

There in the snow stood Dreykov the leader of the red room next to the leader of Hydra and Behind them stood her long lost younger sister.
Yelena Belova.
"Lena...?" Was the only word she could get out.

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