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The more the days progressed the more did Tia's grip and knowledge on her powers.

But Yn noticed only the second night of Tia's training the white streak in her daughter's hair.
She had spoken to Frigga about it and the Queen reassured her that it is nothing to worry about.

They had decided to stay an extra week and it was almost over they were gonna go home later that day.
In the meantime Yn and Bucky had taken up the task of learning how to fight with a sword.

"Okay I think that is enough for now" Yn says panting heavily as sweat trickles down her forehead.
"Very well then" Sif said as she too was sweaty.
Yn and Bucky took their bottles of water as they made their way over to the clearing where Tia was practicing her magic.

Yn and Bucky sat down on the cool grass and Yn leaned into Bucky's touch.
They watched as Tia floated a few feet above the ground her eyes glowing green.

Yn was amazed at how quickly Tia was learning.
Frigga was stood on the ground her eyes had a faint yellow glow to it.
Suddenly a burst of energy erupts from Tia's hands and she and Frigga is surrounded by a big green magic shield.
Frigga lifted herself up into the air infront of Tia.

"Control it, it shouldn't control you dear close your eyes search in the deep corners of your being and find it hiding around there." Frigga said and Tia closed her eyes and her tongue was sticked out in concentration.
As they floated for a few moments more and suddenly a calm spread outwards from the green glowing dome as they both set down onto the ground.
Tia looked happy with her achievement and she looked over to see Yn and Bucky smile at her.

Her emotions got the best of her as she happily ran to them.
"Mom, dad did you see ?!" She asks them excitedly.
"We did monkey you were amazing" Bucky says as he ruffles her hair.
Yn kisses Tia on the forehead.
"You did amazing Daisy" Yn said and Tia smiled widely at her.
Tia ran back to a smiling Frigga.
"New nickname ?" Bucky asks with a laugh.
Yn couldn't help but laugh herself she was always coming up with nicknames for everyone.
"You know me" she says and leans back into his touch.

Tia and Frigga was busy for another good while but the more that Tia used her magic the more Yn noticed the long white strand of hair becoming more and more green.

Heck when they finished it was the same shade as Tia's eyes.
They walk over to them as Tia and Frigga had finished.
"I suspect it becomes more green like her powers the more she uses it, I still have not yet been able to find what other power it is I sense inside her but that will happen with time." Frigga says and Yn nods great full Frigga took her time to help.

"Thank you you majesty, I cant say it enough." Yn says and Frigga waves it away asif it was nothing.
"Are you leaving today ?" Frigga asks and both Yn and Bucky nod.

"We have been away from home for quite a while but we will be back again soon." Yn says and Frigga walks with them towards the castle.
"I have seen that you both have started learning how to use a sword feel free to take one for yourself back home if you wish." Frigga says with a smile.

"Thank you we will." Bucky says with a smile.
Tia was so sleepy that she let out a big yawn and the three adults turned to the sound of her yawning.

Yn smiled as she picked Tia up and the girl started drifting off in her mother's arms.

Back at the castle Yn and Bucky had taken a shower and packed as they waited for Thor.
They stood outside on the balcony the wind riveting through their hair.
Thor knocked on the door as he waited for an awnser.
He smiled when Yn and Bucky opened the door both with their bags and a sleepy Tia in tow.

They made their way to the throne room.
Odin sat upon his throne and Frigga stood next to him and Loki stood next to his mother.
Instead of a bored look this time loki had a stone cold expression on his face.
He was bitter that he could not get Tia back.

Yn and Bucky didn't bother to look at him.
They bowed before the King.
"Your welcome to come back at anytime"
"Thank you your highness." Bucky says as they rise.
Frigga had come down and enveloped Yn and Bucky both in a hug.

"Take care" Frigga said to Yn.
"I will do your highness" she said and then Frigga hugged Tia.

They had made their way out the castle and to the raibow bridge where they had accessed three horses again.
When in the observatory they had greeted Heimdall and then they were off again sent back to earth.
Yn had Tia in her arms and Bucky had his arm around Yn.
When their feet hit the roof of the Avengers tower Yn felt relief they hadn't eaten before they left but her stomach still protested to the feeling of the bifrost.

It was nighttime in New York but Yn didn't know what day it was or how late.
The door to the roof burst open as a sleepy looking group of Avengers emerged.
Nat was the first to run up and hug Yn.

Once inside Tia was put into bed and Yn sat down with the Avengers as they all wanted to catch up.
So each of them had a drink in hand and Yn told them all of her two weeks Bucky only adding in here and there.

"So yeah I'm not pleased with Loki, sorry Thor" Yn said and Thor smiled at her waving it off to tell her he took no offense to it.
"Wait how long have we been actually gone for here you guys seem like you have not seen us in months." Yn says and Nat looks to her with a confused look.

"Well you have been gone for four months." Nat says and Yn looks at her shocked.
"What ?!" Both her and Bucky exclaimed in unison.

"Well that is very possible because between realms time works differently so for us it was two weeks for them four months." Thor says and Yn puts her head in her hands.
This was all a bit too much.

"I think Im going to bed my brain hurts" Yn says with a dumbfounded look on her face and Bucky nodding in agreement.

Thor bursts out laughing and soon the rest followed suit.
Yn smiled it was good to be home she felt a wave of peace settle in her chest as she smiled at the people she had grown to know and love.

She and Bucky made their way to the bedroom and Yn layed down curled up against his side.
He was warm and that made her feel safe.

Soon sleep settled in and so did yet another nightmare.

Yn was walking down dark hallways again.
She knew them so well she had once called them home but yet they still held a certain type of coldness.

An Empty feeling you can never really describe but neither get rid of.

She walked towards the only door she could see, it was Pierce's office.
She opened the door and he stood with his back staring at a screen.

There were symbols on the screen she either didn't know or didn't recognize.
"Sit soldier" He said and every fibre in her body told her not too.
But it was as if her limbs weren't her own and she obeyed unwillingly.

"We will get you back soldier whether you like it or not and if we cant we'll take your beloved daughter or your beloved boyfriend."
He said and Yn froze how did he ?

"Soon soldier very soon you will be ours again.
Ours to controll."
Her blood ran cold this had to be a nightmare where was Bucky and Tia ?
Where was Nat ?
Or even Peter for that matter.

She was freaking out and she didn't know what to do suddenly a small jab of pain burned on her neck.
Her breath became more ragged and her body felt as if it were on fire.
What was happening?!

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