Chapter 18: Tweeks adventure

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"Youre not gonna tell Clyde about the porn?"

Craig had to tell Clyde about PORN!? Ew.... I should ask Clyde about it. But... Craig...

No! I can do it by myself! Im not gonna rely on Craig for everything because last night really freaked me out.... W-we were gonna- Nope! Nope nope not gonna think about it or ill start needing coffee... I could use some coffee right now..

I run up to Clyde. Hes really into his human gadget. Phones they called it. Norans have something similar called ꍌ꒒ꄲꁅ꒒'s.


"Hey Tweek."

"Clyde wh-"

"Tweek, which filter do you think would make me feel better about myself? Hot face or abs? Im pretty ugly and fat so I blah blah blah blah"

Ah Craig called Clyde a mental illness one time because of this... Apart from how sad this is I thought a filter was the thing in fridges to make the water drinky.

"Clyde theres a fridge filter in your human device?"

He looks up and blinks at me. "One, stop talking like that. Two, its not a fridge filter. Its an app called snapchat- Just- Just look, man!"

He puts the phone in my face. My eyes pop out!!!

I cover my face!! "GAH MY EYES!! NO THEY CAME OUT"

Clyde ꉣꌚꀗꂦ LAUGHS at my EYES coming out of my HEAD. "Oh my god youre eyes are fine! Dude do you not have these on Partial?"

I touch my face... I think my eyes are still there.... "No w-we dont have them- Ack! Why did it do that?"

He puts the human device in my face again. "Try this one!"

Nothing happened this time... But thers human words on it. "What does that say...?"

"It says open your mouth. Do it!"


I open my mouth and COLORS come out.


"CHILL. Its the filter... Its not really you its the phone!"

I calm down a little and take the phone. Theres circles at the bottom... I press one and my face turns into a animal!! I look down at myself and I dont look like a animal... I dont feel like one either.....

Clyde takes his phone thingy back. "See? Its the phone not you. Come on ill tell you more about it on the way to my house!

Clydes house? By myself...? Well Craigs gone..... Hmph! I got this! I follow behind Clyde as he talks about phone fridge filters!

As we walk I look up for a second and stop. Clyde stops too and looks at me.


"Wh-where are we...?"

Clyde looks around. This doesnt look like South Park... Its scary.....

"I have no fuckin idea."



He grabs my arms. "Relax! We can figure this out. We just have to go back the way we came."

I nod then stop. A creepy human is coming behind Clyde.... Clydes face drops and now im even more scared.

"O-oh god who-"

Then they cover our mouths with this stuff and im freaking out theyre gonna kill us they know what I am they know Clyde knows I- Oh my god im getting so sleepy I-


Then it goes all black.

I miss Craig....

Theres an alien in my f#king bed...  ☆~CREEK~☆Where stories live. Discover now