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A few moments after I sat on the bleachers, a man came and sat next to me.

"Hello." He said.

He looked a lot older than a high school student, very handsome too with his ash blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hi." I smiled back, then politely looked away, putting my attention back on Alex.

We watched him for a while, appreciating his talent. The way he'd swing, not missing once, so sturdy when he hits the ball, standing there with the bat behind his back watching the ball exceed heights again and again, proud of himself.

The man seemed to have noticed my admiration. He asked, "He's good, who is he?"

I looked at him. "Oh, you mean Alex? He's this crazy, kind of a jerk superstar who's just amazing at baseball." I joked.

"Why is he crazy?"

"He think he owns the world."

"Why is he a jerk?"

"I think it's in his blood. He just oozes jerkness."

"And he's a superstar?"

"Like in a Ted Bundy way? You know what I mean - charming but also an asshole?"

The man laughed.

I smiled and looked back at Alex.

I felt the man stare at my face for a long moment before he too went back to watching Alex.

After ten balls were scattered around the field, I got up, went over and started picking them up. Every now and then I'd look over at the bleachers to see if the man was still there, and there he was, still sitting watching Alex.

When Alex finished up, I walked over to the bleachers to get my bag. Behind me, Alex, in a really irritated voice, exclaimed. "What the hell are you doing here?"

For a second I thought he was talking to me. I turned and looked at him. He was staring at the man on the bleachers.

The man laughed. "Hey. That's no way to greet your brother. I'd at least expect a hug after all this time."

I looked at him, not able to hide my total shock.

He laughed at my expression. "Sorry. I must have deceived you somewhere along the line. It's just that you looked so cute watching him with a puppy dog face that I couldn't ruin the moment."


He kept on laughing. "Your face expression is hilarious." He walked over and ruffled my hair. "Anyone ever tell you how cute you are?"

Alex wrapped his arm around his brother's shoulder and started making his way to the back doors of the school.

"Sorry for not introducing myself properly." He yelled behind him as they continued to walk. "I'm Dave. I hope I get to see you again soon cutie."

I blushed in embarrassment. This was the first time a boy other than Justin called me cute.

"Alex, Jasmine and Carly. Team up." Mrs. Henderson said.

I smiled. This will definitely be worthwhile. I finally get a chance to talk to him.

Alex raised his hand up in the air. "Put me in an all-boys group. I can't focus on my studies when I'm working with girls. Especially A-cups, they irritate me the most."

The smile was instantly erased off of my face and inevitably, my arms went up and covered up my breasts. Some boys nearby noticed and snickered.

I blushed.

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