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Alex's birthday is on March twenty seventh, and that's tomorrow. This is my first relationship so I have no idea what to get him for a special occasion like this.

If I could I'd wrap the whole world for him in a ribbon and give it to him, I would.

It was cold outside. Are you allowed to get your boyfriend a jacket? 

Oh god... his birthday is getting closer and I still didn't get him anything.

"Carly! I thought I told you no drinks are allowed in class."

I put my head up, "But I—" An opened can of Red Bull suddenly appeared out of nowhere on top of my desk.

I glared at Alex.

I peeked inside the detention room, searching to see if Alex was there. This time, not out of fear of him touching me, though that still had its usual toll on me, but out of fear that he'd ask if I got him something for his birthday.

And what can I say to that without feeling completely humiliated.

"Still looking for that someone?"

I jumped, but didn't turn around. Instead, I resumed walking and made my way inside as if I hadn't been sneaky just now.

I kept on walking to the board and took a chalk, hiding my red face I doodled on the board.


"Y—Yeah?" I didn't turn around, but kept on drawing.

"Did you do something bad?"

I shook my head. "No."

"Did you break, take, or completely ruin something that's mine?"


He pressed his body against mine and slapped his big hands on the board on either side of me. "Turn around."

I turned slowly, hoping that at the very least my face had lost its flush.

"Did you figure out what to get me for my birthday yet?" he asked in a low tone.

My heart jumped, the feeling of being caught devoured me.

He laughed. "So that's it." he leaned in and kissed me. "Baby, you don't have to get me anything."

I moaned. "But when you say that it makes me want to get you something even more!"

"Fine, you know what? For my birthday, give me a massage." I perked up, that was actually not a bad idea. "While wearing something like this."

He took the chalk I held and drew on the board.

I tried to make out what he drew. "Those are just a bunch of strings."

"Exactly." He said so shamelessly.

I playfully slapped his arm. "That's not funny. You have no idea how mad I am at myself right now."

"You know, the cutest things about you, are at weird moments like this." He said. "I want something."

I perked up again. "Can I have a hint?"

"Three letters."

I blushed.

"You have such a dirty mind." He laughed, realizing my thoughts right away. "Y." he leaned in and kissed me, pulled away. "O." he leaned in again and kissed me, pulled away. "U." he leaned in and this time, used his tongue.

He didn't pull away, instead, he pushed me against the chalkboard and we started making out like crazy.

"Carly Thomas please come to the main office. Carly Thomas please come to the main office."

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