Love, Hate, Trust

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Bell's p.o.v
After talking to Soda,Steve, and Twobit, I head over to the Curtis residence to freshen up and wash my face to get rid of the tear stains that were left on my cheeks from the afternoon. I hear the screen door slam and walk into the living room just in time to see Ponyboy limping into his and Sodas room while wearing a dark pair of sunglasses so as I was naturally suspicious of these actions, I followed. I knock on the door before going in to see Ponyboy gently dabbing  at his right eye with some calamine lotion and I freeze before walking up to him and gently rub my thumb under the he was trying to cover to reveal a good size bruise the color of a plum."Soc's I'll kill 'em" I tell him as I rub off the rest of the calamine lotion with a washcloth and sit him down after noticing he was trying to keep pressure off one of his ankles and I inquire about any other injuries. "They banged my ankle up pretty good too after I ran from them all the way from the movie house to the Lot" Pony says while wincing as I wrap up his ankle in an ace bandage and get him some ice for his eye. I leave him in his room as I go back into the living room and sit on the couch while cutting the tv on before Soda and Steve, bound through the door covered in filth and grease."Wow for a pair of greasers, I didnt know you two could get any more greasy" I say earning a mischievous look from both of them before they come up to me and hug me while I squirm and squeal under their grip trying to break away."That is so unfair , you both are taller and stronger than me" I laugh after successfully breaking out of their grip and returning to my spot on the couch. The two retreat  to the bathroom and kitchen to wash up as I watch tv before Pony emerges from his room and takes a spot next to me as I smile at him before scooting over so he can prop up his ankle.The front door bangs open and we look over to see Dally walking in with Darry right behind him carrying his bag from the hospital. I immediately cover my eyes with my hair , a sign that my brother recognizes as leave me alone, and stay in my spot next to Ponyboy while feeling Dallas's stare aimed towards me. Darry takes one look at Ponyboy on the couch and narrows his eyes as he surveys  his injuries and the work I did to help. "Those Socs sure are asking for a beating ain't they?" He asks gravely before walking heavily towards his chair and sitting down in it as I nod in agreement,my blood boiling with anger towards the Socs as I sit on the couch returning my focus towards the tv.

Dally's p.o.v
Anna is acting really strange lately and has been since she visited when I was in the hospital. I realized she understood and has a trauma bond to the way I held her as she slept which was understandable, I was leaving again even though I had promised I wouldn't do this to her again. I watch her as she sits on the couch while everyone piles into the living room around us and I try to find an opportunity to explain myself to my sweet sister. She covers her eyes with her hair as I steal glances at her and I know if I try to confront her now it would only lead to an argument so I settle into a spot in the kitchen and wait patiently.

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