Get a Break

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Two-bits p.o.c
I wake up to find Annabelle in my arms fast asleep as she clung to me and I chuckle lightly. I kiss her head softly as I admire her thinking how thankful I am just to have her in my life. I kiss her cheek softly as I unwrap her from my arms trying to wake her slowly, " come on baby its probably time for dinner , you need to wake up ". She mumbles and groans as she struggles to wake up before grabbing onto me " no please just five more minutes babe just lay down for five more minutes with me " she whines as I smile . " Anything for you my queen " I reply as I lay back down with her and she immediately buries her face in my chest as she grips onto me . I decide to give her 10 more minutes and shake her gently " honey come on we gotta get up or else those boys won't leave us anything to eat". She grumpily sits up as she looks at me half awake before wrapping herself around me like a koala , " Since you woke me up now you have to carry me " she says. She lays her head on my shoulder and I laugh as her puppy Roscoe follows us out of the room and barks playfully. I set Anna on the couch and he immediately jumps into her lap . I watch as she scoops him up while cuddling him close before walking out the door to the yard. I follow as she sits on the steps letting the dog do his business while she lights up a cancer stick . I grab her wrist and pluck the cancer stick from her grip as she wrestles me for it. " Calm down Belles I have a bet for you , how about we see who can go a week without smoking or drinking. Whoever loses this bet has to supply the other with either cancer sticks or drinks for a whole day " I say as I smile daringly.

Annabelle's p.o.v
I grin as I nod and Twobit and I shake hands sealing the bet as I walk back inside and Dally hands me a plate of food . I sit on Twobits lap as he hangs on to me while I eat and give him a few bites. "Hey Belles , do you gotta lighter ?" Dally yells from our room and I see Twobit smirking as I get up. I walk over to our room and hand Dally my lighter as well as my pack of cancer sticks as he looks at me suspiciously. " I made a bet with Twobit and I'm not planning losing so I need you to hang onto these for me until next week " I explain as my older brother nods and I walk back out. Someone has turned on the record player and Johnny Cash is crooning about Folsom prison as Nadine grabs my hand and pretends to serenade me while I laugh . We hear the door slam shut and my eyes widen as I see Ponyboy in tears and out of breath holding Soda's blood stained and ripped DX shirt. Twobit immediately grabs Nadine as her knees buckle and she collapses while I grab my blade and follow Pony out the door. We run like mad to the DX and I jump on a nearby Socs back as he yells in surprise trying to shake me off. I can hear the rest of the gang running up and I hit the guy over the head twice as he crumples in front of me and the rest of them run back to the car. Sodapop is a bloody mess and I begin to feel lightheaded before I close my eyes and take a deep breath as I sink down in front of Soda and gently wipe his face with a cloth as he flinches. " Shhhh Pepsi-Cola its ok there not gonna get you no more its ok " I whisper reassuringly as he pulls me into a tight hug sobbing hard into my shoulder . With help from Dally and Steve , we stand Soda up as he hangs onto me and begins walking back to the Curtis house. Nadine stands on the front porch and immediately races to Soda as she bawls her eyes out and hugs him softly . Twobit comes up to me as he surveys my blood covered hands and clothes as the smell begins to be too much for me and I start to gag . He rushes to my side and gathers my hair from my face as the contents of my stomach empty out onto the street . My body shakes like crazy and I lean against Twobit as Darry forces me to sit on the couch. He wets a rag with cool water and begins to wipe my face and hands as I notice his hands trembling and his jaw clenched shut. I lay a hand on his shoulder as he finally makes eye contact with me and calms down slowly. " I'm ok Darry , just go clean up Sodapop I'm good " I reassure him as he nods quietly. He then walks into Soda and Ponyboy's room where Soda is sprawled out on the bed. Johnny sits in front of me on the floor and watches me as I clean Soda's blood from my hands and he tenses up slightly. " What's wrong Johnnycakes " I question silently as I look at him concerned and he shakes his head. " Just wish that we wouldn't get jumped " he replies as he stares at the floor and Twobit loops a arm around his neck affectionately . " Its gonna be ok kid , Soda will be fine , he's just banged up a little bit" Two bit whispers in his ear softly as Johnny relaxes slowly. Nadine walks back into the room and I immediately pull my best friend into a tight hug as I feel her trembling against me. "Shhh Nani its ok , he's ok you're just scared its ok " I whisper in her ear as I rub her back soothingly. I finally convince her to lay down in my bed and get some sleep after I promise to look after Soda for her. I walk into Soda and Pony's room and see Soda still up as Pony sits in a chair half asleep. I pat Ponyboy's knee as he struggles to wake up " Hey Pony why don't you go and lay on the couch I can watch Soda " I whisper and he nods. I pull Ponyboy's chair up beside Soda's bed and offer him a gentle smile as I notice how much pain he's in. " How ya feeling Pepsi-Cola , need anything for the pain " I question lightly as he shakes his head. "No its fine Belles I can handle it , I'm just insanely sore and I'm shaken up by what happened today too " he responds with a slight groan and I notice the black and purple bruises covering his torso. I sigh as he gets comfortable again and I sit back in the chair while chewing on my nails. "Why did they do this to you Sodie pop ? Why would they hurt you this bad ? They hurt you so much worse than when they went after Johnny" I croak out as my voice breaks and tears threaten to run down my face . Sodapop immediately sits up and pulls me into a hug as he grimaces in pain even more and I pull away slightly. "One of those girls that always flirts with us at the DX got mad that I rejected her cause I'm with Nadine . So she went and told her older brother about it and he got his buddies together and they showed up at the DX so now here I am " Soda replies as he thumbs away some stray tears from my eyes. " Oh Soda I'm so sorry this happened to you " I whisper softly running a hand through my greasy hair . I stay a while longer as I watch Sodapop who has finally fallen asleep and yawn tiredly while briefly closing my eyes. I feel someone scoop me up into their arms and I snuggle into that person's chest as they chuckle. "Come on baby sister let's get you to bed " I hear Dallas chuckle lightly as he carries me to our room and lays me down and I curl up in the bed. Dally proceeds to tuck me in and place a kiss on my forehead like he used to while we were growing up and I mumble a simple good night to him . "Don't worry no more baby sister just rest , I promise we will finally get a break " my older brother whispers softly. He turns and closes the door lightly behind him as I close my eyes and finally drift off to sleep

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