Friends forever

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(Anna is portrayed by Joey King and Nadine is portrayed by Sabrina Carpenter in this book )
Annabelle's p.o.v
    I wake up the morning after my birthday to someone roughly shaking my shoulder and I groggily sit up from my spot on the floor just to come nose to nose with Nadine , who is already dressed for the day. "Nadine you better have a good reason for waking me up at seven in the morning" I groan grumpily while carefully untangling myself from Twobit's grip. "Well seeing as I couldn't get you a present yesterday, I was thinking you'd like to have a girl's day adventure" Nadine smiles at me wildly, her deep blue eyes gleaming with excitement. I agree knowing that she already has everything planned out before going to take a shower and dressing in just a random outfit , being sure to grab my new leather jacket and blade in the process.I pet Roscoe's head from his spot on Twobit's chest before meeting Nadine on the porch, quietly pulling the door shut behind me to avoid waking the rest of the gang up.  I light a cancer stick and take a few drags while blowing the smoke, " So what do you have planned for today that you're so excited Sweets?" I ask my friend before she thrusts a piece of paper into my hands. "So are you ready to begin the day Bell?" Nadine questions excitedly as I scan over the list and hand it back to her while nodding in agreement. We loop our arms through each other, pulling the other close before we bound down the steps and onto the street, heading in the direction of our favorite diner for breakfast.

Nadine's p.o.v
    After a competitive pancake eating contest where I was deemed the winner, Annabelle lets me pull her out of the diner and to the DX where a bucket of water balloons are waiting on the roof. We climb to the roof using the rickety ladder that was set up against the back of the building and watch Soda and Steve work from above. The pair spend some time working on a gorgeous mustang before a group of girls pop up and begin crowding around the boys while I feel my body tense with jealousy while watching a few of them flirt with Soda. However, Anna notices how uncomfortable I was and acts impulsively, beginning to toss the water balloons off the roof like grenades and we listen to the shrieks of the now soaking wet girls. We laugh as hysterically as a pack of hyenas would while seeing the girls run off leaving a trail of water behind them before we sneak off the roof and head towards the park. Upon our arrival, Anna immediately sits on the old swings and commands me to push her in which I comply while pushing her with all my might, making it look like her feet were touching the sky. I soon join her on the swings and it turns into a competition of who can swing the highest  or jump off from the highest point and stick the landing which Annabelle wins by a landslide. Once bored with the park, we continue our day of adventure with a walk to the lot where we find a discarded football and both dive for the new toy. "Nadine Anniston, you have about two seconds to hand that ball over" Anna shouts playfully and I laugh, "What are you gonna do about Annabelle Marie?" I taunt refusing to hand over the football easily. I feel my eyes widen in surprise as Belles comes barreling towards me, tackling me to the ground in the process, before I pop up quickly and begin chasing her while she holds the football close. The sound of our laughter fills the air as we chase each other down the road away from the lot, acting and probably looking like two children to anyone who happens to pass by.

Annabelle's p.o.v
I toss the football to the ground as we round the corner, arriving back to the DX, before I devise a fantastic  plan and inform Nadine who agrees with me excitedly. We grab the remaining water balloons off the roof of the shop and borrow the old bike that rested against the back of the building, pedaling as quick as we could to the house we might as well call home. "I wonder if they even thought to question where we've been all day" Nadine whispers and I shrug in response slowly opening the squeaky screen door. I grab a balloon from our bucket, feeling the weight of it in my hand, before chucking it inside and pelting my brother in the back of the head as he screams in shock before turning around in time to see me running off the porch. I hear Dally holler for back up as Nadine and I prepare ourselves for an all time water war in the late hours of afternoon. The gang emerges from the house , equally as prepared as us, and soon water balloons are flying through the air making contact with its target. I have a bowl of ice poured down my shirt and I yelp in surprise, spinning around to find Twobit smiling sheepishly at me, in which I grab the hose from Darry and spray him in the face out of retaliation. Soaking wet, exhausted , and slightly cold, the gang and myself collapse on the lawn watching the sky change colors while listening to Ponyboy explain the sunset peacefully. I take this time to look around at everyone from my place in the grass and can't help but feel thankful for the family that Dallas and I have made within the boys and Nadine.

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