Home At Last

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Belle's p.o.v.
    Darkness, it's terrifying, peaceful, and surrounding every part of me all at the same time. Where am I? Why is it so dark? Why can't I open my eyes? I hear all of my thoughts echo in my mind before I slowly allow myself to sink deeper into the darkness

Dally's p.o.v.
    After a day full of driving, Sodapop and I finally arrived back home from New York as we slowly pull in front of the Curtis residence. I hurriedly push through the gate and screen door before entering the living room and see the gang sitting around the living room as the TV slowly plays in the background. I survey the room quickly scanning over everyone's features before realizing my sister is nowhere to be seen and I feel my body slowly deflate in disappointment. "Where's Anna guys? Is she back at Buck's?" I question the four boys that sit in the living room around me before taking a quick walkthrough of the house and returning to the living room after not finding my sister anywhere. "She got hit by a car Dally, some Socs hit her on her way back here from town and she's in some kind of coma to help tolerate the pain.Steve and Twobit took care of the Socs though" Ponyboy says softly as I freeze , my whole body filling with dread. "How long?" I ask while feeling my body shake and panic setting in as the toll of the situation sinks into my body and I despise the feeling. "Two to three weeks , Darry's been at the hospital ever since to keep her company just in case they decided to wake her up before you got home" Twobit replies softly as I hurriedly double check myself to make sure I have everything I need before walking out with the gang following behind me.I jog quickly all the way through town until I reach the hospital and walk inside towards the nurses station with the rest of the gang right on my tail. " Hello, how may I help you?" a kind receptionist asks me since I'm the first one at the desk and I nod frantically while I try catching my breath, "Can you tell me what room Annabelle Marie Winston is in please? We're her family" I say while drumming my fingers on the desk impatiently. " Yes, according to my records she's in room 1126, it's just down the hall" the nurse replies but I'm already down the hall before she gets to finish her sentence. I proceed to open the door slowly and see Darry's head pop up while we lock eyes silently before I wordlessly walk inside and he immediately gives up his spot next to my sister which I take gratefully. I gently take Anna's hand in my own , treating her as if she were the most fragile thing on earth, before letting my head drop as I feel tears slowly begin to fall from my eyes. "Oh Anna I'm so sorry, if I would've just been here this would've never happened, please don't leave me please wake up" I beg silently while gripping onto Anna's hand. I sit in the hard hospital chair for three hours straight ,crying, as I hold onto my sweet sister's hand as if she were the last thing on earth I had to hold onto. It isn't until I'm practically asleep before I feel her little hand twitch in my own and my body freezes, waiting in anticipation for her to move again, which she does. I hurriedly get up while hollering for Darry who rushes in the room with the doctor and the rest of the gang who I fill in on the situation as we all stand in the room watching my sister's hand that rests in my own. "Bell's it's Dally, if you hear me, squeeze on my hand again babygirl" I whisper before feeling her tightly grip onto my hand before opening her eyes slowly and I feel a large grin cover my face.

Belle's p.o.v
I push through the grip of darkness that falls over me before I slowly open my eyes letting them flutter, the blurry image of my brother comes into view and I look at him in utter shock. "Is it really you Dal?" I whisper silently watching him nod in confirmation  before tossing my arms around his neck in a tight embrace while letting tears of my own slip down my face. I observe the room I'm in and happily greet the rest of the gang who surround my bed as the doctor introduces himself to me and takes over checking my vitals and injuries that are still tender on my body. "When did y'all get back?" I ask Dal and Soda expectantly, trying to ignore the pain in my body as the doctor checks me out. " Just this morning, I was planning on surprising you by coming home early just to find out you got hurt while we were gone, try to sit still kiddo" Dally replies gripping onto my hand as I squirm under the doctor's touch, my body sore from all the injuries my body had succumbed. I sit patiently as the doctor finishes his examination on me while the boys talk amongst themselves, stealing glances at me to make sure I'm alright , in which I return small smiles to calm their worries and reassure them that I'm okay. Darry leaves the room with the doctor, but not before setting a bag with a fresh change of clothes on the end of my bed, in which I gratefully accept with a small smile. "Help me" I command the group of boys who have stayed in my room and quickly rush to my aid, making sure to be careful, as they practically carry me to the bathroom where I change. By the time I'm done freshening up, Darry has returned back to the room and is quietly talking to my brother who glances over at me and grins. "Guess what Belle? The doctor said your body has healed so well while you were out that he let Darry sign the discharge papers and you get to come home with us" Dal says excitedly and I feel my body fill with glee and excitement. "Well I'm ready, let's bust out of this place" I say in return quickly gathering the few items I had with me before Twobit and Johnny rush over to help me, throwing small smiles my way that I return ecstatically. Within the  next hour all my belongings had been packed and I was pushing through the doors of the hospital to the bright outside that awaited me and I so desperately missed. Dally wraps a strong arm across my shoulders and walks beside me with the gang following closely behind all the way to the Curtis boys house. Nadine is practically bouncing off the walls once I enter the house, before she wraps me up in a tight hug that I'm so thankful to be able to receive.

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