Meeting The Gang

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"Bye Anna, I promise I'll be back soon just take your blade with you if you go out okay?" My brother Dallas questions before pressing a quick kiss to my forehead as he's done a million times before he leaves to go anywhere. " Sure thing Dal, I love you" i say before watching him turn and head down the stairs of our friend Buck's house where we share not only a room but a bed as well. I proceed to jump in the shower and wash up real good before getting out and getting dressed in my Elvis t-shirt, a pair of ripped up blue jeans, some black converse, and the old beat up leather jacket that used to belong to Dally. I double check to make sure I have my blade  before heading down the stairs to see Buck standing behind the bar  cleaning glasses. "Hey Bucky" I say calling Buck by the nickname  that  only Ive been able to call him as long as I've known him  as i sit at one of the rusty stools that are placed by the bar. "Hey little one, how are you and Dal doing?" He asks as he comes around the bar to give me a swift but tight hug which i return knowing a hug from Buck were few and rare. "We're doing good , just living life one day at a time as only as greaser can" I retort back while shooting a quick smile at him which he returns with a nod before turning back to continue the task he started.  I depart from my stool and walk out the door into the bright sunlight as i head toward the DX.

I finally arrive just to see my brother and his rowdy group of friends outside so I walk by feeling multiple pairs of eyes on me as I walk inside throwing my brother a look after hearing multiple cat calls aimed towards me. I grab a coke from inside and place it on the counter as Steve greets me with a smile which I return and hand him the money needed to pay. I walk back out of the shop while lighting a cancer stick only to be greeted by my older brother walking up to me and slinging an arm across my shoulder. "Hey Belle, whatcha doing ?" My older brother question as I shrug and look up at him , " nothing just grabbing a coke , why whats up Dal?" I ask as he looks over at his group of friends who are watching us intently with curiosity practically dripping off of their faces. "Nothing , its just that I have some people I want to properly introduce you to" he says hesitantly knowing that I have a small anxiety problem when it comes to meeting new people . I roll my eyes slightly as I look up at him " Dallas, you already know how I am about meeting new people especially when it comes to your friends , who might i add just cat called me when i walked in here" I say as he sighs before turning to me blocking me from the gang's view. "Come on sis, do this for me please" Dal whispers as he gives me his not so famous puppy dog eyes as I sigh before nodding at him to let him know its okay and he leads me over to his friends. " Alright gang, this is my sister Annabelle and Anna this is Sodapop, Ponyboy, Steve, Two-Bit, and last but not least Johnny" Dally says as he points to each of the boys while they nod in acknowledgement and I smile back at them.  I stand by my brother 's side for a bit longer before getting bored and planning to head back to Buck's and take a nap as I bid a farewell to the gang and begin my walk.

I get about halfway there before I notice a deep blue mustang trailing behind me and I tense up as it stops completely before four socs get out obviously drunk and disorderly as they gaze at me and grin. "Well look what we have here boys, it's a greasy girl and she's all by her lonesome" Bob Sheldon slurs as he grins and my stomach turns as I discreetly reach for my blade staring him down. "Ya'll leave me alone unless you want trouble from my big brother" I say shakily and try to back up from them before realizing two of them have circled around me while I kept my gaze locked on Bob. "Oh yeah and who's your big brother?" Bob questions as he smirks and I internally grimace at the feeling of his eyes passing over my body before I return his gaze intensely as I narrow my eyes."You won't have that smirk on your ugly face when you find out that my brother is the one and only Dallas Winston" I say confidently and admirably at the way Dally was able to make people shiver just by walking past them on the street before I see Randy nod at the two boys behind me as he steps towards me and I bolt away quickly running towards the DX as I hear the sound of shoes slapping the concrete behind me as they follow. I see the DX come into view as I pick up my pace before running past while yelling Dally's name not paying attention to whether he looked at me or not as I felt I was running for my life. " Dally help !" I continue to scream before I'm abruptly pushed from behind and I hit the pavement hard before Bob gets on top of me as i try to fight until the other 3 socs hold my limbs while i struggle against their grip. "You're gonna regret bringing yourself around these parts" Bob sneers as I hear his blade flick open before he presses it against my face and starts to slice against my jawline and I grimace while struggling against the sharp pain.

Before I know it, all 4 socs were still on top of me throwing punches as well as still continuing to slice my body mercilessly with their blades. I begin to slip out of consciousness before I hear multiple footsteps thundering towards us as well as yelling and I feel the socs's grip loosen on me as my brother comes into view. "D-Dally" I croak as it hurt like crazy to talk while he  crouches down and cradles my face in his hands as he shushes me softly, " I'm right here Bells you're alright, no ones gonna hurt you no more" he whispers softly as I nod while feeling my head get foggy and I close my eyes . "Can i take her to your house and have Darry look at her man , she's beat up real bad" Dal says as he turns to Soda who nods and I feel Dally scoop me into his arms while I grimace in pain , letting tears slip out of my eyes. " Of course lets get her to Darry, anyone who gets beat by them darn socs and is related to a member of the gang is more than welcome at the house" Soda says in agreement as Dally begins carrying me while he gang follows and I pass out from the pain I'm in.

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