Always keep you safe

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Dally's p.o.v

I lean against the wall comfortably as i watch Annabelle interact with everyone around her and notice how relaxed she is. I know being back here in New York and especially in our childhood home was pretty hard on her mentally. Growing up here, we strictly depended on each other for basically everything since our parents could care less about their two kids. Annabelle was born when I was 2 years old and I've always wanted to do nothing more than protect her from this ugly world and the trouble it holds. I watch as my sister stands in the middle of the gang and excuses herself as she walks into the kitchen and i instinctively follow checking to make sure she's alright. I walk over to see my little sister clutching onto the counter for support as tears run down her cheeks and I sigh. I grab her and hold her close to me as I try to calm her down. I know how hard it is coming back to this place with everything that had happened while we were growing up here. It still hurt me to even think of all the pain this house has held over the years. Annabelle breaks out of my grip and I gently thumb away the loose tears that fell from her eyes." We don't have to stay here long if you don't want to , I know its hard , we can always leave" I offer as she shakes her head and sighs before looking at me." Dally if I choose to leave and stay somewhere else , it just means that they won. That the pain they inflicted on us has an effect on me" Anna says and I nod understanding." Come on babydoll lets go back and sit with the gang" I say as I slowly guide Anna back in the direction of the living room.

Annabelle's p.o.v
Dally and I walk back into the living room and I notice the gang is still deep in a conversation. I sit next to Twobit at the coffee table and watch as he plays a game of cards with Steve." Are you ready to watch me whoop your boyfriend at a game of cards Belles?" Steve asks me and I smirk glancing at my boyfriend." Ha like that's ever gonna happen Stevie" I reply and Twobit kisses my cheek before returning to the game. Darry and Pony boy sit outside on the steps with Johnny as Pony reads aloud. Nadine hovers in the doorway listening to Ponyboy read but still talks to Sodapop who's sitting on the floor. I smirk as an idea pops into my head and I signal for Twobit and Steve to watch me as I sneak up on Sodapop. "DOGPILE ON SODA" I yell while laughing as I tackle him to the ground before Nadine lands on me , giggling in my ear. The rest of the gang ,Vincent, & Paisley complete the Dogpile as the room fills with laughter. Soda and I begin to squirm under the weight of everybody else and soon attempt to get up. We are soon successfully free from the Dogpile and sit in a circle around the living room."Hey I think we should all go to the drive in tonight, they're supposed to be showing a great double feature tonight." Vincent says and we all quickly agree to go just to get out of the house . I walk into the bathroom before taking a quick shower and walk into my room to get ready. I decide to put my hair up in a bun before getting dressed in a dark gray tank top, black pants, and my leather jacket. I wanted to look as intimidating and dangerous as my brother did just for the fun of it. I complete the look with a smokey eye and deep red lipstick before I walk back out to the living room. As soon as I enter the room everyone falls silent and stares at me. I feel a small blush cover my cheeks as I smile and look at everyone questionably before sitting next to Twobit on the floor and Roscoe curls up in my lap." You look insanely beautiful baby girl" Twobit whispers in my ear before playfully nipping at my earlobe as I laugh and push away. Soon everyone else gets ready and we leave the house as the sun begins to set. Me &Paisley walk to the side fence and crawl under it as we've done multiple times before as Dally and Vincent follow along with the rest of the gang. We sit in the makeshift bleachers and mess around as I lean against Twobit waiting on the movie to start." Man it feels like forever since I've been here" Dally says and I shake my head playfully." Dally its only been 6 years since we've last been here" I remind him as he flashes me a smile and the gang laughs. The movie finally begins and we quiet down as we watch the screen peacefully. I glance around the bleachers and smile as I notice Nadine and Soda cuddled up close together just like me and Twobit while Ponyboy,Johnny, Dally, Darry, & Steve are deep into the movie. I glance over at Vincent and Paisley before noticing Vincent glaring towards the fence we came through. Paisley urgently spoke softly to him trying to calm him down yet it wasn't doing any good. I turn slightly to follow his gaze towards the gate and freeze as I see what he was looking at. Standing at the gate is an old rival gang member of Vincent's along with 5 other guys including my ex , Jacob Duncan. I turn back around quickly yet practically smack my older brother in the head as I gesture for him to look at the fence. Dally turns and looks at the fence as I watch him tense up before he grabs Vincent & Darry by the shoulder and both of them stand up." We'll be right back, just stay here" Dally announces to the gang and looks at me pointedly before the 3 of them walk off. I quickly stand up and dig into the pocket of my jacket before feeling the familiar handle of my switchblade. I pull out of Twobit's grasp and quickly walk over to where Dally was while Paisley follows hurriedly. I push past Darry as I witness Vincent and Jacob in a heated argument. I lay a hand on my best friends shoulder before stepping in front of him and facing Jacob as Dally tries to pull me back." Long time no see Annabelle" Jacob says smirking slightly and I roll my eyes before glaring at him." You're always just trying to cause some kind of trouble aren't you Jake?" I question accusingly as he takes a step back. Only when it's convenient to start trouble" he shoots back and I notice him discreetly stick a hand into the pocket of his jacket. Dally immediately stepped in front of me slightly and I notice Jacob's face drop slightly." If you're looking for a fight from us, your not gonna find one from us so I advise you to leave now" Dally whispers menacingly and I watch Jacob sneer at Dallas before grabbing my wrist tightly and pulling me to him." Dont make any sudden movements and everyone will be fine" Jacob says quietly and I feel the sharp point of his blade through my leather jacket and I tremble slightly. I notice the rest of Jacobs gang backing away to the car yet I don't dare moving my head any further." Listen to me Jacob, you don't have to do this , we'll leave I promise" I say quietly trying to get away." Belle's dont try to bargain your way out of this just stay calm" Darry says catiously and I nod before noticing his eyes gaze slightly behind Jacob. In one swift motion, I'm pushed forward away from Jacob and Dally immediately wraps his arms around me tightly holding me close to him. I turn around to look at Jacob and see him on the ground before I notice Twobit standing over him with a now broken bottle in his hand. I run to him as he immediately hugs me and proceeds to check me to see if I'm hurt."Babe I'm fine its ok, I'm just shaken up Mickey" I say softly as I notice his hands shaking." You guys lets go back to the house before they come back" Darry warns and we quickly agree before heading back to the house. Twobit pulls me back slightly behind the rest of the gang and I hug him tightly." You can go ahead and cry now baby its ok" he whispers in my ear as I nod yet begin to sob and shake. " No matter what I promise as long as I live , I will always keep you safe" Twobit says as I calm down and I kiss him softly. We begin to walk back to the rest of the gang as I smile slightly thinking about how thankful I was to have the gang in my life.

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