Sweet goodbyes

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Vincent's p.o.v
The rest of the week after the incident at the drive in seemed to just fly by . Before I knew it , it's already Saturday afternoon and Dally , Annabelle, & the rest of the gang are already getting ready to leave to head back to Tulsa. I watch while being highly amused as Annabelle struggles to carry her bag out front to the car." You know you can help me right ?" Anna questions as she crosses her arms , annoyed, and I chuckle lightly." Of course little bit" I say before grabbing her bag and swinging it onto my shoulder with ease. I carry it out to the car and shove it in the trunk with everything else as everyone comes outside, ready to leave . I close the trunk before glancing at Annabelle and my sister before noticing tears silently running down both their faces as they hang onto each other. I knew Anna leaving again was gonna be rough on Paisley and Anna cause they had always been extremely close, just like sisters. I sigh before walking over to them and wrapping my arms around them both." Come on now, it's gonna be ok, before you both know it Anna & Dal will be back to visit and cause trouble " I say lightly earning laughs from both girls. Dally clears his throat softly and I notice everyone but Anna in the car already." Belle's we gotta leave so we can head back home" Dally says softly and Anna inhales sharply before nodding. She smiles softly at Paisley before pulling her into a tight hug while they both let a few tears slip. They pull away while speaking softly to each other while laughing lightly and I smile before holding my arms out." Alright come on now , where's my hug at ?" I question teasingly and Anna laughs before walking towards me. I wrap her up in my arms and we share a bone crushing hug until I pull away slowly and place a quick peck on her forehead knowing she has to go. "Alright little bit be sure to cause all kinds of trouble for us back in Tulsa , we sure will miss you kid" I say as Anna smiles and playfully nudges me with her shoulder." Now you got it sounding like we aren't coming back to visit Vin, I will miss you both too just be sure to come and visit soon" Annabelle says while she climbs into the car and I nod. I grab Paisley as Anna closes the door and I wave bye to Dally before they drive off. Me and Paisley stand in the middle of the street waving and watching their car grow smaller until we no longer are able to see it .

Annabelle's p.o.v
I wave and watch out the back glass of the car until I can no longer see our old house or Vincent & Paisley. I sigh as I turn around and Twobit kisses my cheek softly. Since we know only had one car , we all were kinda squished . I was sitting on Twobit's lap and Nadine was on Soda's while Steve was squished against the door. Ponyboy and Johnny were seated on the floor since they were smallest and Darry drove while Dally rode shotgun. I had placed Roscoe in Ponyboy's lap where he slept on a old blanket contently . I tap Nadine's arm gently and signal for us to play Rock, paper, scissors. She smiles before contently matching my gesture and we begin to play. An hour passes and me and Nadine were still playing the game , I was currently winning with the score being 32-25. It had just began to get dark and we were all starving so Darry pulls into the parking lot of a convenience store and we all pile out of the car. I grab Roscoe from Ponyboy and walk off a little bit before putting him down and letting him do his business. I then put Roscoe back in the car on the blanket before walking inside the store. I quickly go to the restroom before cleaning up and grabbing myself 2 bottles of water and a couple snacks for the road. The gang piles all our food on the counter and we wait as Darry pays for everything. It had just begun to sprinkle and we hurry to the car. I slide into the driver seat as Nadine sits in the passenger seat since we were all taking turns driving on the way back home." Everyone of you boys should take a nap we don't need y'all falling asleep while y'all drive us home" Nadine playfully scolds while laughing and I grin." Well I don't know about you guys, but I'm exhausted" Twobit says and I look at Nadine as she playfully pouts and cops at me and I smile." Alright Goodnight baby, I love you" I say softly before Twobit leans forward in his seat and presses a kiss to my cheek. The boys all quiet down after a while and I glance through the rear view mirror after 15 minutes and see all the boys asleep laying on top of each other. I drive for another 4 hours before stopping for gas . I was currently the only one awake since I was driving and I was so ready to be home. I slide back into the car and get back on the road enjoying how quiet it was." Hey Anna?"  a soft voice says and I jump in my seat before turning around and noticing Sodapop is awake." Goodness Soda,you nearly scared the devil out of me!" I exclaim and Soda chuckles lightly." Sorry I didn't mean to startle ya , I thought you noticed I was awake when you got back in the car, anyways I have a question" Sodapop says and I notice his features change into something a little more serious." Sure Pepsi-Cola what is it?" I say while trying to pay attention to the road." Do you think if i asked Nadine to marry me , Twobit would give me his blessing ?" Soda asks quietly and I nearly swerve off the road out of shock." Oh my goodness Soda , of course he would !" I exclaim and Sodapop breaks into a huge grin." Good cause I already know , she's the one I wanna spend the rest of my natural born life with , she's the one I wanna have kids with and grow old with " Soda says while smiling softly at Nadine and I coo. We end up spending the rest of the drive home talking about ways Soda could propose to Nadine and talking about all the great things yet to come. All I could think about was great our lives were with the gang  and I hoped it would never change.

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