Homeward Bound

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Ponyboy's p.o.v
    I sit on the cold wooden bench in the hospital as Annabelle leans against me half asleep wrapped up in a thin hospital blanket that was given to her as soon as we got here. Johnny and Dal had to be put in rooms to be examined a little bit more due to their injuries being deemed  more severe than mine and Anna's so we were waiting out in the hallway. The elevator dings abruptly, interrupting the peaceful quietness of the hallway, and I turn just to see Soda and Darry standing outside its doors and I stand slowly. I instantly run to Sodapop, clinging to him tightly and bawling like a baby,  hearing him chuckle while he returns my hug before releasing me and Darry steps forward." Pony, I'm so sorry I never meant to hurt you" he whispers lowly with tears in his eyes that match my own before I hug him with a strength tighter than ever while we both bawl and Soda joins us. I hear the elevator open once more and peek over Darry's shoulder to see the gang tripping over each other as they exit. Twobit immediately  rushes over to Annabelle, enveloping her in his arms and holding her close as she trembles against him, " I love you,I love you , I love you" I hear him mumble softly in her ear as she nods in response letting her own tears fall. The gang makes a quick trip to Johnny's room just to find out  he is asleep before going into Dally's room across the hall where he instantly starts cracking jokes with Twobit. Annabelle crawls into the bed with her brother as he wraps an arm protectively and comfortingly around her frame before pointing a finger in my face, "the next time the three try something stupid that again, I'll skin ya'll" he says through clenched teeth and I nod in response. It doesn't take long for the Winston siblings to fall asleep and we all file out of the room to wait in the hallway once more.

Sodapop's p.o.v
Johnny and Dallas are finally released from the hospital the next morning with strict instructions to take it easy and make sure the few burns on their bodies stay clean to avoid infection. We walk together as a family back to the house with Ponyboy and Annabelle riding on Dally and Darry's back and Nadine tucked under my arm with the rest of the gang surrounding us. Once we make it, we all collapse in the living room prepared to relax for a bit before Darry emerges from the kitchen with a chocolate cake that we get ready to eat. "Hey Twobit, Mickey's on !" I holler and he comes bounding out of the kitchen with a plate of chocolate cake and a beer while sitting in front of the t.v. as Annabelle shakes her head playfully watching him. Steve enters the room next with Dally following him as he sits by my feet while Dallas plops down the couch, ruffling Johnny's hair as he sleeps while waking him up in the process. "What'd you go and do that for Dal?" Johnny grumbles sleepily as he stretches and swats at Dally's hands while yawning before sitting up. "Aww come on kid, it's almost eleven I couldn't just let you sleep all day like a house cat" Dally chuckles as he slings an arm around Johnny's shoulders affectionately.

Belle's p.o.v
The ending to the episode of Mickey that we were watching finally rolls around and Darry, Soda, and Steve rise from their spots in the living room so they can head to work. "Ponyboy if you smoke more than a pack today , I'll skin ya " Darry says lightly as he gets ready to walk out the door and Pony shoots back playfully, "Yea well if you carry more than one bundle of roofing up at a time, Soda and I will skin ya" earning laughs from the gang." Same goes for you too Belles,I don't want you smoking more than a pack or else I'll skin ya too" Dally says while grinning just before I throw a pillow and making contact with his face . Twobit cackles like a hyena at my actions which causes the rest of the gang to join in before the boys leave for work. Soon after, Dally presses a kiss to the top of my head with Johnny right behind him  as they get ready to go to the Dingo while promising not to be gone long in case he was needed. "You know for Dallas to be known as big and bad, he really does have a soft spot for you" Nadine says after the pair have left and I smile, "Seeing as he practically raised me it's kinda a given, we're each other's best friend" I reply as I lean Into Twobit. Nadine, Twobit, and I sit in the living room while Elvis croons from the radio, "Promise to love me tender ?" Twobit whispers in my ear smiling as the song plays softly and I nod as Nadine coos at us. Ponyboy emerges from the shower with plans to walk to the movies yet as he moves towards the door Twobit stands with him. " You know you're not allowed to walk alone, remember last time ? I'll walk with you kid " he says as he kisses me repeatedly before wrapping me up in a hug and heading out the door after Ponyboy. "Don't you just love love?" I ask with a smile still on my face as Nadine laughs at me softly while agreeing, "Who knew we'd find two boys who are completely  hooked on us?" She replies and I giggle in response." You know I think we should make everyone a big old dinner tonight just out of appreciation" Nadine suggests and immediately agree before we begin a list and grab our belongings before leaving for the grocery store.

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