15th of April

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Belle's p.o.v
    I wake in the morning to balloons, streamers, and the gang surrounding me in the bed as they all smile down at me holding a chocolate cake with sixteen candles that burn brightly. "Happy birthday Belles, we love you" the gang says in unison while handing me the cake that I gratefully take before blowing out the candles as everyone cheers. Twobit sits down next to me on the bed pulling me against his chest and I smile taking in the familiar scent of smoke and his cologne that has brought me comfort," So what do you guys have planned for this party tonight?" I ask as I get out of bed, the boys parting to make room for me as I cross the room to my dresser. "We're going to get everything here in a while, but as far as I know  it's just gonna be us here at the house" Darry replies and the rest of the boys agree. "Ok if we're going to do anything I need to get ready, so everybody out and yes Two-bit that means you too" I say, pushing them all out of the room and closing the door behind them. I grab my belongings and head down the hall to the shower where I take a long, hot shower until the water gets cold and I get out. I slip into a deep red shirt and pair of jeans before layering my leather jacket on top and stepping into my converse, after which i begin combing through my hair and decide on leaving it down, the brown waves flowing down my back. I skip out on makeup and head towards the living room  where I spot Twobit and Nadine watching Mickey Mouse  and I join them on the couch , taking my designated spot beside Twobit. "Where's Soda at Nani? Is he not up yet?" I question before she shakes her head no in response , too entranced in Mickey to respond verbally and I chuckle before standing up and heading to the room he shared with Ponyboy. Soda is snoring his head off as I approach the door and open it , slipping in the room silently and flipping the mattress, sending Soda sprawling to the ground while I listen to him yelp in protest. "Wakey Wakey Soda, its my birthday!" I exclaim while dodging the pillow he chucks my way and laughing before exiting the room back towards the living room where I can hear the rest of the gang talking  with Sodapop trailing behind slowly.

Dally's p.o.v
    Soon there's decorations, food, and in any greaser fashion, alcohol, as I watch my baby sister enjoy her big day. Man, I cant believe Anna is already sixteen knowing it feels like only yesterday when she was brought home from the hospital in a frilly pink blanket. "Annabelle come here " I holler, watching her emerge from the kitchen with a smile on her face that makes me feel nothing but pride, knowing that for once my sister was actually enjoying her birthday. I wrap Anna up in a big ole bear hug , holding tightly onto her with a strength that she returns before I let her go while smiling down at her. "I just wanted to tell you personally that I've missed my little sister and wish you the happiest of birthdays" I tell her, earning a grin that rarely covers her face and a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Dal, I truly appreciate it but come on I think it's bout time for me to open my presents" Anna says excitedly while dragging me to the living room before taking a seat in between me and Darry.

Annabelle's p.o.v
I lean back against the couch in between Darry and my brother contently as everyone talks around me happily enjoying our time spent together on my birthday. Dally soon gets up and walks to our shared room in the Curtis house allowing Twobit to sit next to me as he wraps his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him, pressing a kiss to my forehead." Aww ain't they sweet Soda ?" I hear Nadine say as I close my eyes smiling as I lean against my wonderful guy in the comfort of his arms. Ponyboy,Soda, and Darry get my attention by standing in front of me from my spot on the couch , grinning wildly at me as I raise my eyebrows in suspicion before they hand me a wrapped present. I tear through the paper to reveal a new leather jacket that I immediately try on and fall in love with, "We all noticed you were growing out of your old one , so me and the boys decided it was time to get you a new one" Darry explains as I thank them all with a huge hug. I reclaim my spot on the couch just in time to see Dally hauling two boxes into the living room, one slightly bigger than the other, as he sets the larger one down in front of my feet and hands me the smaller one. "Dallas Winston, I told you not to get me anything" I scold  as I hit my brother's shoulder playfully before opening the slim box to reveal a shiny switchblade with my name gorgeously engraved into the black handle. "I know I know but it's your sixteenth birthday, I had to make sure I spoiled you" Dally laughs in return before nodding to the box resting at my feet and I eye him suspiciously as I slowly take off the lid. I gasp in shock before squealing in excitement like a five year old upon seeing that the contents of the box was a tiny puppy, "Oh my God Dal , you didn't!" I exclaim as I lift the sleeping pup out of the box and hold him to my chest. "He's all yours kiddo, Happy birthday" Dally says while pecking the top of my head as I snuggle the puppy close to me watching Twobit slug Dally in the shoulder playfully."Why'd you have to go and outdo me like that man?,I was supposed to give her the best presents" he whines before pouting at me playfully and I chuckle before Twobit kneels in front of where I sit on the couch. "Now I know I can't top anything as great as a puppy dog but I can at least try and this ain't a proposal by no means. But Annabelle Marie Winston I would be honored if you'd wear my ring on this chain and this ring on your finger because I promise to love you forever" Twobit says softly as tears fill my eyes while he slides a gorgeous princess cut ring on my finger and the chain around my neck. "Oh Two, this must've cost a fortune" I exclaim while examining the beautiful ring that fit perfectly on my finger and Twobit smiles at me. "It will never matter how much anything cost , as long as I'm able to make you happy that's all that matters" Twobit replies and I kiss him softly before showing the gang my ring and they all view it in admiration.

 "It will never matter how much anything cost , as long as I'm able to make you happy that's all that matters" Twobit replies and I kiss him softly before showing the gang my ring and they all view it in admiration

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Annabelle's ring ^

Twobit's chain for  Anna^Dally's p

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Twobit's chain for  Anna^
Dally's p.o.v
After a few more hours spent eating cake, drinking, and celebrating Anna, everything in the house had calmed down and we were all crowded by the tv watching Mickey Mouse by request of Anna, Nadine, and obviously Twobit. I sit on the couch between Steve and Soda with Darry placed as usual in his chair and the younger folk on the floor. I admirably  watch Anna absentmindedly stroking her puppy's head as the little thing sleeps soundly in Annabelle's lap. "So kid whatcha gonna name that mutt anyways , he can't stay nameless" Steve teases as we all turn our attention to Anna expectantly who is sending playful glares Steve's way in response. "First off Steve Randal, he isn't a mutt so get it right and secondly I think I've decided on the name Roscoe" Anna shoots back smiling triumphantly as the dog perks up at the name already answering to it before setting his head back down in her lap . We all agree upon the name and quiet down while continuing to watch Mickey before slowly and peacefully falling asleep together in the safety of the living room.

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