Lost and Found

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Annabelle's p.o.v
    A week after Johnnycakes and Pony ran off, i'm woken up by my older brother who pulls me out of our shared bed in the dark with instructions to grab my jacket and shoes and follow him. We quietly slip out of the house and get into Buck's car that he has let Dally borrow before I am informed that we are going to see the missing boys. We start the drive and it continues for a creepingly slow three hours with me having to consistently get onto my brother for his reckless driving that he waves off as nothing everytime. Finally, we arrive at the broken down little church, pulling up on the side of the building and I go to hop out of the car just to be stopped by my brother who gestures for me to slow down. We inch slowly towards the door and I whistle the greaser tune I was taught to inform others you were around as I approach being sure to wait on Dally despite being excited. Everyone knew that with the whistle given, you were supposed to receive one in response, however there was no response and this caused my body to fill with dread , scared of the worst possible outcome.

Ponyboy's p.o.v
    I feel someone ruffle my hair roughly and a chain resting its cold steel on my cheek causing me to panic as I wake before I hear Dally's voice in my ear telling me to get up. I sit up instantly and run a hand roughly through my hair,that I've since bleached blonde, now sitting eye to eye with Dal. We watch Annabelle gently shake Johnny until he wakes slowly and gasps seeing who it is, pulling into a hug instantly as a result which causes her to laugh. "Well it's good to see you too Johnnycakes, we sure have missed y'all back home" Anna says while returning his hug before she grabs an envelope out of her pocket and tosses it into my lap. "Here Pony, it's from your brothers they wanted Dal to give it to you when he saw y'all'' Annabelle explains as she bumps shoulders with Dally and Johnny, a smile on her face as she gestures at my hair." Look at Blondie man, you sure do look tuff " Dally begins to tease as I frown before Anna slaps his chest and shoots him a look to get him to stop which he complies. "Ignore him Ponyboy, he's only teasing cause he can't have tuff hair like you" Anna reassures while pushing my hair out of my face and Dally grins from behind her.

Dally's p.o.v
    I finally convince Ponyboy,Johnny, and Annabelle to get out of the stuffy little church and take a ride with me to the DQ to grab a bite to eat after seeing the lack of resources Ponyboy and Johnny had. We arrive at the restaurant and receive our food quickly, eating in peace while watching the two boys scarf their food down, with Anna shaking her head in amusement after watching the pair. "Dally we've discussed it and Ponyboy and I have decided to turn ourselves in as soon as we get home. It can easily be seen as self defense, so we both should get off easy and it ain't like anyone would really care if I get stuck in the cooler for a little bit  " Johnny says and I turn around quickly to glare at Johnny. "Johnny Cade, you best shut your trap if you know what's good for you right now" I threaten, my eyes cold as Johnny looks down and I sigh."Come on kid, you don't have the slightest  clue what the cooler can do to you, I mean look at how hard and mean it turned me" I reply gently while looking at the poor boy."Dally it don't matter, its just a little bit of jail time no one will mind.I mean did my own folks even ask about me ?" Johnny asks quietly, locking eyes with me and I feel my blood boil. Anna places a hand on my arm,noticing how angry I've become, yet I brush her off coldly while turning around fully to face Johnny who flinches down into his seat."No they didn't, do you think my folks give a hang if I'm dead in a car wreck or drunk or in jail or something? They don't but I don't let that bother me one bit, and you're not going anywhere. Turning yourself in will only make you mean and that just ain't your nature" I say while reaching out and ruffling Johnny's hair. "Shoot kid if your parents don't care, what does it really matter? Annabelle, the gang, and myself all care about you and that's the important part" I continue as Johnny looks down while nodding. We sit in peace as the boys finish eating  before making the decision to go back to the church to get Johnny and Pony's belongings so we can go home. As we pull up, we watch in horrified admiration as the church spits out flames before we hear screams coming from the building as a teacher and her students stand outside, filled with panic and fear.  

Annabelle's p.o.v
I watch as Ponyboy and Johnny jump out of the car, running towards the side of the building in a hurry, and I quickly move to follow behind them with a sense of wanting to help as well. "Annabelle Marie, sit your ass down now!" I hear my brother exclaim while he grabs the back of my jacket tightly yet I pull away from him successfully and race towards the building. We gain access to the building and enter fearlessly, the fire that engulfs the little church crackling and emitting a blazing heat, while we begin tossing kids out of the church through our entry point. I hear Dally yelling for us through the thick smoke to get out of the church while I watch in horrified awe as the burning roof begins to cave with us still under it. As soon as the last child is safely removed, I push Johnny and Ponyboy  in front of me watching Dally grabbing the boys out of the hole before following quickly, the roof collapsing behind me in a blaze of flames. I am instantly tackled to the ground by Dallas who smothers me in his jacket trying to put out the flames that have caught on my back and side.Ponyboy, Johnny, and I all lay on the ground filled with exhaustion and lightheadedness  due to our actions and I gladly let my eyes shut, the darkness enveloping me slowly as I welcome it.    

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