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( Johnny and Ponyboy have already ran off to the train to Windrixville. The events in this chapter occur after Anna finds out. )
Annabelle's p.o.v
The next day I wake up slowly and stretch my stiff body tiredly before sitting up on the couch where I fell asleep after the events from the day before. Upon waking up, I notice everyone pacing around the living room and kitchen with only Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dally missing from the group. I glance at Darry in the eerie quietness of the living room and see him with his head in his hands, this gesture alone causing me to tense because I can sense that something is wrong. "Morning y'all, Where are my brother, Pony, and Johnny? Are they getting a bite to eat at the Dingo?" I question knowing that's the only reason the trio could be missing but I'm met with nods  of disagreement from the gang. I look over towards the opposite side of the couch from where I was laying to see Soda with tears rolling down his cheeks with Nadine beside him rubbing his back comfortingly. "Dallas was taken in by the fuzz this morning for questioning but Pony and Johnny are missing. Bob Sheldon's body was found in the park, he was stabbed" Soda chokes out between the sobs that rack his poor body and I freeze."Do y'all really Pony and Johnny were the ones that killed Bob? I mean come on fellas, poor Johnny is scared of his own shadow" I try to reason while attempting to make sense of the situation. Darry picks his head up from his hands and I internally gasp at how worn out he looks even after sleeping in the living room with all of us the night prior. " Pony came in at two this morning and scared the life out of Soda and I, I was worried and angry as any older brother would be. Due to me being so angry, frustrated , and scared, I hit him and he ran out of the house before we could stop him. The park is the only place that he'd be willing to go so late" Darry croaks sounding hoarser than ever. I rise to my feet quickly, grabbing my blade and jacket in the process,  while heading towards the door until I am abruptly grabbed by the waist and pulled back by Twobit while Steve blocks my path."Where are you going kid?" Steve questions me while I pull against Twobit's grip that remains strong. "I'm going to find my brother because if anyone knows where they'd be, it's him. Now Keith Matthews, if you don't let go of me this instant I swear neither of us are gonna be happy" I threaten breaking away from my boyfriend. Sodapop blocks my view of the door while shaking his head sadly, "It's gonna be a waste of time Anna, we already asked him before he got hauled in and he's refusing to give them up" he sniffles and Nadine wraps her arms around his waist soothingly. I reach out and hug Soda tightly in an attempt to comfort him myself before catching his eye, "I promise you Soda out of everyone in the world the last person Dal will hide anything from is me , we're gonna find them" I reassure as he moves and I head out the door.

Dally's p.o.v
I walk out of the jailhouse  while holding my jacket  close before I spot my sister sitting on the steps  waiting for me to come out which causes me to freeze. I attempt to go around without being spotted but am stopped short when she turns around and we lock eyes, her eyes dark and fixed into a glare as we stare at each other. There have been very few times when I've seen my sister absolutely livid and the outcome had never been good for anybody around seeing as she had one heck of a temper, but this time she was coming after me. I hurry down the stairs and try to dodge Anna, attempting to run down the road, but she tackles me to the floor quickly exulting in us landing in a heap on the ground trying to gasp for air. "Dallas Tucker Winston, I know you know where Ponyboy and Johnny are and I want answers now" she growls angrily and I sigh before standing up and extending a hand to help my sister which she angrily smacks away. "Walk with me to the lot, i'll tell you once we get there" I reply while grabbing her arm gently and steer her down the street away from the jailhouse.  Annabelle looks at me expectantly as we make it not even half way down the road and I sigh knowing she wasn't going to let this go, " Their in Windrixville at the old church house" I whisper lighting up a smoke as my hands tremble."Johnny killed that soc last night, Bob nearly tried drowning Ponyboy and they came to see me at Buck's last night after it happened. They asked for help, the dang kids were freezing cold and soaked, I couldn't just turn them away. The fuzz hauled me in this morning to ask about them and they think they're in Texas" I half laugh yet stop as I see the look in Anna's eyes." Damn it Dally, do you have any idea how worried the gang is? Nobody but you knew where they are and it's taking a toll on us horribly" Anna says looking up at me, her green blue eyes shiny with tears that  threaten to fall before I engulf her in a hug. "Please take me to see them Dallas, I promise I won't tell anybody where we're going but I need to see them" my sister pleads into my chest through her tears and I nod in agreement while keeping her close. We head back to the Curtis house and everyone jumps as I walk through the door  behind Anna yet look disappointed when they realize Ponyboy and Johnny ain't with me .  I'm instantly grabbed by the collar of my leather jacket and slammed against the wall by Steve as he glares at me,"You are unbelievable! Where are they Dallas?" he barks, baring his teeth angrily as Twobit and Darry pull him off me  and set him down into a chair to cool down. Soda thrust a envelope in my hand and sits by Darry as they look at me sadly, " At least do us a favor Dally since you wont tell us where they are, give that to Pony for us please " He begs as Darry stays quiet and I nod agreeing before walking off into mine and Anna's room.

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