Soda finds love

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Nadine ' s p.o.v
I walked through the streets of Tulsa, Oklahoma trying to find my only brother Keith  Matthews or as many people like to call him "Two-bit" . I spot a little store at the end of the block and sprint there before I slow my stride and slip  through the door shutting it behind me, as the little bell above it jingles a soft chime. "Hey what can I do for you today?"       A voice from behind the counter questions before it's owner rises, and I lock eyes with a tall greasy haired boy  who shoots me a  smile . "Hi my names Nadine Matthews, I was just wondering if you knew anyone around here who goes by the name Two-Bit." I state as I glance at him from across the counter ."Yeah I know Two-Bit he's a good buddy of mine, I'm Sodapop or just Soda by the way" he replies as he extends his hand and his blue eyes gleam as I shake his hand. " Well do you think you could help me find him? He's my brother and its been a long time since I've seen him ." I ask quietly as I feel my eyes dampen with tears that I push back. Sodapop looks at me as he smiles softly before nodding, " sure I can take you to him theres no doubt that he's at my house right now" he states as he comes from around the counter , before he leads me outside. We begin the walk to his house as we exchange small talk while walking down the street before we're interrupted by a rather large clap of thunder as the sky lights up from a streak of lightning. Drops of rain start rapidly falling from the sky and Soda covers my head and shoulders with the beat up leather jacket he was wearing. "Here use this to stay dry , we wouldn't want you soaked from the rain before you see your brother" he says before we begin jogging down the street to get out of the rain. We stop on the sidewalk in front of a house and Sodapop smiles at me as he holds open the gate and gestures for me to walk through  it as he closes it behind us. As I slowly walk up the steps of the porch Soda grabs my arm gently, " so I know we just met and gotten to know each other on the walk here Nadine , but I just had to ask if you would like to go on a date sometime " he says softly in which I smile and agree. We approach the screen door and I immediately hear the sound of a familiar laugh that tugs at my heart and I recognize as my brother's laugh. I quietly open the door before crouching down behind Two-bit who sat on the floor in front of the television set and I ruffle his hair before he swiftly turns around and we come nose to nose. "Hiya Mickey " I laugh softly calling him by the nickname I've had for him since we were kids as he studies my features shocked before pulling me into a bone crushing hug. "Is it really you Nan?" Twobit questions as I feel his body shake with a sob and I nod  in response while I whisper reassurances into his ear and hold my embrace with my older brother refusing to let go

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