Just Visiting

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Dally's p.o.v
I watch as Annabelle sits down at the table as I place a plate of food in front of her offering a rare smile to her and she smiles back. I leave her eating in the kitchen as I grab Twobit and Darry as I tell them to keep Annabelle out of our room. I had an epic surprise for the gang and my baby sister and was gonna use my room to surprise them. I was gonna take everyone to New York for a week just for a visit cause I can see how homesick Anna gets sometimes. I set everything up and make sure its perfect before I walk out closing the door behind me. Another part of my plan was to surprise Annabelle with one of her best friends from back home named Vincent. I ran into him a couple nights back at Buck's cause he was in town visiting some family. I walk all the way to where I know he was staying and instantly let myself in. "Hey Vin you home ?" I holler as he pops his head through a doorway and smiles."Hey Dal is it time to go already " he questions as I nod and he grabs his stuff."Alright so here's the plan , I'm gonna sneak you into my room and you're gonna have to wait there for a bit until I can tell its time to surprise her , every one should be at the house already " I explain as Vincent listens contently. I walk up the porch steps and signal for Vincent to follow me as I view the room and thankfully no one is in the living room. I push Vincent in front of me all the way to my room before I shut the door quietly."Hey guys can you come here for a second" I yell and soon the whole gang is in front of me in the hall with my sister at the very front. I smile as I think about my plan and every one looks at me curiously. "Hey baby sis do me a favor and open our bedroom door for me there's a surprise for all of y'all in there but also one just for you. " I say as she looks at me confused before reaching for our doorknob and slowly opens the door

Annabelle's p.o.v
"Oh my god!!" I practically scream as I see my best friend standing there in front of me and I launch myself into his arms attacking him in a bear hug . "What are you doing here Vin? Oh my goodness its been so long " I say, happy tears slipping down my face as I cling to the one and only Vincent Grigori. The rest of the gang piles into the room and gasps as I see what the surprise is. A replica of the buildings back in New York cover the bed and floor as I glance at my older brother who smiles widely at me. "Wait a minute , Dally are we going back home ?" I question as part of me is ecstatic about going back but upset about possibly leaving this all behind. "Yea we're going back but not permanently, I've been saving up some money and decided that all of us should make a trip to New York for a week just to visit " he explains and I nod happily as everyone cheers. I hug Vincent again before I catch a glimpse of Twobits face and notice the look of jealousy he was giving us. I walk outside after grabbing a water from the fridge and sit down on the steps as Vincent plops down next to me . " So tell me Vin , how are things back home ?" I ask curiously as I sip on my water." Well Little Bit its just like how it was before you left but at the same time its more dangerous. " he replies and I smile at the use of his nickname for me. " I just can't believe I'm going back for a bit even if I'm just visiting. " I reply as I noticed Vincent had fallen silent. "I'm sorry about your parents Vin , Dally told me when it happened , how are you and your sister holding up ?" I question gently as he looks down." We're doing ok , some days are harder for me and Paisley than others are but we're good" he answers quietly and I nod. Dallas had told me about the car accident a couple weeks ago so I knew it was still hard on the Grigori siblings. "Hey where is Paisley any way ? Didn't you bring her with ?" I ask and he smiles slightly." No she wanted to stay with her friends while I drove down so I let her but boy won't she be excited when she sees you " he replies with a slight laugh . I hear the screen door creak open and turn to see Twobit in the doorway as I stand up and walk over to him." Hey baby, what happened ?" I question as I notice him eyeing Vincent and his fists clench slightly. I grab his hands softly and slowly uncurl his fingers as I intertwine my fingers with his and he looks at me." Twobit listen I know you're jealous but he's nothing more than just a friend , I'm yours and only yours Mickey" I whisper in my boyfriend's ear as I feel him relax and I smile.

Twobits p.o.v
I kiss Annabelle's cheek softly and hold her against me as I smile. I couldn't be anymore thankful to be able to call this amazing girl mine. I know I shouldn't feel jealous that she's out here spending time with her old friend because I know she loves me and only me. I walk back into the house to grab my jacket and blade as I was about to head home to pack for this trip. "Hey Two where are you going ?" Anna asks as I step back onto the porch and I smile as I pull her into a hug." Don't worry baby doll I'm just going home to pack , I should be back in an hour" I reply and she nods before kissing me softly. I instinctively pull her closer to me not wanting to pull away as I feel her smile into the kiss and I smirk. She pushes me away slowly as she laughs softly,"alright seriously though go home and pack so you can hurry and be back here with me already " she says and I nod. I walk down the road to my run down house and immediately start tossing clothes into a random bag and quickly finish. I double and triple check to make sure I have everything and decide to walk back to the Curtis house. As I walk, I sense someone behind me and sure enough a blue mustang pulls up next to me. 3 socs get out and I tense slightly as I keep walking yet am soon tackled to the ground from behind. I try to fight back and am doing a pretty good job on my own before I get slugged over the head a few times. They soon get off me satisfied with my injuries and drive off as I slowly get up and walk the rest of the way back to the house. Its just gotten dark when I walk up the steps and through the door and every one freezes once they've seen me.  Annabelle drops the glass she was holding onto the floor and rushes over to me as well as Darry as I'm soon pushed onto the couch. Darry checks over my body which is already bruised and Anna punches the wall hard before rushing out the door.  I sit up to go after her yet Dally pushes me back down and shakes his head. "Don't worry about it Twobit, I got her, she's just mad." Dally explains and I lay back down with a soft groan.

Dally's p.o.v
I grab Vincent and we run out of the house chasing after Annabelle. We chase her all the way to the park and Vincent immediately grabs her around the waist. She beats at his chest as a string of curse words fill the air and I grab Anna instead. She sobs hard into my chest and I tighten my grip on her." Shhh little one, its ok I promise I will make them pay in everyway possible for hurting him " I whisper and she nods clinging to me.  We all walk back home and walk in to see everyone packed and asleep on the floor since we were leaving in the morning. Twobit is passed out on the couch and Annabelle walks over before she places a kiss on his cheek and runs a hand through his hair. I walk to our bedroom and make sure everything is ready for the trip. After I am satisfied with everything, I flop down on the bed and watch as Anna's dog hops up on the bed with me. Roscoe was gonna have to come with us since I knew Annabelle didn't want to leave him with some other person. I set him in his crate and make sure he's comfy before Anna walks in with a glass of water. She sets it on the table before picking up roscoe as she cuddles him close. She soon puts him back in the crate and climbs onto the bed.  I kiss her forehead softly ," get some sleep little sister , we'll be back home by tomorrow night " I whisper tiredly and she nods before I finally fall asleep. 

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