A Meal fit for A Greaser

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Nadine's p.o.v
    After a long trip to the grocery store, Belles and I have gathered everything we needed to make a big pan of meatloaf with mashed potatoes, greens,and salad along with chocolate cake for dessert. We begin prepping the food before Anna walks over to the radio and switches it on, music flooding the little kitchen in return, as she begins to dance towards me with a smile in which I join her out of fun. We continue to dance around the kitchen as we prepare the meal before an ad comes on the radio, spoiling the fun and forcing us to return to our tasks. I mix the mashed potatoes steadily in a bowl before noticing Anna slip her fingers in the bowl to sneak a taste and I playfully smack her hand away." Annabelle Marie this is for dinner tonight,quit sneaking your hands into it " I demand playfully stamping my foot for exaggerated emphasis. She laughs triumphantly before I dip my finger into the bowl of cake mix and put a dot of it on her nose . We immediately put the finished food on the table before we face off against each other in the kitchen, slowly circling each other waiting for the other to make a move first . To no surprise, we soon end up in a food fight with the outcome being both of us as well as the kitchen being covered in flour and bits of food as we lay on the floor laughing hysterically. Before long, we hear the front door slam followed by multiple voices signaling that everyone in the house was now home from their long days out .

Annabelle's p.o.v
    The gang piles in through the door as me and Nadine get cleaned up and begin to set the table while they wash up before Darry walks into the kitchen and eyes the table suspiciously. "What's all this for y'all?" he asks with a small smile on his face as I set the last plate and fork on the table, "Nothing more than an appreciative gesture from me and Nadine to y'all" I reply while returning his smile. I stick two fingers in my mouth and whistle sharply as Nadine comes to stand beside me, " Alright it's dinnertime, come get it while it's still hot!" Nadine hollers as the boys run over each other trying to get to the table first. I sit in between my brother and Twobit as Nadine takes a seat across from me in between Soda and Steve and we smile before we turn our attention to Darry who stands at the head of the table.Grace is said and we begin to dig into the meal while it's still hot and earn praise for how well the meal came out from the gang." This is amazing, you two did such a good job" Pony says through a mouthful of food as Darry pops him upside the head playfully for talking with his mouth full and the gang agrees. I smile as Dally nudges me softly with a smirk on his face," Annabelle has always been real good in the kitchen, she learned from a real young age how to feed herself and me occasionally" He remarks as he ruffles my hair affectionately. I bump his shoulder in return as I eat silently while reminiscing on all the times our parents weren't around and left Dal and I to fend for ourselves when it came to food. My brother really did try to cook for the both of us growing up, seeing as he was older, but after about a week of burnt food and ruined pans he threw in the towel leaving it to me. Everyone eats surprisingly in silence, which is rare for this group, and I feel Twobit intertwine our fingers together under the table which earns a smile from me as I glance at him. " Alright since me and Anna prepared and cooked supper y'all boys get to wash,dry, and put up the dishes " Nadine says gleefully as she pulls me away from Twobit and into the living room. I gather Roscoe and his toys from his crate in my room before carrying him to the living room and sitting on the floor with Nadine who rolls a tennis ball on the floor between us for him to chase. Before long the game is still going on between Nadine and my pup as I lay lazily on the floor listening to the boys talk in the kitchen before seeing Sodapop walk in quietly and soaking wet as he gestures for me to stay quiet. as we hear the boys collectively groan. I watch in amusement as he picks her up from behind and swings her around the living room laughing hysterically while she playfully protests against his actions which just causes him to swing her more. Twobit is next to emerge from the kitchen and he plops down in front of me to rest his head in my lap , making sure I'm comfortable, before he closes his eyes contently as my fingers rake through his hair slowly. "Are y'all finally finished in there?" I question as I reach over and switch the tv on yet the boys both shake their heads in disagreement and smile brightly at me. "I owe Pony 5 bucks for finishing for me and Twobit here owes Steve 3 games of cards " Soda says as he playfully kicks Twobit in the side who gasps jokingly while pretending to be hurt. We sit in silence with only the tv on for a while as I fiddle with my ring mindlessly while watching Mickey before Dally comes in the room. He spots me and pulls me up from the floor which causes Twobit's head to drop out of my lap and onto the floor before he wordlessly pulls me out of the house and down the road. "Dallas Tucker, where are you taking me ?" I question yet get no response from Dal as we arrive at the DX and he gestures for me to climb up the ladder Nadine and I had climbed up not too long ago. As soon as I get to the top, I gasp practically breathless as I look at the setting sun in front of me that has began to turn the sky into a sea of pastel colors while Dally plops down next to me. I lean my head against his shoulder as we watch the clouds swim across the swirls of color as the sun begins to sink lower with the sky slowly darkening in response. "You know Ponyboy is always talking about these sunsets and I've never paid too much attention. But man just to see how the colors mix in the sky together , is something truly beautiful" Dally says softly as I smile before kissing his cheek softly." Everyone has their own special way of describing the sunset and the fact that you realize that now Dal is something amazing" I reply as he ruffles my hair and pulls me into a tight hug. Soon it gets too dark to see and we decide it's finally time to walk back home, chatting quietly as we walk side by side , before we arrive and Dally holds the gate open for me. "Thank you so much for always talking about sunsets Pony, Dally here has finally opened his eyes and appreciates them just as much as we do" I laugh as he hugs back and I sit among the rest of the gang quietly just enjoying the peacefulness of their company .

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