Happy little suprises

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Belle's p.o.v
A few days after we got home from New York , I had begun to get sick at the most random moments. Just the other day I was helping Darry make breakfast for the gang and the combined smells just didn't do good with my stomach. I couldn't deny that me and Twobit had been intimate with each other which leads to a possibility of me being pregnant. I walk down the hall , worriedly, towards the living room looking for Nadine. I knew I would need her help with this situation cause I couldn't go to any of the other boys without them with ratting me out to Dally or Twobit. I find Nadine in the kitchen with Ponyboy and Steve and immediately grab her by the arm before hurriedly pulling her to my room . I lock the door behind us before taking a deep breath trying to center myself. " Annabelle , are you ok ? What's going on ? Do I need to get my brother ?" Nadine asks worriedly and I shake my head quickly." No no no , don't get Twobit, I'm ok but I need your help like really bad " I plead quietly as I sit next to my best friend on the floor." Sure you know I'm here for you anytime , what's going on?" she says while looking at me expectantly." I think I may be pregnant" I say quietly not quite meeting her eye. Nadine hops up quickly in shock , her eyes wide as she stares down at me." You're serious? You're not just playing with me right ?" Nadine asks making sure to keep her voice low as I glance at the door." Yes I'm being serious, I need your help making sure though, I need you to run to the drugstore and get me some pregnancy tests please" I plead with her quietly since we both know I would just raise suspicion with the boys." Of course I'll go right now just wait here " Nadine assures me and I nod before climbing into my bed as she leaves.

Nadine's p.o.v
I hurriedly walk out of the house without running into any of the boys. Soda and Steve were at the DX which was probably gonna be a problem because in order to get to the drugstore you have to pass the DX. I planned on trying to avoid contact with either of them on the way home. There was just no possible way I could explain to my boyfriend and his best friend why I had pregnancy tests. I finally arrive at the local drugstore and grab a total of 4 pregnancy tests for Anna just so we have more than one test giving us a result. I pay for the tests while pretending not to see the clerk's look of suspicion. As I get closer to the DX , I begin getting anxious as  I clutch the bag closer to me. I arrive at the DX  and luckily for me, a swarm of girls surround both boys as they try to work and entertain at the same time. I hurry past them without detection and soon arrive back at the Curtis house. I peek my head in the door and don't see anybody hanging around the living room or kitchen. I practically run to Annabelle's room and slam the door behind me before locking it. Annabelle sits up in the bed hurriedly as she looks at me expectantly." Here I got you 4 of them just so we can make sure they are all the same answer " I say quietly handing her the bag and she nods." Alright well I never thought I would say this but let's go take some pregnancy tests" Anna says giggling softly. We walk out of her room and she hurriedly goes into the bathroom before shutting the door and I camp outside the door , keeping watch.

Annabelle's p.o.v
I quickly take the tests before letting Nadine in as we sit on the edge of the bathtub, waiting for the results. "Are you scared?" Nadine asks quietly as I try to calm the shaking in my hands." I guess so, I think I'm scared of being a mom at 17 , I'm scared of Twobit's reaction , and I'm definitely terrified of Dallas's reaction" I reply." Well it's been 7 minutes , should we check them?" Nadine asks and I nod quietly before taking a deep breath. I grab 2 tests and Nadine grabs the other two and we flip them over to see the results. All 4 pregnancy tests with positive results stare back at me and I let out a shaky laugh as tears come to my eyes." Oh my goodness , I'm actually pregnant" I exclaim quietly laughing as a smile spreads across my face and Nadine pulls me into a tight hug." I'm so so so excited for you Belle's " Nadine croons and I laugh softly." I already know how I'm gonna tell Twobit and the gang, since tomorrow is Twobits birthday I'm giving him one of these tests and writing him a letter as well" I say and she nods." Anna? You almost done in there? I gotta go like real bad" Steve says from the other side of the door and me and Nadine freeze. Nadine hurriedly grabs the tests off the counter and we hide them expertly where no one will like look." Um yea I'll be right out" I say as I turn on the sink and hear Steve walk down the hall. Me and Nadine quickly exit the bathroom and go sit in my room. I begin to write the letter as me and Nadine talk and before I know it , it's dark outside and Dally is coming in our room to go to bed. Nadine says a quick goodnight and leaves the room and I get ready for bed and Dally clears his throats to get my attention." Hey , umm, Steve mentioned to Soda that he had seen some empty pregnancy test boxes in the bathroom, is Nadine pregnant? Cause Soda is absolutely freaking out" Dally says and I tense up slightly." Dally I'm about to tell you something but you gotta promise not to get mad or freak out on me" I say holding out my pinky and he intertwines his with mine. "I found out today that I'm pregnant " I say in a rush of words and don't meet Dallas's eye as I stare at my bare-feet. Dal picks me up and squeezes me tight as his rich laughter fills my ears and I smile." So you're not mad at me or Two?" I ask and he shakes his head grinning." How could I be mad? My sweet little sister is gonna have a baby" he exclaims and I laugh softly." Please don't say nothing yet Dallas , you and Nadine are the only ones that know and I'm surprising Twobit tomorrow morning for his birthday" I tell him and he agrees quietly. We both go to bed although it's a struggle for me to stay asleep and I finally drift off. I wake up in the morning to the harsh sunlight coming through the window and Dally shaking my arm." It's practically noon little sister , we're about to open presents and Twobits asking for ya" Dallas tells me and I laugh quietly. Twobit always insisted on start his birthday off by opening his presents first. I roll out of bed and tug my hair up into a ponytail before changing clothes and walking down the hall with my present and letter wrapped." Good morning my gorgeous sleepyhead" Twibir teases and I smile before planting a kiss on his cheek softly." Morning my love , happy birthday" I say softly as he smiles and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me to him." Do you have something for me?" He says softly while reaching for the wrapped gifts in my hand." Save mine for last please" I whisper in his ear as I pull the gifts away from his reach and he nods." Alright you two, break it up so we can start" Sodapop  says while sitting next to us and I smile as Nadine sits beside me. I tune out everyone and before I know it Twobit is gently prying the gifts out of my hands and I grab onto Nadines hand as I squeeze it slightly, anxiety consuming me. Twobit reads the letter first and I watch as his features grow into something more serious and he glances at me as he finishes reading. I nod at the box in his lap and notice his hands shaking slightly as he untied the ribbon I placed on top. He takes off the lid slowly and I hold my breath as he looks inside and lets out a shaky breath as his eyes fill with tears." You're pregnant?" He says with a half sob/half laugh to follow and everyone other than Nadine and Dally gasps." I found out yesterday, I took a couple of tests and they all came back positive but I haven't been to the doc yet" I say quietly as I wipe away a stray tear that was sliding down his cheek. Twobit pulls me into a tight hug as his body trembles while he happy cries into my shoulder and everyone congratulates us. " I promise I will always be there for the both of you" Twobit whispers as he places a hand softly on my belly and I smile." I know you will be baby no matter what cause now we made a little blessing together and that's the happiest of surprises" I say , smiling widely and Twobit kisses me in response. We focus on the gang and discuss what to do for Twobits birthday and I can't help but stare at the man who I am so blessed to be able to start a family with.

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