Mickey & Minnie

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Twobit's p.o.v
After a long day and night of catching Anna up to date on everything she's missed , I've realized how much I've truly missed her being around and the feelings that I had kept bottled up inside for her. It's the day after Annabelle came home from the hospital and so far everything has been going amazingly with her recovery. As I sit on the couch watching Mickey with Ponyboy and Johnny, Anna emerges from the spare room and takes a seat next to me after flashing me a smile that makes my heart jump. Dal walks in not too far behind his sister and ruffles her hair lovingly, ensuring that she's comfortable and not in too much pain before catching my stare that I hurriedly look away from until he gestures for me to follow him into the kitchen. I follow after him, anxious to hear what he has to say, as I lean against the counter waiting patiently for him to speak." I've noticed the way you're looking at her and I just have to ask you man. Do you have feelings for my sister?" He asks me in an eerily calm tone that causes me to tense before I give him an answer in the response of a nod as I wait for his reaction. Dally blows out a breath of air and rakes his fingers through his hair as I feel the tense energy coming from his body that causes me to become even more anxious until he slowly begins to smile."Well I'll be, I wouldn't have ever imagined that. I give you the permission to take her out but the second you mistreat her, I'm coming after you" he says threateningly and I raise my hands in innocence , hardly able to contain my smile. Soon after me and Dally finish our talk, I return to the living room shaking away all feelings of anxiety as I approach Annabelle and pull her up from the couch before heading outside. "What is it Two? What's going on?" Anna asks innocently and I smile while admiring her beauty and clear my throat. "Anna, it took me practically losing you to realize this and I've been waiting for you to wake up so I can say this, but I have feelings for you bad and would absolutely love it if you would do me the honor of being my girl" I say hurriedly and avoid looking at her until I realize she has a huge smile on her face that instantly calms my nerves. "Yes Twobit Matthews, I have feelings for you too and would love to be your girl" Annabelle replies excitedly and I wrap my arms around her body, spinning her around on the porch , before she laughs and places her head on my chest.

Belle's p.o.v
I stand with my head against Twobit's chest for a while longer, happily basking in the peace and joy that is held within the moment. "Seeing as you're awake now and officially my girl, there's somewhere I've been wanting to take you that I think you'd love" Two says quietly as to not disturb the moment and I grin at him overjoyed. "I'd love to go with you Twobit , just let me clear it with Dally and get ready" I reply in excitement as he agrees before I walk back inside in search of my older brother. It doesn't take much convincing for Dally to agree to let me go out after the many promises from both Twobit and I that I wouldn't overdo it and would be careful while away from the house. I change in record time into  a flowy, flowery dress and comb my greasy hair back to make sure I look presentable before meeting Two on the porch once again and he leads me to his car that waits on the street.

+Two Hours Later+

After driving for a while, we soon arrived at a gorgeous field filled with what seemed to be every type of flower imaginable and stretched for miles and miles on end. I get out of the car quickly and excitedly, taking in the beautiful scenery around me before turning back to look at Twobit, who is leaned against the car with a huge smile on his face. I make my way back towards him, filled with joy, as he picks me up and spins me around, before I place  a gentle kiss against his cheek. "So I take it you like your surprise huh darlin?" Twobit chuckles as I nod hurriedly, and he takes my hand in his before leading me down the rows of flowers. I happily grab flower after flower , showing them to Twobit and arranging them into a beautiful bouquet as I collect them all before the sun begins to slip out of the sky and we agree to head back home before it got any later in the day. Upon our arrival, Twobit holds open the gate for me and I hesitate on the porch which he obviously notices, "What is it gorgeous? Why did you stop" he asks and I shake my head nervously keeping an eye on the screen door after hearing the voices of the gang coming from inside."What will the rest of the gang think about us? What will we tell them? How do you think they'll react?" I ask frantically, my body trembling with anxiety before Twobit grabs my arms in an attempt to calm me down before placing a gentle hand under my chin so I can have eye contact with him. "It won't matter what they say or if they accept us , your brother already does and we're finally getting the happiness we deserve together" Twobit replies soothingly and I smile, feeling the anxiety disappearing from my body. Twobit opens the door and ushers me into the living room that is filled with life and laughter as the boys and Nadine are all engaged in a conversation that can barely be heard over the blaring tv that plays some random show.  Twobit grabs my hand and clears his throat to earn the attention of everybody as the tv gets turned down by someone in the room, "Hey everybody we got some news and it's that me and Anna are officially together now. We'd really appreciate it if you supported us and our relationship"Twobit remarks excitedly before everyone begins to swarm us shouting congratulations and well wishes that causes us to smile. I brush my hair out of my eyes before taking a seat on the couch in between Twobit and Sodapop who both wrap an arm around my shoulder and exchange smiles over my head before the events of the day begin to take a toll on my body and I drift off to sleep. I'm awakened by Darry who in my sleep filled state, tells me that Dally is in the kitchen wanting to talk to me so I hop up off the couch and make my way to find my brother. I enter the kitchen to find my brother sitting at the table with a piece of chocolate cake and he flashes me a smirk that I return while sitting across from him. "So did you have fun ms.ma'am?" Dallas asks and I laugh before stealing a bite of cake while nodding in agreement. "It definitely was sweet and romantic, neither of your strong suits Dal" I tease my brother playfully , chuckling as he pulls a face in regard to my response. "Well I'm glad you had a good time but now I think it's time you hop into bed" my brother says mocking a stern tone and I laugh at his attempt on parenting me, something he gave up on the more he realized I was too similar to him for my own good. I stand up from the table and stretch checking on my healing injuries before pecking Dally's cheek and making my way to the spare room and blissfully falling back asleep thankful for the day I was able to have.

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