New York

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Dally's p.o.v
Soda and I have been in New York for the past two weeks and surprisingly I managed to get business handled without stirring up any trouble. I've been feeling pretty homesick for not only Tulsa but my sister as well and I've noticed Soda feels the same way about his brothers and Nadine. The two of us have decided to cut the trip short and head back home early instead of staying the whole month like planned. Sodapop has sent and received a few letters home but hasn't told anyone about our early return, which makes the surprise even better as I can only imagine how excited my sister will be once I arrive back home to her. I stay mulling in my head as I lean against the side of the drugstore that I'm outside of before Soda taps me on the shoulder and hands me a smoke which I take graciously. " So whatcha wanna do Dal?" Soda asks while looking expectantly at me and I smirk in response, "Nothing legal man that's for sure '' I chuckle before flicking the burnt out cancer stick to the ground and standing up straight and fixing my jacket. We slowly make our way down the road peering into the windows of businesses as we pass by before slipping into a little diner on the corner for a bite to eat. We eat our meal in peace, ignoring the strange looks and stares we receive from other patrons in the diner who probably think we're up to no good , before paying for our meal and slipping out the door. The sun begins to sink slowly and paints the sky in shades of orange and yellow as we head back to an old friend of mine's house where we've been staying during our time in New York.

Soda's p.o.v
Me and Dally discuss our plans regarding the trip home and how we were planning on surprising everyone back home since they had no knowledge of our early return until we fell asleep. In the morning, we shower quickly and change clothes before thanking Dally's buddy for letting us stay with him while we pack the car up and start our long drive home. Dal drives and I sit in the passenger seat while we continue to talk about everyone's reaction once we arrive home and listen as the radio plays Elvis quietly in the background. I gotta get onto Dallas for speeding and not paying attention to the road about a million times before he finally agrees to let me drive and soon falls asleep in the passenger sweat leaving me alone with my thoughts. I can't believe that after two weeks we're finally headed back and I can't deny it when I say that I definitely have felt homesick for not only my home and brothers  but Nadine and the gang as well. Nadine and Anna weren't technically part of the gang yet because of one reason, everyone in the gang has a scar on their hand that may seem dumb but it bonds us together while showing our loyalty and trust to each other but they would soon go through the same process. I drive for a few more hours before finally pulling over and switching spots with Dally and drifting off to sleep , still unable to believe we were finally headed home. 

Ponyboy's p.o.v
About a week after Dally and Sodapop left for New York, Annabelle was hit by a blue mustang while walking home from the store. Twobit and Steve tracked down the car and found out it belonged to a group of socs who in turn got their heads stomped in by the guys after it was discovered they had been targeting Anna personally. Unfortunately, the impact of the car hitting Annabelle caused so much damage that she had to be put into a medical coma just to prevent any pain caused from her other multiple injuries. Darry has spent countless days and nights in the hospital with Annabelle just to keep an eye on her and give her some company since Dally hasn't been home to do it himself. It's been quiet in the house without Soda, Dally or Anna here and everyone has felt the weight of their absence which has casted a depressing mood over the house itself and everyone inside. We're all just waiting on the day that Soda and Dally get back from New York and  Anna wakes up so that everything can be somewhat right again.

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