Garry in: Bounty Hunting (Attempt 2)

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Cop 1: Mr. Stue. You're all good. We're dropping all charges.
Garry: Seriously?
Cop 2: Yeah, we checked the footage. Turns out it was just Koronova messing with you. And we can forget that whole glue gun thing. A friend of yours confirmed that it belongs to your house. As for the glue, it'll dry out, and it caught nothing.
Cop 1: Even then, someone wanted to pay your bail.
Garry: Who?
Cop 1: They're in the lobby.
Cop 2: Anyways, for your effort in catching Koronova, we'll give you the bounty anyways.

Record Scratch

In the present...

Seb: That didn't happen.
Garry: It did, Midget! You weren' there!
Mari: I'm doubting that. Still, who bailed you out- I mean, tried to bail you out?
Akari: Selina and I did.
Mari: Oh.
Seb: Anyways, the lie's blatant. If he actually had the money, where is it? It's been a day since that whole thing.
Garry: Shaddup, ya half-pint half wit! Anyways, I'm gettin that bounty later.

The others glance at each other, and stare at Garry.

Seb: Wait, what?
Akari: You really are a new class of idiot...
Selina: No offense, Garry, but, you got completely curb-stomped. Plus, what are you planning to do again? Use another glue trap against Koronova, who beat you, according to the footage description, while not touching the ground once?
Garry: Not true. I had her in a chokehold, and she did fall on her butt on the ground. I came close!
Seb: It all went wrong when you tried knocking her out. You hit your own head, and barely harmed her.
Akari: Besides, even if you opted for a rematch, you don't know what she has up her sleeve. According to you, she had some sort of floating power, alleviating the Glue Gun's threat entirely, emitted yellow gas, which, mind you, none of us know the capabilities of, and seems to know a ton about fighting. What made you think that Glue Gun would be useful after seeing that?
Garry: And that's not counting the fact that she caught me by surprise.
Selina: Let me put this in a way you can understand. You going against Koronova like that is like fitting wheels on a tomato.
Garry: Meaning?
Selina: Futile. Absolutely futile.
Mari: Like trying to use an eraser on a marker.
Akari: Or a baby comprehending String Theory.
Garry: What about tha-
Akari: A non-fictional baby.

Akari just glances off to a wall for some reason, rubbing her shoulder. Seb does the same glance, and both just turn back to their friends.

Garry: Oh, shut up!

Akari: 10 bucks says he comes back with broken knees.
Selina: You're on.

The duo watched Garry storm off, more than likely to get back on Koronova's trail.

Garry: Damn, stupid, stupid, STEW-PID Succubus. What does she know- EACKACH!

Garry's head is turned to stone in what seemed to be retribution. Due to the imbalance in weight resulting, he falls over.

Seb: What? Y- huh?! You can do that?!
Selina: You don't know everything about me. Besides, that's a very, very old spell. You see...

Meanwhile, Garry removes his stoned head, to regrow a new one.

Garry: Jerk@$$.
Some time later, at a mall's Hunting Shop...

Garry: You got any Thermal Detectors?
Cashier: Nope.
Garry: What about Night Vision scopes?
Cashier: Sold the last one.
Garry: Dammit!

Garry slammed his fist on the counter, causing the register to somehow open.

Garry: My bad.
Cashier: This ain't a hol' up, is it?
Garry: No, nononono-

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