~~~Chapter 23: Voices~~~

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Almost a month later and everyone was revising like mad exams. 

They had found out that the mirror had been moved - presumably under the trapdoor.

Nyra had become this crazy nerd and was extremely annoying to Asha by forcing her to revise with her. 

To make it worse Asha had found that potions and charms were problems according to Nyra. 
"You will never pass if you don't study NOW."

"You should have learnt this months ago..."
It felt as if she would not be able to do anything else with Nyra stressing over exams.

To make things worse Harry had been even more illusive when it came to her. Ever since he realised that she and Nyra were onto whatever thing they knew about, he was taking extra precaution to avoid talking to her about much. Nyra complained saying he's being overprotective and Asha had to agree that Nyra had a point.

Then a couple weeks later Ron suddenly became sick and Nyra was telling her that there was a rumour about a dragon.
Asha asked Hermione about this but she told her it was nothing big before asking why she wasn't asking Harry. Of course that was because of how he was trying to keep Asha out of his activities so she didn't even bother. 

Asha and Nyra both even guiltily smirked when Harry lost 150 points for Gryffindor. Asha knew how it hurt to be an unpopular person in her house but after Harry excluding her. Asha was conflicted on whether he deserved it - unlike Nyra's much harsher point of view, she still cared for Harry. 


That cycle of revision and exclusion seemed to continue forever until one day, whilst revising in the Slytherin common room - or at least in the very far corner behind some chairs to hide them - a boy came up to them. 

"Got your brother in heaps of trouble a week ago." The smug voice of Draco Malfoy said proudly.
"Already told Gordon! He said I'm now his favourite!" 

Asha stood up immediately and turned to face Draco. He was annoyingly taller than Asha by quite a bit causing her to have to look up to him. 
"You did what?"

"You heard! Merlin would have laughed at their bloody expressions when McGonagall caught them - thanks to my heroics." Draco laughed. 

Nyra saw Asha's hands ball up into a fist - and being aware of these two's past, immediately grabbed her wrists to restrain her from anything that could cause her to get in trouble. 

"What's this? Anger I see from you?" Draco smirked, "I thought you said I couldn't get under your skin or something before." His voice mimicked Asha's as he did a horrible impersonation of her.

Asha realised this and attempted to calm down but then he said stuff that caused a voice inside her to come out. 
"Gordon said his parents don't love you. Apparently they would prefer me - like who even loves you?" Draco had an unbearable smirk on his face as he said it, "C'mon, give me an answer, I'm waitingggg..."

After a second of silence Nyra whispered, "Harry does" to her. 

Draco heard this and fake laughed. He's clearly trying something...
"From what I've heard, you've been left out of his games recently." His face then went extremely sorrowful, "Maybe he is finally sick of you?"

Asha shrugged off Nyra's grip suddenly causing Nyra to panic slightly. 
"Calm down.. Asha.. He's lying." She whispered into her ears gently. 

Asha was now shaking - not out of fear but something else. 
"B-but he's right.. Isn't he." Was all she said back. 

The ABUSED twin... - Asha Potter - Harry Potter OCWhere stories live. Discover now