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Lando's POV

"Is Charles coming too?" I asked. Max and I were having our usual guys night.
Which mostly was just playing videogames.

"Charles? No" Max said. "Didn't invite him"

"Good" I mumbled.

"Mate, you should really get over that" Max said with half a chuckle. "You'll never be the only one who saw her naked"

Well - one of them is dead and the other is dating the girl Julian is desperately in love with.

"It's not that" I lied. "He's just being annoying" not a lie.

I couldn't see but I bet Max rolled his eyes at that.

"You have it easy, Kelly would marry you the same day you ask her" I sighed. "My girl doesn't even want me to ask her"

"Because she wants her brother to be there, is that so weird?" Max turned his head to me. "She literally has no one else"

It was the first time he actually defended her about that. He never took sides.

"Yeah I get it" I paused the game, leaning back on the couch. "But what do you expect me to do?"

"I don't know mate - you are the one that wants to marry in the Hayes family" he shrugged, unpausing the game again.

"What are your plans for Christmas by the way?" Max asked.

"Spending time with my family" I mumbled.

He nodded. "And Nova?"

"Yeah she's coming with me"

"Cute, don't forget the di-" Max paused the game again and looked at me. "Yeah yeah, I won't forget" I said as I unpaused the game.

"Jeez" Max definitely rolled his eyes now. "I think I'm gonna call Nova to come and pick you up because you need a nap"

"It's just annoying yeah?" I muttered. But he was right. I was acting like a toddler lately.

"Damn mate get over it" he paused the game again and looked at me, quite annoyed. "Okay we get it, she will not marry you, it's not the end of the world - she loves you okay?"

"Yeah I know that" this time it was me who was rolling my eyes.

"Then why are you so desperate to marry her?"

"Because I don't want her to be a Hayes anymore" I didn't even look at him when I admitted that.

Max just looked at me, frowning.

"I am constantly worried about her, I hate it"

"God mate, I'm constantly worried about Kelly too, it's just what relationships are like" he grabbed his controller again. "Besides, she has a whole gang protecting her, don't think you should be too worried about her"

"Right.." I said, unpausing the game. Maybe I was making a big thing about nothing.

Maybe Max was right. She loves me - it didn't matter that much that we weren't married. It wasn't that important.

But maybe I was also doing it because of something else.
I didn't want to lose her.

She looked bored most of the times. She never said it, tried to hide it as well, but I could just see it.

She wanted a normal life - she always said that. But does she still want that?

Unfortunately lately I wasn't so sure about it anymore.

Hooked - part 3Where stories live. Discover now