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Lando's POV

Nova went out with Piper, wanted some girls time with her so I let her. Guess she needed to gossip a little.

So, I went to see her brother. We could be going on double dates, if he finally got his shit together and just admitted that he likes Piper.

Julian, Adam and I were chilling in the living room, watching a game on the tv.

"Look at us, all having girlfriends and stuff" I said, obviously trying to get a reaction out of Julian.

Adam raised his eyebrow. "First of all, you have a wife and secondly, Julian is single as fuck"

"Yeah, flirting with that random girl at my wedding wasn't your smartest move" I looked at him, he just shrugged. "Wasn't really flirting"

"Your hand was in her panties" Adam pointed out. I quickly looked at Julian as well. "Were you fingering a random girl at my wedding?"

"No" Julian rolled his eyes. "My fingers slipped"

Adam and I both looked at each other. Maybe him and Piper were a lost cause after all.

"Piper and I had a talk though, a really good one" Julian said, not taking his eyes off the tv.

Maybe they weren't a lost cause after all.

"Yeah about what?" I asked, but before he could answer, my phone went off.

A number that I didn't recognized. Weird.

"Yeah hello?" I picked up the phone. And after that, the entire conversation was a blur.
I don't know what the voice said - don't know what I answered.

I put the phone on my lap and looked at Julian. Don't know why I looked at him, maybe because I was about to break his heart as well.

He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "What?"

I didn't answer.

He sat up a little more straight, he probably figured something happened. "What's wrong mate?"

"Som-something happened with Nova and Piper" I mumbled. My hand was shaking and so was my voice.

Julian immediately looked up. "What?"

"They got in a car accident" I looked at Adam and back at Julian.
I never saw him afraid before, but he was terrified right now.

And so was I.

"Let's go man" Julian nodded at me, he was already walking to the door. I got up so quickly and followed him.

I was happy he took his car because I don't think I could drive right now.

I just married Nova, she was the love of my life, I couldn't lose her. I just couldn't.

I looked at Julian, who was nervously tapping the steering wheel.
He had just as much to lose as I did, maybe even more.

Nova and Piper. His little sister and the love of his life.

He stopped in front of the hospital and parked his car. We both just looked at each other, not ready for what we were about to walk in to.

"They're gonna be alright" I said. Don't know who I was convincing more. Myself or Julian.

He nodded.

But I could see it on his face. He wasn't so sure that everything was gonna be fine.

And neither was I.

Hooked - part 3Where stories live. Discover now