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Guys night always started in Max's apartment, but definitely always ended in a club in Monaco.

Especially when we were in our off season.

Kelly and Nova were both out of the country, so it was definitely gonna be a good night.

"The same?" Max asked as he nodded at the bar. "Yeah mate, thanks" I said as I sat down in the booth.

And not long after, I spotted someone who I recognized. Couldn't really remember from where - I meet so many people.

"Lando?" He leaned on our table, "Yeah?"

"I am Adam. Don't know if you still remember me?" he said, sitting down with us. "Julian's and Nova's friend"

Right, of course I remember him.

He's also one of the reasons why Nova won't marry me but hey guess I have to forget about that because everyone thinks I'm a crying toddler.

"Are you...-" I looked around, trying to spot Julian. "Following us?"

He snorted, gesturing to the bartender to bring us drinks. "You guys always go to the same club, which by the way, is one of Julian's clubs"

A girl put down some drink on our table, brushing her hand on Adam's shoulder, but he ignored that.

"If someone wants to kill you, it's pretty damn easy" he looked at both Max and I.

"Should we be afraid of that or something?" I raised my eyebrow. Was he trying to threaten us?

He waved his hand with a smile. "Of course not" then he pointed at Max. "Except for you, you should stop winning all the races man, let someone else have a crack at it"

"Nova isn't here?" He asked, looking around. "No she's out of the country"

But I bet he knew that already.

"Look, it's cute that you took her to an art museum, but don't do that anymore - especially not in Italy" he put his elbows on the table and leaned closer.

I raised my eyebrow. "Why not? She loves art"

"It's dangerous for her, trust me" he leaned back in the booth.

"So what is this?" I said annoyed. "If I wanna take my girl to an art museum then I will"

"What is it with you guys and art museums?"

"She just..-" I lowered my voice. "get's horny from art"

Max and Adam both looked at each other. Confused, probably thinking the same thing.

Why the fuck did I tell them this?

Adam chuckled and took a sip from his drink. "I like you man"

He tapped the table with his fingers. "So, I'm gonna help you"

"What do you mean?"

"You ask Nova to marry you" he tilted his head. "And I will make sure Julian will be at the wedding"

"Well-" I was actually caught by surprise. "I actually wanted to ask her in an art museum"

He sighed and shook his head. "Man, you're not making this easy, guess you also want to ask her in Italy?"

I smiled, didn't need to answer that question.

"I will text you" he said as he was already getting up. "Good luck man"

Didn't even know he got my number, but I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.

"What the fuck was that?" Max asked, still looking at Adam as he was making his way back to the other side of the club.

I shrugged. Didn't really know what happened exactly, but it also didn't really matter.

"Guess the stars will finally look good" I smiled at him.

Hooked - part 3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ