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Piper's POV

I don't know why I said yes to the New Year's Eve party at Julian's place.

I should've said no, didn't want to burn myself on Julian again.

It was so weird seeing him again - felt so good too. I don't know why, but I always felt safe with him.

Even if he was who he was.

I felt safest in his arms. His arm around my waist as we fell asleep together, me trailing the tattoos on his arm with my fingers.

It's still one of my favorite memories.

He always told me he couldn't love me, so he never, not even once, told me he loved me.

We were having a 'thing' for over a year. No, we weren't dating, not in his mind at least.
We were just having fun together.

So one day, I was just completely done, wanted him to quit that life and be with me.
I begged him to love me - pathetic I know.

And instead of telling me he loves me - he faked his own death.
Let me think he was dead for weeks.


I just couldn't do it anymore, no matter how much I loved him.

I was meeting Nova today, she asked me to come over to Lando's place just to hang out, but I knew she wanted to gossip.

I walked in Lando's house as Nova was guiding me to the living room. "Hot chocolate?" She asked excited.

"Uh-yeah that sounds amazing actually" I said as I sat down on the couch.
I grabbed one of the blankets that were laying on the couch and fuck-

Now I know why this couple is so obsessed with them.

Definitely have to convince Jul- Charles to buy them too.

Nova came back with two cups of hot chocolate and sat down next to me.

"So, how are you and Charles doing?" She asked, grabbing the other blanket and snuggled under it. "You should've told that you were alone on Christmas, I would've come to you"

"Yeah I know, that's why I didn't tell you" I smiled, holding the cup of hot chocolate. "You needed to spend time with your fiancé"

"Still so weird to hear that" she smiled, taking a sip from her hot chocolate.

"Did you start planning the wedding yet?" I asked, completely pulling the conversation away from Charles and I.

"No not yet, I actually don't want a big wedding at all"

I nodded, completely understanding what she was trying to say. "You don't need to have a big wedding, right?"

"You don't think Lando would mind?"

I chuckled. "Communication often helps with that"

"Yeah" she sighed. "I just- he waited so long for a wedding, I think he wants a big wedding"

"I think he just wants you to be happy Nova"

She nodded, sipped from her drink and looked at me again. "Anyways, I've picked out some cute dresses for us to wear to Julian's party"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah" she smiled. "You have to look cute for him right?"

I frowned. "For Julian?"

"No?" She frowned as well. "For Charles"

Oh, right.

Hooked - part 3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang